Hearing Duan Lei's words, he took out his certificate and threw it to Duan Lei's face: "look carefully! I am also a soldier, and my rank is higher than yours. According to the regulations of the army, in the event of losing the commander, the commander with the highest rank should be the commander. You must obey my orders

Duan Lei turned his head and let the certificate fall to the ground. Then he looked at the equation sadly: "you are wrong! You are not a soldier. The sacred profession of a soldier is not to admit it by yourself. You should remember the word "soldier" in your heart and engrave it on your bones. That is the real soldier. "

"Do you dare to say that you are a soldier when you are wearing military uniform, holding military rank, not performing your duties, never fulfilling your obligations, only exercising your own power, and always smashing other people's faces with your certificates? You don't deserve it! "

Duan Lei said in a loud voice, at last you don't deserve three words, as if a loud slap in the face, heavily pumping in the face of the equation.

Duan Lei squats down slowly and looks at the certificate of the equation on the ground. Then he takes it up and opens it. On it is a picture of the equation's naivety.

"Remember when you first put on this uniform, your ideal?" Duan Lei stood up and held his certificate in his hand, so that he could see his photos when he was young: "if you feel that you were still alive at that time, you can take back this certificate."

With that, Duan Lei throws his certificate at the foot of the equation. The equation looks down at the certificate, but does not pick it up immediately.

It's not because of Duan Lei's words that he didn't pick up his credentials. Originally, he joined the army, which is just a need of his family. In their family, there are no hot-blooded youths who join the army because of ideals, aspirations, patriotism and so on.

Because the education they got from childhood is for what kind of power they can take over and what kind of interests they can fight for for for their family when they grow up. Therefore, the equation is so eager for power, which has been deeply rooted in his heart since he was a child.

So Duan Lei's words basically have no effect on the equation.

Now I want to pick up this certificate, because if he doesn't pick it up, it will be a great blow to his own morale, because almost all the reinforcers behind him are soldiers

However, he was reluctant to squat down because, in the sunshine, the national emblem on the cover of the military certificate was shining golden, which made him dare not look directly at

Duan Lei's words are also heard by the reinforcers behind the equation. Most of them are third-order reinforcers, and there are a small number of second-order reinforcers. The second-order reinforcers were originally called by the equation to prepare for dealing with the guardian soldiers.

Duan Lei's words don't work for Cheng, but they are not equations. At the moment, they all hang their heads down. They also think of their experience of joining the army. They think of the time when they entered the army with all kinds of expectations for their own ideals.

When they first put on their military uniform and faced the flag, they made a sonorous and powerful oath, as well as a firm and unrepentant belief. At last, they suddenly found that the soldier of that year seemed to have died not long after the end of the world

Lao Qian, Li pangzi and he Ming look at each other. They suddenly find that the current situation seems to be extremely unfavorable to their own side. Although there are their people behind, most of them are soldiers.

Because soldiers, no matter what their heart is, are trained the same way. Their physique is superior to ordinary people, and their survival ability is naturally more outstanding. Therefore, most of these second-order and third-order intensifiers come from the troops who participated in the exercises at the beginning.

"Commander Fang!" Old money reminds a way: "decide quickly! In a moment... " Lao Qian means to hurry up if you want to do something, or let Duan Lei say a few words later, maybe even they will be ashamed to shame. Is this young lieutenant a political commissar?

Then he suddenly woke up. He looked at Duan Lei fiercely: "you can do it! If you can say more than I can, I'll do it with you. " Up to now, the equation is not ready to be installed any more. Anyway, the opposite one has seen it, and I'm tired of installing it myself.

He trampled on the certificate on the ground and then raised his foot to spit: "I don't want to be a soldier, I want to be a living person!"

After saying the declaration in his real heart, he waved his hand: "give it to Laozi, and consume them."

As soon as the voice of the equation fell, more than 20 people rushed out to Duan Lei. Before they reached Duan Lei, they all stopped. Only the one who ran first still rushed to Duan Lei.

Those who stopped because they rushed to half and found that the number of people was not right, didn't they say they were all on? Why are there only a few? So he stopped. The man who ran first might want to show off, and he couldn't see the people behind him. He stopped and rushed to Duan Lei with a punch.

Ouyang Feng's body flashed and appeared directly beside Duan Lei. He grabbed his fist with his hand, but he didn't continue to do it. Instead, he nuzui toward the guy's back, and then said: "man! Don't you look behind you? "The guy was stunned. Then he looked back and found that he was the only one who rushed to this side. Even the one who rushed half of the way retreated to both sides when he found that it was wrong. They didn't dare to go back, because they were all there.

The guy who found that he had become a lonely army suddenly turned pale and turned back quickly: "I'm sorry! I'm running in the wrong direction. "

Ouyang wind a smile, and then let go of the hand, the guy quickly said thank you, turned to find his "comrades in arms" to go.

Looking at everything in front of him, his face was so gloomy that he could almost drip water. Li pangzi also saw that it was not good. He quickly turned around and looked at the intensifiers. Yupao's eyes turned into light bulb eyes and yelled: "don't you give it to me? Do you want to die? "

"Shit He Ming and Lao Qian scolded them at the same time. This fool, is this the time to threaten them? Paralyzed, this fat man's head is full of shit, right? Especially the head with meat oil can be smarter than him!

Sure enough! As soon as Li pangzi's words came out, all those military fortifiers in the back stepped back to the gate of the emperor building, clearly indicating that they would not join the battle.

Now, the people who are standing here are basically soldiers, because the more than 20 intensifiers who are not soldiers have just rushed out like idiots. Then on the way, their IQ suddenly arrived, and they all stopped to adjust the right direction and ran to both sides to watch the battle.

"Shit! Kill them Li pangzi was very angry. He yelled and rushed to these people. However, he didn't have a long memory, so he didn't know to look at his back. He didn't move his equation, old money and he Ming. They all looked at him in disgust.

But they did not move, does not mean that others do not move, Li Tianxiang at this time, suddenly flashed in the way of Li fatty forward.

Li pangzi quickly stopped. At this time, he thought of looking back and found that he was standing in front of Li Tianxiang, and his sweat immediately came down. He was an evolutionist, right, but he was only a businessman before the end of his life. Because of his flattery and good luck, he became an evolutionist.

However, Li pangzi's combat effectiveness is the worst among the seven evolutionists in Tianhuo camp, and his power is quite wonderful, even shrinking bones.

In fact, the ability of shrinking bones is also quite good. If it appears in the killing of three small, which is similar to the assassin type evolutor, it's really against the sky. Originally, the body is small. After it is reduced by half, it can basically hide in any unexpected place, and then launch a fatal attack unexpectedly.

However, after Li pangzi's appearance of this power, which is extremely desired by the three little girls, it is not against heaven, but NIMA!

Because the effect of bone shrinking is to shrink the bones and muscles of the body at the same time, so that the volume of the initiator will shrink rapidly. In addition to being more conducive to hiding, it can also drill through some narrow space.

But it's normal to shrink the bone but not the fat. If the fat shrinks, can't the meat get a place to fly? And it's not easy to plug back when you recover!

Therefore, the effect of Li pangzi's power, bone shrinking, is that after launching, it is clear that Li pangzi is standing, but you look like he has laid down. In fact, it is also a disguise, disguised as a pile of meat.

Because the size is smaller, the fat will pile up on both sides, so this effect will appear. Generally speaking, when he can't find the sofa cushion, Li pangzi can activate his ability to guest star.

Because of this waste wood power, Li pangzi naturally became the bottom of the evolutionist's list, because the water industry would not really ask him to be a sofa cushion. Now he's up against Li Tianxiang, who is not the strongest, at least in the top three of the Tianhuo base. Of course, he immediately counseled him.

"Li Tianxiang! I'll tell you! " Li pangzi pointed to Li Tianxiang and said, "I don't fight you because I'm afraid of you. I can't fight you because I can't fight you!"

With that, Li turned around and ran, and his speed seemed to be not much slower than Ouyang Feng

Li Tianxiang didn't chase him. Instead, he quietly watched fat man Li run back. The reason why he came here was that behind him, there were many soldiers he had taken before, of course, they were also soldiers of equation

He had thought that as long as he could have a clear conscience when he died, he could face death peacefully like those guardians. However, after listening to Duan Lei's words, he felt that it was very difficult to put those four words on himself

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