Ouyang Feng looked at the dagger and then burst out laughing: "ha ha ha! That little man dares me. Am I afraid? And this is for me to insert the heart, and it won't destroy my original plan. "

After that, Ouyang Feng's face became serious. He aimed the dagger at his heart, and then concentrated his mental strength.

After Ouyang Feng was bitten, he always had a plan. Instead of exploding his head like others, he was going to become a zombie. Because he had received spiritual training before, he wanted to see if he could keep his mind after becoming a zombie.

Before, there was a member of their team who was bitten and then hid it. Later, he became a zombie. After about five minutes, he didn't lose his mind. Since then, Ouyang Feng had this idea.

Now that it's the heart, it doesn't matter. After his death, he will still become a zombie. When Ouyang Feng is ready, he takes a deep breath, shows a smile on his face, and then stabs the dagger deeply into his chest.

A kind of tearing pain immediately came, this huge pain is not only in the heart, but quickly spread all over his body, Ouyang Fengqiang self-patience, efforts to keep himself awake.

At this time, the electronic synthesizer came again:

"Apocalypse entered the blood center and began to transform blood essence After the transformation of essence and blood, the ceremony of recognizing the Lord begins Congratulations on the success of Lord recognition! You become the second generation of Apocalypse hunter. The No.1 and No.2 candidates will be cancelled. Before the death of the Apocalypse hunter, other people will not be able to use the apocalypse. "

"Alien virus has been detected in the body of Apocalypse hunter. It is being cleaned up Clear up

"It has been detected that the hunter of apocalypse is suffering from trauma and is being treated It's over

"Too many impurities have been detected in the body of Apocalypse hunter, cleaning up Clean up

"Apocalypse Hunter reaches the fusion standard and begins to merge Integration is complete

"There are 13 energy consumption points and 18 remaining energy consumption points."


Ouyang Feng was dazed by this string of electronic sounds. He didn't react until the electronic sound disappeared - he didn't seem to be dead?

Looking down at his chest, his right hand still kept the posture of stabbing the dagger into his heart, but the dagger had disappeared, and there was no scar on his chest. Ouyang Feng suddenly saw that his body was all black and greasy, whether it was his hand or his chest.

Ouyang Feng quickly jumped up, and then found that his left leg consciousness has recovered, before his stabbed right leg is also completely good, casual activities of the body, sighed: "it seems that this Apocalypse or destroyed my zombie plan."

But soon he stopped worrying about his failure to become a zombie, because he had more important things to do: take a bath!

Maybe it's because the Apocalypse cleared his body of impurities. Ouyang Feng estimated that his face was as black as his hands and chest, which made him feel uncomfortable all over the body. That skinny monkey would be scared to death by him at this time - no! That guy died, and he didn't even have the chance to become a zombie. If he really reappeared, Ouyang Feng estimated that he was the one who was scared to death.

Fortunately, it's easier to find a pond in the jungle. Ouyang Feng soon found one, but it's obvious that Ouyang Feng is more cautious when walking in the jungle than before. It seems that people who have been bitten by zombies are more courageous.

After searching for about half an hour, Ouyang Feng finally found a pond for him to take a bath. He said that the pond was actually a bigger puddle because of the rainfall in recent days.

Ouyang Feng no matter three seven twenty-one, three five divide two, took off a clean and jumped down, but after washing for a while, he found a problem, this layer of black stuff on his body contains grease, so it is difficult to clean.

Ouyang Feng just takes out his dagger What about the dagger?

Ouyang Feng then remembered that his dagger called "Apocalypse" seemed to have disappeared.

I turned over my trousers, the scabbard was empty, there was no clothes, and my body was more

Ouyang wind down as like as two peas, and found that there was a tattoo on his chest. The pattern was exactly the same as the one that disappeared, but the size was much smaller.

"Well Isn't that the dagger here? But how can I take this down? " Just as Ouyang Feng thought of it, something suddenly appeared in his hand - the missing "Apocalypse" dagger.

Ouyang Feng was startled. His hands waved the dagger consciously. The dagger just passed in front of "little Ouyang Feng" and brought up a few "black silk".

Fortunately, Ouyang Feng doesn't have any special mood now, and he doesn't have any beauties around him, otherwise - well! It's just around the corner to become a sunflower classic.

Ouyang Feng carefully looked at the dagger, then looked down at his chest, found that the tattoo is still there, but this dagger actually appeared in his hands.

"Apocalypse?" Ouyang Feng gave a tentative cry to the dagger. Anyway, there was no one here. Even if there was no answer, it was not a shame."Apocalypse hunter! What can I do for you? " The electronic synthesizer sounded.

"Well! Is there really a reaction? " Fortunately, Ouyang Feng has heard this kind of sound before, so he won't throw the dagger away. "

"The birth of apocalypse is to serve Apocalypse hunters." The electronic synthesizer has no emotion.

"And who are you?"

"I am apocalypse, and I am in your hand."

"What are you? Is it a living thing or a living thing

"I'm not a creature, I'm just A dagger. "

"Talking dagger?"


Ouyang Feng was discouraged. After asking for a long time, he didn't ask anything, but he didn't plan to ask any more. A big guy and a small guy stood naked in the puddle and asked about something with a dagger. He was uncomfortable.

So Ouyang Feng simply took a dagger and scraped his body up and down, left and right, no matter it was dirt or hair. Even his hair and "little Ouyang Feng" didn't let it go.

Later, Ouyang Feng picked up his clothes, threw away his underwear that had been stained with black dirt before, and only wore the clothes outside. Then he found a big tree and jumped up. He had too many questions to ask.

Apart from other things, he was just a second-order intensifier. Although he was more powerful in the second-order, he was still a second-order intensifier. Just now, after he took a bath and put on his clothes, he found that he was a third-order intensifier.

After climbing as high as possible, ouyangfeng found a more comfortable place to sit down and thought, "what should I ask first?"

"Ask anything! It's just that I'm just a apocalypse and can't provide much information. " The voice of the Apocalypse suddenly sounded, and the unprepared Ouyang Feng almost fell from the tree:

"can you hear what I thought?" Ouyang Feng didn't speak this time, just thinking.

"Yes! As long as what you think is aimed at me, I can receive it. Now I'm not communicating with you by voice, but by brain waves. " Apocalypse.

"Hoo! Sounds cool, huh? " Ouyang Feng said to himself, then began to ask in his heart: "can you introduce your functions to me first?"

"Yes!" Apocalypse said: "I'm a apocalypse, with a cubic meter of storage space, regardless of the weight, in addition, I can..."

An hour later, Ouyang Feng finally figured out what he got. In short, it was a cheat device that would make him an evolutor.

The body of every mutated organism contains substances that can make human beings powerful, whether they are zombies, mutated animals, or even some plants. The more powerful the mutated organism is, the higher the substances in its body will be.

For example, Ouyang Feng himself became an intensifier because he used the enhancer extracted from the brain of the lowest level zombie, wandering. However, the success rate of using this enhancer was very low, and the direction of strengthening was completely random.

Ouyang Feng was able to strengthen successfully by using 25 portions of strengthening liquid, and he became a first-order intensifier. He was lucky that some people could not succeed once by using 100 portions of strengthening liquid, otherwise intensifiers would not be so rare.

If the first-order enhancer wants to strengthen again, he needs to hunt a more advanced enhancer zombie to get the enhancer fluid in his brain, and the success rate is also very low.

In addition to enhancers, there are also evolutors, and evolutors are even more difficult. Even Ouyang Feng just heard that some powerful mutant creatures or zombies will have something similar to Neidan in the place where the enhancer will be stored after death.

If the enhancer takes this thing, it may be strengthened again, and has a very small chance to get a certain power. The enhancer with the power is called an evolutor, but even Ouyang Feng has only seen this evolutor once, and it is said that he is only a first-order evolutor.

But this evolutor is already quite powerful. Lu Feng, the strongest one in the camp, the leader of the exploration team and the third-order strength enhancer, is as vulnerable as a child in kindergarten to the world heavyweight champion.

Fortunately, the evolutionist just passed by and didn't mean any harm to the camp. Otherwise, he might be able to destroy Ouyang Feng's camp by himself.

Now Ouyang Feng's Apocalypse can absorb these fortified liquid and refine them into 100% successful refining fortified liquid. It only needs 10 ordinary fortified liquid to refine such fortified liquid, that is to say, as long as you give Ouyang Feng 10 fortified liquid, he can make an ordinary person become a fortifier 100%.

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