Although he found the mutant beast, Ouyang Feng didn't have time to observe him. He even noticed the mutant beast with the light of his eyes, because his whole attention was on the two white lines that were attacking him.

When the white line is about to approach Ouyang Feng, Ouyang Feng suddenly throws the apocalypse out of his hand, throws it at the white line on the left, and then begins to approach the white line on the right.

Because it is in the water, so Ouyang wind action is quite slow, and because of the flow of the river, has been pushing him toward the direction of the mutant beast in front of him.

But that's a good thing, because this mutant beast can be long-range, but Ouyang Feng's bow and arrow's power in the water will be greatly reduced, and the shooting speed and accuracy will be greatly reduced. Coupled with the interference of water arrow, it's better to fight with it in close combat.

The apocalypse that flew out failed as Ouyang Feng expected. After all, he could only take back the apocalypse from the air, but he could not change its route. So the white line on the left changed its route and easily avoided the apocalypse and flew to Ouyang Feng again.

This is exactly what Ouyang Feng wanted, because the two white lines were sent out at the same time before, now because the direction of the left white line has changed into one before and one after, Ouyang Feng reached out to grab the right white line, as if he wanted to catch the white line.

This time, the white line didn't dodge, but still flew in accordance with the original route. When Ouyang Feng's hand was about to touch the white line, the Apocalypse appeared in his hand. The white line didn't even have a chance to react, so it was absorbed by the apocalypse.

Later, Ouyang Feng's body rolled, and the apocalypse in his hand drew a circle in the water, and the white line behind became the energy point of the apocalypse.

Without stopping, Ouyang Feng pushed his feet hard and hit the huge object in front of him like a shell.

Now Ouyang Feng really saw the mutant beast in front of him, with four feet, a head, and a tail behind it, but he couldn't see it. However, the thick mountain like crustacean on his body told Ouyang Feng that he was a turtle.

The whirlpool was spinning on the turtle's back, making the huge turtle look like a small whale.

Seeing Ouyang wind rushing towards him, the tortoise took his huge tortoise Well! Head! Yes, it is the head. It gently shakes its huge head, opens its big mouth and spits out a stream of water to Ouyang wind.

This time, it can't be a water arrow, because the diameter of the current is one meter. However, with the previous experience, Ouyang Feng is not surprised but happy, because the smaller the current is, the more difficult it is to hit. In addition, compared with such a thick current, the energy in it is also very huge.

Because the distance between ouyangfeng and the tortoise was very close, almost at the moment when the tortoise opened his mouth, the water was in front of ouyangfeng.

Ouyang Feng happily uses the Apocalypse to paddle towards the current. Unexpectedly, after approaching Ouyang Feng, the current is divided into ten channels, each with the thickness of the bowl mouth, winding towards Ouyang Feng from different directions.

Ouyang Feng was almost hit by a sudden accident. Fortunately, the strong wind effect of Ouyang Feng has not disappeared at the moment. Although the movement of the whole body is still very inflexible in the water, it has little effect on the movement of the limbs.

Ouyang Feng twists his body, while his right arm slides around him at a very fast speed, stabbing at the front of every current.

Ouyang Feng is right. The energy contained in this splitting water is really terrible. Even the Apocalypse can't absorb them all in an instant. Fortunately, as long as the Apocalypse starts to absorb them, it can firmly absorb those water on the apocalypse.

With Ouyang Feng's action, none of the ten water streams was left, and all of them converged at the apocalypse. Ouyang Feng swung the Apocalypse backward, and with the help of the reaction force of those water streams adsorbed on the apocalypse, directly rushed to the top of the turtle's head.

The tortoise obviously didn't understand why his attack didn't work at all. For a moment, he didn't react and stayed there staring. Ouyangfeng took this opportunity to stab the tortoise's big eyes like wheels with the apocalypse.

"Bo!" With a dull sound, Ouyang wind holding Apocalypse's arm almost all poked into the turtle's left eye.

The hard hit tortoise's head swung and made a dull sound of "understanding ~", as if to tell Ouyang Feng that he knew what was going on. With the sound, a large number of bubbles kept pouring out of the tortoise's mouth and drifting towards the water above.

Ouyang Feng is trying to stir the Apocalypse to the left and right, trying to cause more fatal injuries to the tortoise, but suddenly he sees that the tortoise's huge paw has been waved up and patted towards him.

Ouyang Feng was so surprised that he quickly tried to pull out his right arm. Unexpectedly, the tortoise closed his eyelids directly and caught Ouyang Feng's right arm, which made him unable to get away. Moreover, his strength was quite strong. If Ouyang Feng's body had not been strengthened when he became an evolutionist, maybe his right arm would have been cut off by the tortoise's eyelids.

Ouyang Feng saw that his arm couldn't be pulled out, but the tortoise's right claw was getting closer and closer to him. In a hurry, he took back the Apocalypse which had been stabbed into the tortoise's eyeball, called it out on his left hand, and then stabbed the tortoise's eyelid like lightning.The Apocalypse came in, and the tortoise's eyelids twitched unconsciously. At last, Ouyang Feng took advantage of the loose moment and pushed his feet on the tortoise's head, leaving the tortoise's giant claw.

Maybe it's because of the slow reaction after the injury. Even if Ouyang Feng left his head, the tortoise still stubbornly slapped his right paw on his head, and the main focus was his injured eye.

"I've got it!" The tortoise made a sound again, but maybe this time what it wanted to express was not "realized" but "wrong".

Before the tortoise, who had been photographed by himself because of "accidental injury", had come to the other side from the bottom of his head, Ouyang Feng had already inserted the Apocalypse into his perfect eye again when the tortoise's perfect eye saw Ouyang Feng.

Only this time, Ouyang Feng didn't send his arms in as he did last time. He just expanded the wound outside. Maybe the tortoise really realized this time Instead of slapping Ouyang Feng with his paws, he shook his head violently.

Ouyang Feng rises with the shaking of his head. The tortoise's power throws him out of the water. At the moment when he comes out of the water, Ouyang Feng suddenly sees many ropes running down the bridge, while the soldiers of the Guard Corps are preparing to go down the river along the ropes.

"Go back, no one is allowed to come down! It's an order Ouyang Feng roared at them.

"Look! It's the head! The head is still alive

"Ha ha ha ha! I knew the head wouldn't die. "

"That's it! Who is the head? How could you die? "

"Our heads are flying high ~"

"I'm a grass! That kid! How do you talk? "

"I'll go! This grandson can't talk, brothers beat him


Ouyang Feng fell into the water again. Before falling into the water, Ouyang Feng found that the vortex on the water had disappeared.

"Poop Ouyang Feng found that the blind tortoise was struggling, but obviously because of its huge size, it didn't seem to move so violently.

Close to the tortoise carefully, although the tortoise's movement seems not big, but the undercurrent still makes it difficult for Ouyang Feng to control his body at will.

While approaching the tortoise, Ouyang Feng is thinking about how to kill this terrible creature. It seems that Ouyang Feng has gained the upper hand in the battle with the tortoise, but the establishment of these advantages basically comes from apocalypse.

If there was no Apocalypse's ability to absorb biological energy, I'm afraid Ouyang wind would not be able to connect with this tortoise. It would have been broken by the splitting water.

Just now, when Ouyang Feng stabbed the tortoise in the eyes with apocalypse, apocalypse told him that it was not enough to kill the tortoise, because the wounds were not fatal to the tortoise.

If you can't cause fatal damage to a creature, the Apocalypse can't absorb its life energy. This is also a restriction of heaven and earth rules on the apocalypse. Otherwise, doesn't it mean that no matter how powerful a creature is, as long as it is cut by the apocalypse, it can be killed?

Ouyang Feng's headache now is that the tortoise is too big. With Tianqi's delicate figure, I'm afraid there is no way to cause fatal damage to it anywhere.

Apocalypse just let Ouyang Feng give up, because just now Apocalypse absorbed the life energy of this turtle, and knew that this turtle was a level 5 creature, which was definitely not what Ouyang Feng could kill.

Apocalypse was able to absorb the tortoise's life energy just now because the tortoise used this energy to attack ouyangfeng from a long range. Without its own energy, apocalypse was not polite.

But Ouyang Feng is not reconciled, think that a small water arrow is 250 energy points, if you kill this big guy, how much can you get? You know, the water arrow is just the turtle's means of attack.

Now that the base has been built, what ouyangfeng lacks most is the energy point. With the strengthening potion as a reward, are you afraid that those people will not fight for it?

With this mentality, Ouyang Feng decided to kill this guy. Isn't he a level 5 mutant beast? What's the big deal? I don't believe I can't kill you. I'll spend all my life with you. Let your blood dry. I'll see if you can't die? , the fastest update of the webnovel!