Chapter 5 - Genin teams

The next day...

Yuki was sitting next to mikoto in the academy when the instructor came in and greeted everyone. "Alright everyone, as you can see you are all genin now! So let's find out who is on who's team!".

The instructor then said each students name according to the teams and left.

Mikoto pouted and complained "we are not in the same team!" To which Yuki simply said "hn".

"You-" mikoto was interrupted when a jonin teacher came inside and spoke "team 1! Meet me in the training grounds 3 in thirty minutes!", the genin of team 1 scrambled outside excitedly not knowing that they will fail...

Mikoto was having short conversations with Yuki to pass time when it was her turn next, so she left unwillingly.

Yuki was alone in his class with his two other teammates who looked quite nervous. "There is another presence here, so he is observing us?" Yuki thought and walked upto the two.

"Calm down, breath in and breathe out!" Yuki said monotonely as his teammates followed his orders. While they were doing better than before, it was still nerve wracking for them.

The door opened "team 11, rooftop in five minutes!" The jonin said.

His teammates didn't know how to shushin so he grabbed both and disappeared, only to appear once again in the rooftop.

"So the uchiha kid knows to use the shushin and he even helped his teammates?" The jonin thought and greeted them.

"Introduce yourselves, name, likes, dislikes, ambition or goal" ordered the jonin and pointed at Ryota "you first!".

"My name is sarutobi ryota, I like fighting, dislike ignorant people my goal is to be respected by my peers!" He said as Yuki smirked.

"Good! You next!"

"The name's yamanaka akio, I like spicy food, I dislike sweets and my goal is to be a great ninja!"

"Same goal but nevermind, you next pretty boy!" The jonin said

"My name is Uchiha Yuki, i like my girlfriend, family and dango I guess, I dislike just about everything else, my goal is to gain a cool moniker one day hn!" Yuki said immediately.

The jonin nodded his head and so on to the teamwork test were everyone gets shocked but does it anyway, the next day Yuki ate some rations and left his house walking to the training ground, so just like every other fan fic the mc aces the test, gets the bells and gives it to his teammates and everybody passes.