At the north gate of Tianhuo base, three hurricanes drove out of the base first. Then, three six barrel machine guns roared together and opened a path of blood among the corpses. Then, the missile launching port of the first hurricane opened, and the warheads of two surface to surface missiles were exposed. Then, they soared into the sky.

"Boom!" Because they landed almost at the same time, the two missiles only made one sound. Two mushroom clouds rose on both sides of Duan Lei's planned route to break through the encirclement, and all the zombies around the landing site were cleared immediately.

The missile attack of vehicle No.1 is not over yet. After the two surface to surface missiles were launched, the remaining two surface to air missiles also soared into the air. In front of the landing points of the two missiles just now, they carried out an extended attack. However, the distance between the two missiles is a little closer, because the target of the surface to air missile is an air target, so it is more powerful than the ground to air missile The surface to surface missiles are much weaker.

After launching all four missiles, hurricane No.1 began to charge forward. Because of Ouyang Feng in the car, the shooter of the car was the happiest, because his ammunition was almost infinite. At least, his six barrel machine gun was not used before he rushed out of the corpse group.

The six barrel machine gun on the hurricane is made of krypton alloy. It is said that it can shoot continuously for ten hours, and it will not affect the shooting because of the hot barrel.

Together, three hurricanes opened up a road paved with flesh and blood among the dense corpses. The guardians on the roof also began to shoot freely, but they all shot at their own rear, the zombies who were pouring towards the flesh and blood passage.

"Now, keep up!" Duan Lei cried out! At the same time, he made a gesture. Some intensifiers rushed out first, volunteered to be the pioneers, and with others taking the lead, the survivors began to crowd out of the Tianhuo base, and launched an impact towards their unknown future.

Maybe it was because the corpse group suffered a blow yesterday, even the mutant corpse king was killed, and the other corpse king had not fully taken over the influence of the corpse king, so ouyangfeng's breakthrough was very smooth. Before long, they advanced a little distance in the corpse group.

Because they just want to save people, and the survivors basically have no materials, so they all go to battle light. Especially now they are in the stage of escape. Even if they walk, the speed of the survivors is very fast, and they are not pulled down by the speed of the hurricane, and they are closely behind the hurricane.

By this time, all their troops had left the Tianhuo base. The last ones, except Duan Lei, Liu Qiang and Lu Feng, were Li Tianxiang, Chen slowly and other soldiers who had been guarding the city wall before. After the four missiles were launched, they had all evacuated the city wall and moved closer to the north gate. Then, they automatically took over the task after the break.

So far, the breakthrough team has been very smooth, and there has been no loss of personnel, because since they came out, even those ordinary people know that they have no way out. They either rush out smoothly or die here, and there is no third way to go.

So, these people are now very cooperative, women and children in the middle, men on both sides, together with behind the hurricane, keep moving towards the periphery of the corpse group.

After ouyangfeng and all of them went out, the Tianhuo base began to be in chaos. Because all the guards on the city wall were evacuated, many strengthened zombies began to cross the wall and attack the survivors left behind.

At this time, the survivors who left behind began to regret. They did not expect that after those people left, the zombies could enter the base so quickly. They thought that they would continue to guard their lives.

Fortunately, now they are basically staying in the building. At the bottom, there are many intensifiers, staring at the zombies who try to smash the door and go in to enjoy the delicious food. However, they all know that it is only a matter of time before they die without the protection of the city wall.

So they began to curse, curse Ouyang Feng. They didn't tell themselves clearly, curse their inaction, even curse the Zombie's exuberant energy. But no one could think that their current ending was actually their own choice.

Looking at the Tianhuo base which has fallen into chaos, there is a strange smile in the corner of his mouth, which makes he Ming and Lao Qian around him feel a little creepy. After the scene in the morning, they no longer dare to underestimate this guy who only has the strength of the third-order reinforcer.

So now, they have unconsciously regarded the equation as the commander of the operation. Now, seeing the smile of the equation, they feel a little uneasy. Lao qian can't help but ask carefully:

"commander Fang! Can we go now? Or Wait until they're out? "

Now, the personnel of Lao Qian and he Ming forces have all gathered here, including the dead Li pangzi. His forces have now been incorporated by them. Dozens of cars have formed a motorcade and stopped behind the hurricane. Some intensifiers are distributed on both sides of the motorcade, constantly killing some strengthening zombies close to the motorcade.

"They go out? ha-ha! They Can you go out? " Standing on the roof of the hurricane, he looked at ouyangfeng with his telescope and said with a smile, "my gift hasn't been given to them yet.""Gifts?" Lao Qian and he Ming look at each other and feel a little puzzled. However, with their own actions, they tell them what they want to give ouyangfeng.

After that, the remaining two surface to air missiles of Hurricane No. 2 slowly exposed their warheads at the missile launching port of the hurricane and entered the launching state.

Lao Qian and he Ming look at each other again. Then they look at Ouyang Feng and others who are breaking through the siege. It is obvious that this is the gift that the equation prepared for them.

Lao Qian and he Ming frown at the same time. They are not worried about the fate of Ouyang Feng and others. How many people they will die has nothing to do with them. They just think about whether it is worth wasting two missiles for revenge. Moreover, they have a clearer understanding of the nature of the equation. After looking at each other again, they both learn from each other In my eyes, I see the other party's decision.

After going out, either kill this guy or stay with him all the time and become his enemy. It's definitely not a funny thing.

Just as the two ground-to-air missiles stood up and entered the launch preparations, Ouyang Feng, who rushed to the front of the team in the distance, seemed to have some reaction. He suddenly looked back at the sky fire base. From the time he rushed out of the sky fire base to now, he has not seen any variant zombies. Therefore, he has not personally dealt with them. These ordinary zombies and enhanced zombies are different It's his dish.

At the moment of looking back, Ouyang Feng immediately found the two missiles in the launching state, and looking at the direction of the two missiles, Ouyang Feng had no difficulty in knowing where the target of the missiles was

At this critical moment, Ouyang Feng didn't even think about it. He directly launched the power gale and swept toward the sky fire base like lightning. At the same time, he left perhaps the last sentence in his life: "no one should come and stay! Take these people back to hope base safely! Leizi! Tingting! Remember our ideals! "

Liu wanting suddenly turns back and looks at Ouyang Feng's back. All of a sudden, she feels a pain in her heart. It seems that she has lost something very important to her. Duan Lei also looks at Ouyang Feng's figure sweeping the sky fire base. However, he, who has always been keen in thinking, has not seen the two missiles that have entered the launching state in time, and has realized it What happened?

Duan Lei's heart sank. He knew that Ouyang Feng's rush back to Tianhuo base must be due to something wrong there, and there was only one possibility for Ouyang Feng to rush back regardless of everything, that is, a hurricane.

Even though Lu Feng once suggested that the missile of that hurricane should be removed, Duan Lei didn't agree, because he knew that if the missile was removed, the equation would certainly cause another wave, and he didn't want to make any more changes in his breakthrough plan because of this.

What Duan Lei left behind was car 2, which had only two relatively weak ground to air missiles. The two powerful ground to surface missiles had been released when he broke into the Skyfire base.

What Duan Lei thinks is that the equation is a person who cherishes his life. He will keep these two missiles to open up a way for himself when he breaks through the encirclement and increase his survival probability. This is also the reason why he is relieved to keep the missiles in the hurricane. However, he didn't expect that the equation used these two missiles directly in order to revenge himself for the flaws of the equation he ignored We're going to launch a missile against our own people.

Duan Lei's idea is actually biased. He doesn't even know the equation as well as Lu Feng. What he thinks is the equation. If he wants to take the remaining people away, he needs those two missiles to open the way for him. However, the equation only wants to leave by himself. Do the remaining survivors have anything to do with him?

If you don't support me crying, I will be responsible for your safety. I am me. As long as there are hurricanes, and there are two evolutors, Lao Qian and he Ming, together with those intensifiers, you can go out as much as you can. Other people, you can keep up with me. I will use you later. If you can't keep up with me, you will die!

With this in mind, the equation launched these two missiles. He wanted to retaliate, retaliate these people who lost their current status, and let them know that no matter how powerful they were, they were just the losers under his command. The target of his missile attack was exactly the location of the three hurricanes in the front. The equation knew that once these three cars were destroyed, they would be gone Duan Lei and others, who are moving forward, will only be drowned by the corpse tide in the end. He learned to kill people with a knife when he was very young. , the fastest update of the webnovel!