What Li Tianxiang doesn't know is that these guardians may have special forces before the end of the world, but not all of them. The first reason why they can perform better than the special forces is that they are reinforcers, and their physical quality has surpassed the special soldiers before the end of the world.

Second, Li Tianxiang misunderstood them as special forces because they took part in the training of instructor Li Yingning and got the best results.

Who is Li Yingning? The leader of the secret stab brigade, in the special forces and mercenaries and even the killer world, who doesn't know this famous special forces team? The only special force with 100% mission completion rate, the only special force without any reduction, the only one

There are too many halos on their heads, and they are always mysterious. Li Yingning, as their team leader, will the people trained by them be poor? Instructor has always been a perfectionist, in training things will never have any water.

If you can't pass the training, the instructor would rather let you die on the training ground than let you go out to increase the enemy's performance.

When the plan changed, Li Tianxiang naturally didn't expose himself, but honestly monitored the camp of Tess in his hidden place. It was also Li Tianxiang's luck. Ouyang Feng didn't open his eyes to observe him in this direction, otherwise he might be exposed.

And when Duan Lei and others appeared one after another, Li Tianxiang naturally did not dare to come out, six hurricane type 2? In his memory, due to the scarcity of hurricanes, the configuration of any unit is basically no more than three, and the number of guardians has reached about 100.

And none of these people is worse than the previous guardians. What's more, there are Lu Feng and others. Although Li Tianxiang doesn't have the abnormal perception ability of Tess, he can see Duan Lei and others' attitude towards Ouyang Feng through the telescope.

Generally speaking, the enhancer and the evolutor are not familiar, and the enhancer will not talk to the evolutor at will, at least in Tianhuo base.

After he became an evolutionist, even the attitude of the equation towards himself has changed. He no longer snores at will as before. When he sees the equation, he doesn't have to salute any more. All this comes from people's awe and respect for the strong.

It's obvious that Duan Lei made some mistakes in his conjecture. In the current Tianhuo base, there is a third situation, that is, the equation is not an evolutor, but a third-order intensifier, but his subordinate Li Tianxiang is an evolutor.

Different from those camps outside, the equation is to build a super large base at the beginning of the end of the world, and then slowly expand outward while building a solid defense. Naturally, the equation, as a commander, rarely appears in a dangerous battlefield, and more often hides in a safe place for command.

In other camps, after the emergence of strongmen, they take over the management of the base smoothly, because it's easy to talk with big fists. However, these strongmen are usually the team leaders who go out to explore in the camp, and they often have to fight with zombies.

This is because the base of the equation was first established by the survivors who are mainly soldiers. These soldiers who are used to obeying orders naturally don't have so many ideas and only know how to obey orders, especially those ordinary soldiers.

However, at the beginning of the establishment of the base, there were only about 300000 people. These people were relatively easy to manage. Relying on their advantageous position in the city center, they gathered all the survivors around, so that the population of the Tianhuo base soon exceeded one million.

these new survivors, after settling down, soon had some other ideas, especially those who built camps before, so the equation itself did not go out to explore, but he pushed Eric Li out as his own line of vision.

That is to say, Li Tianxiang, who has been fighting outside, became the first evolutionist. After he became an evolutionist, the rule of equation in Tianhuo base has been stable for some time. However, with the emergence of several other evolutionists, some people in Tianhuo base began to make small moves again.

But the equation has nothing to do with these people's small private actions. The evolvers of Tianhuo base are different from those around Ouyang Feng. Although Lu Feng and others are seemingly free to joke with Ouyang Feng, they are always afraid to discount the tasks assigned to them by Ouyang Feng.

For example, the instructor stood on their head as soon as he arrived, and his position was higher than that of them. However, because this was the appointment of Ouyang Feng, none of these evolutionists dared to have other opinions.

The equation is different here. These evolutors begin to resist the command of the equation intentionally or unconsciously, and they are all cultivating their own power in secret. For those intensifiers below them, the equation can't be directly mobilized.

And the order of the equation is often agreed by them on the surface, and then deliberately find various excuses to delay, most of which are in the end.

Now the situation of Tianhuo base is a bit chaotic. On the surface, everyone belongs to the same base, but on the surface, many forces have emerged. If the whole Tianhuo base had not been surrounded by corpses, some people might have left with their own forces.Li Tianxiang came out to help the equation to attract people. Just as Duan Lei guessed, at the beginning, he didn't force Tess to go back, because he felt that a third-order intensifier had limited help for the equation. But after he went back, the equation asked him to come out again, and he must ask Tess to join his own side.

Li Tianxiang has no ambition, so although he knows the internal chaos of Tianhuo base well, he doesn't understand the key.

At present, there are six forces in Tianhuo base that can pose a threat to the equation, and each force has an evolutor, because after becoming an evolutor, these guys naturally don't want to be inferior to others, so they go to cultivate their own men one after another.

Fortunately, if any force has two evolutors, it is likely to break the delicate relationship among the various forces instantly, leading to the complete division of the Tianhuo base.

Since there is only one evolutor for each force, the key to victory in the event of conflict no longer depends on these evolutors, and even whether they will take action or not is a different matter.

The main battlefield naturally lies in the aggressors, especially the third-order aggressors. Whoever has more third-order aggressors will have more natural advantages.

The reason why the equation is still in the dominant position now is that he has drawn in third-order intensifiers. There are nearly 400 third-order intensifiers in Tianhuo base, of which more than 100 belong to the equation side.

The other six forces are almost the same. Each of them has about 50 level 3 fortifiers. Because Tianhuo base faces zombie siege every day, and the population base is large, the number of level 1 and level 2 fortifiers is also very large.

This is also the equation piled up with ordinary people's lives. Since they took control of the base, they gradually discovered the secret of zombie fortifier. After understanding the way of becoming a fortifier, especially seeing the amazing combat power of the fortifier, ordinary people have not been paid much attention to the equation.

He ordered that some fortifiers, with a large number of ordinary people, should take part in the defense of the city wall. The consequence of doing so is that a large number of ordinary people will die every day, and the advantage is that many fortifiers will be born, which is very important! It's the way equations quickly create intensifiers.

Tianhuo base has a ring of city walls, and the whole base is surrounded by the city walls. Although when building the city walls, we considered that zombies might grow, so we specially raised the city walls.

But the city wall can block ordinary zombies, but it can't resist those enhanced zombies. So every day, some enhanced zombies will raid the city wall and attack the defenders who attack the city wall.

Because of the huge population base, the number of zombies in Haqi city is far less than that in Heilong city. In the whole city, there is only one mutant zombie, but there are dozens of mutant zombies in Haqi City, and they have also found the mutant king.

At this time, a zombie is more terrible than the mutant zombie. At least, the mutant Zombie King can command the mutant zombie. If the mutant zombie is the general of the corpse tide, then the mutant Zombie King is the commander of the corpse tide.

What's more, the most troublesome thing is that the size of the mutant corpse king is similar to that of the ordinary wanderers, far less conspicuous than that of the mutant zombies. Therefore, it is difficult to find them among hundreds of thousands of corpses.

Fortunately, these mutant corpse kings don't seem to fit in well with each other. There are six mutant corpse kings and dozens of mutant zombies in the corpse tide surrounding the Tianhuo base, but they are not integrated. Instead, they are divided into six parts, which respectively surround the Tianhuo base.

These mutant corpse Kings also have mutual scruples. In order to attack Tianhuo camp, ordinary wanderers have little effect. They have to strengthen a large number of zombies, but no mutant corpse king is willing to send strengthened zombies to attack the city first.

That way, it may be able to capture the city wall of the sky fire base, open a way for the corpse tide to move forward, and then submerge the whole sky fire base. However, after losing a large number of enhanced zombies, this mutant corpse king is likely to be attacked by other mutant corpse kings and become the prey of the other side.

The mutant corpse king can still evolve, and other mutant corpse kings are the best source of their evolution. As long as they absorb the life energy of another mutant corpse king, this mutant corpse king may evolve into a higher level existence.

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