In fact, they also have an idea that they don't want little meatball to use his powers. They just think, what if they can help the people over there?

The most important thing is that they haven't had to let the little meatball use his powers to solve these things completely.

In addition to the small meatball, Bai Shan and others were more or less injured. There were too many mutants attacking them and zombies. If the level was not low, I didn't know what to start with. There were two more at level 34.

Therefore, Bai Shan and little meatball have no time to stop those thin mutant animals above level 30.

Even Zhu Shuaiyi, who has used all his energy, has a strong impact on speed. Before this animal has mutated, its speed power is higher than that of human beings, especially animals with fierce beasts.

In addition, there are many zombies and mutant beasts around, attacking from time to time, and casting powers. This is the most lethal.

It's impossible not to get hurt at all, and Bai Shan and others have to protect the juice that can be promoted behind them.

It's even more difficult to escape quickly. It's really a near death. If I hadn't been promoted before, I would have died under zombies or animal claws.

On the other side, after the explosion disappeared, bailing pulled up the white stream and rushed to the pigsty without saying a word.

Soon there was another explosive in her hand, the size of which was adjusted by a switch.

She didn't know if she had blown up the little monster.

Bai Ling thought just fell, found a whole body dark voice unexpectedly a flash appeared in front of her and Bai Xiaoxi?

And bared his teeth, very ferocious towards her attack.

Because white Creek is taken by her, if you hide, it will bring disaster to white Creek.

"Sister... Let go of me Bai Xiaoxi was not slow down when he was hit by the bomb. In addition, he vomited a mouthful of blood, and his internal organs were also damaged.

Seeing that the monster was so difficult, the key was that bailing didn't let go of him at all. The huge black claws had come down, and he could see the cold light above in the dark.


Because the speed of the monster was very fast. As soon as Bai Xiaoxi's words fell, he saw that the huge black claw, which was like a dinosaur's dissatisfaction with scales, hit Bai Ling's delicate shoulder and cut the leather coat, leaving a deep blood mark.

"Go first!" Also at this moment, Bai Ling did not know where the strength came from. He twisted Bai Xiaoxi and threw a big sack into the pigsty. His action was very sharp.

"Roar!" The little monster obviously wanted to catch them all. Seeing that the little boy was taken away by her in this way, she screamed and sprayed saliva on the white spirit.

Bai Ling only felt that the natural saliva on his body began to get hot, and soon he saw a corroded hole in his fur coat.

But the skin just burns red.

The zombies and mutant animals that had not been destroyed by the bomb ran quickly to the pigsty?

Who can think of the green fog in the pigsty?

Yes, it's the fog. It's not the same as the outside.

Whew, whew, soon saw a lot of sharp vines rushing to attack the zombies and mutant animals from all directions.