"Boss! It seems that there are really no zombies there! " About to arrive at the service area, the driver in his twenties yelled excitedly.

"What do you call a wool?" The one eyed dragon slapped the young man on the back of the head: "don't I have eyes?"

The young man shrunk his head and shut his mouth.

The one eyed dragon looked at Duan Lei and had some scruples in his eyes: "how many people are there in your camp."

"Not a lot!" Duan Lei said with a smile that there are only a few words in his heart.

The one eyed dragon who didn't get the exact number didn't ask any more. Instead, he asked someone to drive the car to the service area. Then he jumped out of the car, looked around, nodded and said, "it's clean."

The one eyed dragon means that all the corpses of zombies have been burned. Duan Lei laughs in his heart. He doesn't even kill them. Where are the corpses coming from? The zombies here just moved home, but there was no difference on their faces. He went to the one eyed dragon and said:

"you can take the materials here as much as you like, including the vehicles here. Anyway, we still have..."

Half said, Duan Lei quickly closed his mouth, subconsciously looked in the direction of Jiangwan Town, and then pretended to go to one side as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Duan Lei's look, the one eyed dragon moves in his heart and looks in the direction of Jiangwan Town. Duan Lei sees Duan Lei's move and comes over with a look of confusion.

"Brother Li! Now that my promise has been fulfilled, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first? " Duan Lei's eyes are wandering.

The one eye of the one eyed dragon took a deep look at Duan Lei, then turned around and suddenly clapped Duan Lei on the shoulder with laughter: "ha ha ha! of course! We have a good cooperation! Maybe I'll trouble you in the future! "

"Nothing! No trouble! No trouble! If you want to find me in the future, brother Li will go to Wu village. " Duan Lei said with a smile, then turned around and left.

When Duan Lei turns around, the one eyed dragon's face becomes very gloomy. He coldly watches Duan Lei run to a car, smash the door, start the car, and then leave the service area. It seems that some monster is chasing him behind him, and his direction is Jiangwan Town.

"Come here, you guys!" The one eyed dragon waved to several people. They were the leaders of several other camps. They were also intensifiers, including butcher and Hou Kun.

"What do you think of that boy?" Asked the one eyed dragon.

"Not bad! Very generous, let's just pretend! Ha ha A chubby middle-aged man said with a smile.

"Good shit! Have you ever thought that if they only have these materials, they would be so generous? " The one eyed dragon asked, hating iron but not steel.

"What do you mean?" Asked another skinny man with glasses.

"They must have more materials, and much more than that. Now we are just picking up things that people don't want. Thanks to you all, you are still in high spirits." The one eyed Dragon said darkly.

"Then why did you let the boy go? Catch him, find out where their supplies are hidden, and then go and rob them? " Thin some don't understand of say.

"Well! Just now, the boy let slip his words and looked at Jiangwan Town. I think his camp is over there in all probability, and the direction he left just now is over there. " The one eyed dragon pointed to Jiangwan Town.

"What are you waiting for? Go after it quickly? " The fat man who has just praised Duan Lei is good is in a hurry.

"Do you know how many of them are? Do you know what their strength is? Rush to die? " The fat man, as the one eyed Dragon said, stopped talking.

"There are not many of them! Only a few people. " Hou Kun spoke at this time.

"Do you know them?" The one eye of the one eyed dragon shines.

"Well! Their head is a very young guy. They came to our camp before and used bows and arrows. They are very accurate Hou Kun recalled: "that Lu Feng was not one of them before. I don't know why his camp didn't want to mix with them."

"In addition to Lu Feng and the guy who used the bow and arrow, there should be three other people. They are not intensifiers. Only Lu Feng and the guy are powerful. Now that Lu Feng is away, there should be only three or four people there."

"Are you sure?" Asked the one eyed dragon.

"Well! determine! At least I've only met a few people, two of whom are from our previous camp. " Hou Kun nodded.

"I think it should be about the same, you think! If there are many of them, why do they take so much trouble to exchange with us in that broken village where there is no defense! And why do they only want women and children that we think are cumbersome? "

"Yes! They are afraid to attract some powerful people. They can't control them. That's why they want some of us to be rubbish. "

"This also shows that they have a lot of resources, which can be given to the waste. Hou Kun and the guy who uses bow and arrow should be their strongest fighting power, so they just allocate one. You see, they don't even have hands to guard here.""Just now, I saw that some of the things here have been moved by people. It should be them. If there are many people, they can move all of them. There are many cars here, that is to say, they don't even have drivers."

"Didn't the butcher say that there were only four people and three cars going to their camp? It seems that there are not many of them. "

All the people were talking and analyzing. The one eyed dragon turned his eyes to think while listening. Finally, he looked at the direction of Jiangwan Town and sneered: "hum! Let's go and have a look! I'll leave four people here to watch, and all the others will follow me. "

"You want to watch this side?" A guy didn't know how to ask.

"Nonsense! Don't you want the resources here? What's wrong with waiyi? Grandma! What the hell is your pig brain The one eyed dragon knocked on the guy's head and said, "there's more! Let's get some big trucks to drive by. Don't see the goods can't be taken away at that time. "

When they left the service area, they were already a fleet of more than a dozen trucks. They galloped towards Jiangwan Town.

Duan Lei drives towards Jiangwan Town. As he drives, he looks at both sides and keeps in mind every branch road he sees. As he approaches Jiangwan Town, Duan Lei drives to the side of the road and gets out of the car. He picks up a stone and walks around the car, smashing all the lights except the two headlights.

After listening carefully to the news in front of him, Duan Lei got on the bus again, drove the car forward a little, then got off the bus to listen to the news, and drove on. Because he didn't really see the scale of zombies in Jiangwan Town, he couldn't figure out how many zombies there were.

When Duan Lei stops the car again, the roar of the car comes from behind. Duan Lei gets out of the car and looks back. A row of light beams are approaching in his own direction.

"Ha ha! I've been cheated. If you don't come, I'll have to work hard! " Duan Lei looked at the light pillars and said with a smile. Then he went back to the car, turned on the lights and drove forward.

Duan Lei carefully observes the front while driving. He knows that he has entered Jiangwan Town now, and may encounter a terrible tide of corpses at any time.

After driving for not a minute, the corpses appeared at the front of the car. Under the light of the car lights, Duan Lei, who is used to seeing the corpses, was also flustered. He quickly put on the brake to stop the car, then pulled out the pistol from his waist and shot at the corpses.

The clear gunfire broke the silence of the night, and also made the corpses who had already found Duan Lei more violent. They were flooding towards Duan Lei.

Duan Lei quickly put out the lights, turned the car around and galloped along the way.

"Boss! There's gunfire! Ah Yelled the young driver, then slapped him shut up.

"I'm not deaf! Want you to talk? Let's go! He found us and was firing warning shots at their men. " The crafty one eyed dragon instantly "guessed" Duan Lei's intention, and then Duan Lei's car lights went out, which confirmed his conjecture.

"Come on, come on! You'd better hurry up and drive towards the place where the lights were last on just now! Hum! Grandma, play with me! You are far from it The one eyed dragon laughs.

Duan Lei takes advantage of the faint starlight and his previous memory to return the car according to the original road. Behind him, there is a riot of corpses

At this time, the mutant zombie was very angry. He was a mutant Zombie King with a hundred thousand younger brothers. He was honest at home, training troops and setting up the battle. He didn't recruit anyone and didn't provoke anyone. Did anyone dare to come to his home and shoot himself?

It's a slap in the face, isn't it? Although our Zombie's face is a little ugly, it can't be said to beat? You don't have to watch it? Fortunately, the assassin's shooting skill is not so good, even those nerds on the outside are not hurt by him.

However, even if there was no zombie injured, this place had to be recovered, or it would be spread out later, and he could not afford to throw the zombie. Therefore, under the roar of the mutant zombie, all the nearly 100000 zombies around him rioted and rushed to the place where the gunfire sounded.

As the saying goes, there are tens of thousands of people, but now there are hundreds of thousands of zombies. Long distance observation and close contact are absolutely two feelings. Fortunately, it's night, and these zombies are behind Duan Lei. Otherwise, when there are so many zombies suddenly in front of a person, that person may be directly scared to death.

Duan Lei looks at the approaching light in front of him. He is a little anxious. According to his memory, there is still a distance from the first fork road. He must get there before the opposite team passes the fork road, otherwise he may not be able to walk.

Looking at the series of lights in front of him, Duan Lei turned his mind around, and a smile appeared on his face. He murmured: "I wish you were a 'smart man'. Then he turned on the headlights, stepped on the accelerator and rushed to the front motorcade

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