"All right! I'll talk about my opinions first. If you have any problems, we can discuss them later. " See no one to speak, the equation had to first say their own ideas, because how to say is their own initiative to find someone to come, the most embarrassing cold words or yourself.

"As we all know, the situation in our Tianhuo base is not optimistic. I'm responsible for it, but it's meaningless to investigate it now. The first thing we need to think about is our way out."

"I don't know if you are worried. Maybe even if the worst happens, all of you here should be sure to retreat and go out to find some remote places to hide, but all the ordinary people will die here."

"Every time I think of them, I feel very anxious! They all choose to follow us, thinking that we can protect their safety, but we can't do it now. We are really ashamed of this uniform! "

Equation a pair of distressed appearance, tone heavy said.

There are two evolutionists sitting on the soft sofa, but they still keep their waists straight. When they hear the last sentence of the equation, they turn their heads and glare at him, scolding in their hearts:

"it's like you are paralyzed. If you really think so, you will only kill one million of our 1.5 million survivors "Not even here?"

Just by looking at their sitting posture, the two men knew that they were both soldiers. Especially now, they can still keep this habit, which shows that they have not completely given up their identity.

Equation also felt their eyes, but he knew them well, so he didn't look at them, pretended not to know and continued:

"I've been thinking about how to save more people's lives in this terrible tide of corpses..."

"Commander Fang! I think we all know your attitude towards those people in our base. You'd better talk about the point directly! What are you going to do with those people? "

Seeing that the equation is still pretending to be compassionate, the white faced one in his thirties, who is one of the two soldiers, finally can't help but open his mouth. His voice is cold and interrupts the expression of the equation.

His words were interrupted, and his face was a little stiff, but then he returned to nature and said with a smile, "OK! Let me be direct. I think this time should be an opportunity for our base. As long as we can get the help of those soldiers, our base may be able to resolve this crisis. "

"There are more than 100 of them, and there are only a dozen evolutionists. Even if they are willing to help, there is no way to kill so many zombies, right?" Fish bubble did not look at the equation, lying down on the back of the sofa, looking up at the ceiling, asked his own question.

"I'm not looking at their people, I'm looking at their equipment." Equation seemed a little unhappy that his words had been interrupted repeatedly, but he explained patiently:

"you should know that before the end of the world, I was a lieutenant commander, at least in this room, my rank was the highest." Said here, the eyes of the equation intentionally or unintentionally looked at the two soldiers.

"Because of this, I know something that others don't know. There is a national strategic reserve base in the Heilong mountains. You should have heard from Tianxiang just now that their firepower is very strong."

"And when they killed the corpses, they didn't deliberately save ammunition, so I speculate that they may have found the reserve base, or even they may be the left behind soldiers in the reserve base."

Li Tianxiang did describe Ouyang Feng's battle with the corpse group in detail. As for the corpse group he led, he would not mention it. He just said that he went to check it after hearing the gunfire. As a result, he found Ouyang Feng and his party.

Hearing this, the six evolutionists finally got some interest, and they looked at the equation one after another, waiting for him.

The equation didn't sell the key, and immediately went on to say, "in terms of their weapon configuration and the vehicles they own, I think this is probably the biggest. Other than that, their six hurricane II vehicles can't be owned by themselves."

"Before the end of Hurricane II, it's true that some troops have been allocated, but no matter how elite the troops are, they will never have more than three vehicles. Li Gu and Meng Fei should know that, right?"

Here, I look at the two soldiers. The two names he just mentioned are exactly the names of the two soldiers.

Li Gu and Meng Fei nodded. Although they looked down on the equation, they didn't make trouble at this time.

Seeing two soldiers nodding, the other evolutors looked at the equation again.

"They can't be combined by two forces, and their numbers are not in line with each other. Eight or nine months have passed since the end of the world. How can they still have enough ammunition? Only one possibility is that they know how to get into that reserve base, and even, I suspect, their survival camp is there. "

"This kind of strategic reserve base will be extremely strong, and the entrances and exits will be very secret, which is very suitable for hiding. Although I don't know the scale of this reserve base in the Heilong mountains, even the lowest division level is enough to cope with the scene.""As long as the tanks, self-propelled guns and other heavy weapons inside are pulled over, no matter how many of these zombies there are, at least one passage will be cleared so that we can leave without any problem."

Hearing tanks and self-propelled guns, apart from the two soldiers, the eyes of other evolutors brightened, as if they saw something precious.

The two soldiers looked at each other and shook their heads slightly. They both saw the gravity in each other's eyes.

"I said Li Gu, Meng Fei! What riddles do you two play? Why are you shaking your head? Won't there be tanks and cannons in that reserve base? " This time, we are talking about an evolutionist who looks very old. He looks 50 years old. His thin body and wrinkled face make it impossible to connect him with the evolutionist.

"No! Old money Li Gu, a white skinned soldier in his thirties, explained: "it can be called a reserve base. The smallest one is also a division level one. Tanks and artillery are standard configuration. There must be some."

"That's right!" Another soldier with slender eyes and thin lips, who seemed to be a little feminine, said, "the problem is that we are now in the center of the city with lots of high-rise buildings. If we use those heavy weapons, it's easy to get hurt by mistake.

"Ho! It doesn't matter. As long as we can kill the corpses, the others can't control so much. " The old man waved his hand casually and didn't pay any attention to it. Even when the heavy weapons bombed the building, what happened?

The skills of intensifiers are not built. At most, those ordinary people will suffer. If the burden dies, they will die. They can save some food and watch them worry every day.

After listening to the explanation of the two soldiers, other evolutionists are also relieved at the same time. If that's all, they really have nothing to worry about.

When he saw the performance of the people, he was relieved. However, before he spoke, fish bubble eye asked again, "but that reserve base belongs to them. How can we let them give us weapons?"

"Well You need to cooperate with me. " The equation wrinkled and frowned. Some awkward words said that the heart was happy, but I never thought that the fat man would be very dislike. Awesome today, he just asked the idea.

"From the way they rescued the survivors in that camp, I can feel that they should not forget their identity. That is to say, they still regard themselves as soldiers. Since they are soldiers, they will take obedience as their bounden duty."

He looked at the people in front of him: "I'm going to invite them here. At that time, you need to cooperate with me, because I was a lieutenant commander before the end of my life, and my rank will definitely exceed their commander, and my certificate is still there. I should be able to give orders to them at that time."

"And there are so many ordinary people here, they will never give up these people. I will take rescuing these people as the reason, and I will certainly let them obediently pull the tanks and artillery from that reserve base to rescue us."

"Can't they give us tanks and cannons?" Fish bubble in the eyes of the light emitting greed, licked the fat lips asked.

"Fat Li, don't interrupt! Here's the tank. Can you drive? " The skinny old man, Lao Qian impolitely opened his mouth, then looked at the equation and asked, "in this case, how do we cooperate?"

The others nodded and looked at the equation.

"It's easy! First, when they come, you should behave better in front of them. In particular, you must make them clearly feel that I am the top leader of the base. Only in this way can they regard the base as managed by the military. "

The equation says the first requirement.

"Ha ha! It's no problem. If you don't say it's the same, commander Fang is the top commander of our Tianhuo base! " Fish bubble eye Li pangzi said with a ha ha, others also nodded.

"The second point is that before, in order to quickly enhance the strength of the base and make more people live, we used impatient means, which led to a lot of casualties. I hope this incident will not spread to those soldiers, otherwise, some changes may occur."

After hearing the equation, people's eyes fell on the two soldiers in the field one after another. No one else had a problem. Even if the equation didn't mention this, it was OK. Only Li Gu and Meng Fei, who might be a little worried.

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