After hearing Li pangzi's words, the equation and others around him are all black lines on their faces. The equation wants to strangle the teammate who looks like a pig in both body shape and intelligence.

"Yes Hu Yuhuan turned his eyes and quickly followed Li pangzi's words:

"originally, I told you that I would not go last night, but after thinking about it, I was still not at ease. In case the zombies started to attack the city because of my laziness, I would die, so I went to the commander Fang in the middle of the night to apply, and then I went, right? "Who is the commander?"

"Ah! yes! Lao Hu came to me in the middle of the night yesterday and said that he was still going to attack the zombies. I thought it was a matter of life and death for the base, so I let him go. "

Hu Yuhuan's question naturally has to be followed, especially Li pangzi's question. If he doesn't cooperate with Hu Yuhuan, it's hard to say what Hu Yuhuan can say, which may upset his overall plan.

"Lao Hu! You've been working hard all night. Go back and have a rest! " He said with concern.

"Nothing! I'm an evolutionist and I'm not hurt. It doesn't matter! " Hu Yuhuan finished and stood directly behind Li Tianxiang.

Hu Yuhuan's Words listen to people a black line, NIMA you met the variation corpse king, there are several variation zombies, this you can run back, not hurt? Damn it! Who do you think you are? However, Hu Yuhuan said that it is impossible to expose him.

Moreover, because Hu Yuhuan's appearance really confirmed the equation, the survivors in the square no longer doubt it. They are all praising the four evolutors behind the equation.

Equation looked back at Hu Yuhuan and saw that Hu Yuhuan looked calm. For a moment, he didn't know which side Hu Yuhuan was on. But now he didn't have time to think about it. He had to finish his plan first. Otherwise, Meng Fei would not be perfect if they appeared ahead of time.

"Everybody, listen to me!" The equation said to the microphone. Because of the words just now and the appearance of Hu Yuhuan, the survivors below seemed to have a better impression of the equation, so as soon as the words of the equation sounded, they soon quieted down.

"Everybody! I know that you have misunderstood some of us all the time. I can tell you that it was all deliberately provoked by some people. Originally, I didn't want to say it, because we are all human beings after all, fighting against zombies together. "

As the crowd quieted down, he continued to say:

"I don't want our internal conflicts to affect our war with zombies, and I don't want us humans to still fight each other in this situation. Our enemies are zombies, not ourselves!"

"But today, I have to say, because we have a great opportunity to get out of the current predicament, get out of the zombie circle, and no longer have to live in the shadow of the corpses every day. "

" that's why I have to wash away my grievances first, because I don't want you to die because you don't believe me because of some misunderstanding. I can be wronged and I can also bear the blame, but I absolutely can't let you lose your life because of my tolerance. "

"You! Is the greatest wealth of our Tianhuo base! "

Equation just said here, the survivors can't help but clap one after another. Soon, the whole square was full of applause.

What he said was impassioned and tearful. Even in the middle of it, he was already full of tears, and Li pangzi, who was standing behind him, almost believed it.

The applause became more and more intense, but the equation raised his hand and pressed down. He liked the applause and the atmosphere, but if he listened to it, maybe Meng Fei would come. He didn't say the most important thing.

"Yesterday! We have an army here. Although I haven't met them, I believe in them, because they are all soldiers, just like me. I believe they have never forgotten the oath of soldiers: serve the people wholeheartedly! "

As soon as this sentence came to an end, the survivors wanted to clap again, but they were quickly pressed down by the equation. They asked if NIMA could speak well? If I don't finish, it will be too late for those two guys to come.

"And the hope I just mentioned lies in them. The vehicles they are driving are military armored vehicles with missiles on them! The reason why we are trapped here is because we don't have heavy weapons and can't rush out a way to let all of us leave safely! "

"Maybe we reinforcers and evolutors can rush out, but as soldiers! I can never leave my people and run for my own life! "

"And now! I will not hesitate to live or die with this base, but also have to wait for the opportunity to finally come. The missiles on the car are the key to our life. I will tell those soldiers, let them use those missiles, and you go out! "

"But! What I didn't expect is that I was rejected by those two guys who have been slandering us to build up their own image as soon as I expressed my own ideas. You should know that I am a very democratic person. Since I have objections, I can't go my own way. ""And I know that they will find all kinds of excuses to incite everyone to oppose me. I can't watch you give up the chance to live. I'm going to expose them now. They are Meng Fei! And Li gu! "

"Boom!" Despite all the foreshadowing before, when Meng Fei and Li Gu were named by the equation, the crowd began to talk like a frying pan, and this time, even if the people arranged by the equation helped, it had little effect.

This is because Meng Fei and Li Gu have really helped a lot of ordinary people, and even saved a lot of ordinary people's lives. However, with their help and even the grace of saving lives, can these ordinary people always believe in them?

He did not panic. Instead, he called out again, "everyone, be quiet! Let me explain. "

The crowd quieted down again, waiting for the explanation of the equation.

"I know that the two of them have always been very good in your hearts. In fact, this is their strategy. Those who oppose my borrowing of those military missiles are the two of them, because their real idea is to let you stay here and be enslaved by them forever."

"What's even more vicious is that they are still two cannibals. We don't have much food in our base, especially raw meat. What they like most is fresh meat. Because they can't find animals, they kill people in the dark and then eat human flesh."

"That's why they always say that they will protect you if they want you to stay here. They just keep you as sheep or pigs. They are afraid that there will be no fresh meat to eat after they go out. Remember for yourself, are there often people who are inexplicably missing in our base?"

At this point, the equation stops again. He wants these people to think about it for themselves. Of course, there are often people missing in the base. He has personally created many such incidents. Moreover, those people have been eaten, just thrown out of the wall to feed the zombies.

Looking at the survivors below, it seems that they have a little faith, and it is estimated that the time is almost over. The equation goes on again:

"I know you still have doubts in your heart. I have sent someone to invite them. Later, I will confront them face to face, so that you can see their true features clearly."

"And! Most importantly, you think about it. Is it necessary for me to cheat you? What does it matter to me whether you go or not? No matter where I go after going out, it's better than waiting to die here, just! I still remember, I'm a soldier, I can't betray my original oath! "

Here, he stood at attention, saluted the crowd, and yelled to the microphone, "with all your heart! Serve the people! "

Put down the saluting arm, and cried out: "you! It's my people! "

There was another thunderous applause. Many of the survivors clapped desperately while tears streamed. Even those "Tuos" arranged by the equation had given up their responsibilities.

Because this man's acting skills are too damn good, basically there is nothing wrong with them.

As soon as Meng Fei and Li Gu Gang arrived at the square, they listened to the equation and said a word. Then they remembered the thunderous applause in the square. They were a little stunned.

"Here! What's going on here? "What's the matter with this kid?" Li Gu looked at the excited crowd in the square and asked in surprise.

"I don't know. Go and have a look!" Meng Fei frowned. He seemed to think something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong.

"Good! Here they are! Listen up When he saw Meng Fei and Li Gu, he quickly said a word to the microphone. Then he turned his head and looked at Li Gu and Meng Fei, who came over in surprise and frowned.

"Li gu! You come here The equation says to Li Gu. Li Gu somehow goes to the equation. Meng Fei is thinking about something. When he finds that the equation is called Li Gu, he doesn't feel right, but he has no time to hold Li Gu.

"Li gu! I want to ask you a few questions. In front of everyone, do you dare to answer me the truth? " He showed his hand another microphone to Li Gu.

Li Gu took over the microphone, but he used to knock. He tried his voice, and then looked up at the equation.

"Li gu! I only ask you four questions, please don't cheat everyone, answer truthfully! How about it? " Equation looked at Li Gu to ask again.

"What dare you do?" Li Gu is even more puzzling.

"Li gu! Come back first Meng Fei yelled, and then he wanted to step forward.

"Stop him! Don't let them talk He cheered. , the fastest update of the webnovel!