It is said that the commander of this army, whose name is Xi'an, is 27 years old. His rank is lieutenant colonel and his position is a battalion commander. He led his reconnaissance battalion to participate in this anti-terrorism drill. Unexpectedly, he encountered the last fire.

Although it is said that before the end of the world, he was able to climb to lieutenant colonel at the age of 27, and he was also the military chief of the absolutely elite troops such as the reconnaissance battalion, which means that this person should still have a certain background, but in this 100000 person team, he is still just a small military officer.

However, after the mutation, their reconnaissance battalion was one of the first troops to respond. Fortunately, there were 400 people in their battalion, and only more than 30 people had mutation. The probability was less than one tenth.

He should have seen a similar zombie movie, so when he saw those former comrades in arms lose their senses and start to attack everyone around him, he immediately ordered to kill all these soldiers.

Later, he led his soldiers and began to help the friendly forces around him. When he saw that many of them did not have the heart to kill their comrades, but tried to control them, he directly took out his gun and killed those soldiers who had been infected.

The practice of the equation undoubtedly aroused many people's dissatisfaction, but he did not explain too much, because in such a chaotic situation, the explanation has no effect. Only when the facts appear in front of them can they believe it.

The reconnaissance battalion of equation was originally the elite of the army. In addition, the organization was relatively complete, and all the soldiers were willing to follow equation, so equation quickly occupied a building with them, taking in other soldiers while killing those already crazy corpses.

Because it's an anti-terrorism drill, there are not many civilians in the whole financial street. They are basically white-collar workers working here and some media practitioners.

And they don't know whether they are soldiers or civilians. As long as they are willing to come, they will accept them. Only a little bit, injured people are not allowed to enter the building.

The equation is that if the bitten person is put into the building, if there is a mutation in the crowd, then their previous hard work will be in vain, and now they can't have time to identify the source of those wounds one by one, so they can only be treated equally.

Because of this, he also shot an injured Colonel himself. The colonel was bitten by his mutated comrades in arms and separated from his troops in the chaos. He saw that a defensive position had been set up at the gate of the building, and many soldiers were defending. So he came here with his two servicemen and wanted to seek shelter.

However, after seeing his wound, the equation directly refused his request. The flustered Colonel, relying on his rank higher than the equation, wanted to break in. Unexpectedly, without saying a word, the equation directly took out a pistol and made a hole in his head.

Then, looking at the two servicemen who wanted to fight back, he didn't hesitate. He shot them one by one and sent them down to accompany his officer.

After that, the equation simply issued an order, as long as it is injured to come here, will be shot, otherwise, even if let him also can't live, may also kill other people.

As more and more soldiers join in, the team of equation is growing from less than 400 to more than 3000. Seeing that there are so many people under his command, and that there are no zombies or survivors near the building, Fang Gancui orders to attack.

He divided the current staff into four teams, starting from the intersection in front of the right side of the building, and heading in four directions. The order of the equation is very simple. All the living people will be rescued, all the zombies will be killed, and all the wounded will be treated as zombies.

Because in addition to the team led by the equation, the other three teams are also led by the confidants under the equation. Therefore, the order of the equation is carried out thoroughly. Many survivors even died at the muzzle of these soldiers just because their clothes were stained with other people's blood.

However, it is also undeniable that although many people died unjustly in their hands, the number of people they saved is far more than this number, whether they are soldiers or civilians. However, because this is only a drill, most of the ammunition they brought is empty, and there are not many live ammunition.

When the bullets were empty, the guns in the hands of these soldiers basically lost their function. Fortunately, these soldiers have been fighting with zombies for a period of time, and their fear of zombies has been basically eliminated, so they have drawn out their spears and started to fight with zombies.

Under the command of the right equation, they quickly cleaned up the zombies in several blocks nearby. Only at this time, the end of the world has just begun, and no one knows that there is liquid in the brain of zombies that can make people strong, so the strengthening liquid of these zombies is wasted.

After occupying the block, the equation has become the actual commander of the remaining 40000 soldiers. Even if some of them have higher ranks than the equation, they did not stand up to seize power at this time.

At the beginning of the sky fire, he tried to contact his superiors, but soon found that their external contact methods were all out of order, and even the satellite phone couldn't get through.The walkie talkie can still be used, but the effective distance of this thing is only five kilometers. No matter how far away it is, you need to build a base station. Now how can you get this thing?

Looking at the soldiers in front of him, the equation pondered for a while, and then issued an order, the equation mixed the soldiers and civilians together, a group of soldiers with a group of civilians, and divided into two parts.

Some go into the area that has been cleared by them to search for the remains of the zombies and the survivors who are hiding in the building. The other part continues to expand their occupation area, search for all the materials that can be used, and give them to the civilians to move back.

The two tallest buildings in the Financial Street, the emperor building, were designated as their temporary headquarters by Fang Cheng. They are also the temporary shelter for all the survivors. All the materials collected from outside are also concentrated there for storage.

This is the decision made by equation referring to the plot of the zombie films that he had seen before. Looking at the corpses and bloodstains on the ground, equation knows that what he experienced this time is absolutely not a small matter, and almost every one of those zombie films points out that after this kind of event similar to biochemical crisis, the most important thing is food and drinking water.

Although in most cases, after such a time, the city will be destroyed by a missile, he has also thought about whether he wants to escape from the city with people, but now he is no longer in front of a reconnaissance battalion with only 400 people.

It's more than 40000 soldiers and 70000 civilians who run away with these people. How many people are left with them? When they know that they want to flee the city, will the officers who have joined up with their troops still obey their orders?

I dare say that if I say that I want to leave this city, someone will take the initiative and say that they are willing to take people to stay, and there will never be fewer people willing to stay, especially the civilians. After all, this is the place most familiar to the civilians, and their families may still be staying somewhere in this city.

In the end, the equation chose to stay. Judging from the huge scene when the sky fire came just now, the equation is sure that the sky fire attack is definitely not only in Haqi City, but also a global catastrophe.

If so, my previous concerns will not happen, and staying in this city has become the best choice.

Because they are in a good situation now. Some people have their own territory. The convenience stores, restaurants and supermarkets in the Financial Street will bring them the materials they need to survive in the future. Most importantly, it will become safe under his command. If they stay here all the time, their power will not be taken away.

They have just saved these people, whether directly or indirectly, the soldiers have a sense of honor. They will not immediately propose to divide up the power of their saviors. After a period of time, their power will be stable and will not be separated by them.

In the eyes of the equation, the world has begun to change. If you can control more than 100000 people when the world is just beginning to change, you can live longer in the world. Even for him, the end of the world is not a bad thing, but an opportunity.

An opportunity for him to surpass the previous one is to start his own plan with such a mind. He takes people to continue to expand their search and rescue scope and find more survivors who are still alive. At the same time, he lets people move all the materials he can see back to the emperor building.

In the emperor building, his deputy battalion commander is sitting there. His name is Li Tianxiang. He is a distant relative of himself. Although he has made a detour, he is the most trusted person in the army.

In fact, Li Tianxiang was promoted by himself. If he didn't work in secret, he might be able to work as a platoon leader at most, and he couldn't even get into the rank.

Of course, he knew the importance of these materials, so he arranged Li Tianxiang there. Taking advantage of no reaction from everyone now, he quickly grasped all the materials in his own hands. Later, even if they had any other ideas, they would never have to worry. , the fastest update of the webnovel!