I never thought that when I went outside, I saw a slender figure with his back to the sun, covered with blood. In his left hand, he held a blood red sword, which was more than one meter and five meters higher than her, and fell to the ground.

This kind of appearance frightens the people who follow to come out all one Leng.

How did she not arrive first? As they approached, whew, with the sound of the huge mutation tree collapsing, and the deafening roar, seven or eight ferocious zombies with eight or ten levels came out of the mutation forest where she came out?

All the people are a face muddled force, don't know exactly how to return a responsibility, in order to save people but also quickly to the seven or eight tall ferocious zombies hand.

The people in the town heard the ferocious and familiar voice outside, and the familiar pressure came. Even though they knew that there were zombies outside, many people left behind. After all, they were not level 2 or level 3 novice powers!

But the town is still a long way from the outside. After coming out, you can see the fire shining outside, accompanied by the roar of zombies. But before that, there are still a few people around at this time!

"Ling Ling!"



"Aunt bailing!"

Bai Shan and others came to Bai Ling's side with Li Zhenghao. When other people dealt with the zombie, they were embarrassed to see that the body was covered with blood. Even the incisive wound could see the everted skin and flesh, which was extremely terrifying. A row of sharp gums could be clearly seen on her shoulder, and even almost bit her whole shoulder off.

That beautiful face is still delicate, but white as white paper, the black shadow under the fine eyelashes, even the lips are black.

They don't know how she got here!

"Ming Ming!" Li Zhenghao yelled at Little Wang Jieming behind him.

Little Wang Jamin, who was frightened by the appearance of Bai Ling, responded at this time and quickly stretched out his hand. The light energy burst out like he didn't want money to wrap Bai Ling's whole body in it.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes or even ten minutes, the white spirit in the light looked better, but only better, and the wound was not closed.

But little Wang seems to be exhausted.

"Mingming, what's the matter?" Bai Xiaoxi's heart came up to his throat.

Mingming's big black and white eyes were shining with tears. At last, he stepped back and turned pale. It was obvious that he had consumed all the energy. He shook his head at the crowd, "aunt bailing... Aunt bailing's physical strength and hardness exceed my energy too much! "

So he can't fix it now.

Then he bit his teeth, "and... Aunt bailing has strange poison in her body. I can't get rid of it. She won't wake up! "

The body can't recover, but poison. His light system ability can deal with it. If it can't solve it, it means she will be poisoned to death

"What did you say?" Li Zhenghao looked at his small face still pale in his arms, with sweat on his forehead, but the injury on his shoulder had no sign of healing, or blood holes one by one, which made Li Zhenghao's face pale, and his eyes were full of fear, "in the end, what happened?"

Why, why did bailing become like this in just a few hours overnight? And poisoned? Hehe, how can it be? This is Bai Ling! The white spirit knows more than any of them!