Chapter 355 - 354. Shattered

Name:Animeverse Slayer! Author:DreAm_b0At
(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)


The Hogyoku started to crack without the slightest sign.

Leo panicked. He quickly used his Kekkai techniques to try and stop the cracks.. But it was futile.

He could only watch as the Hogyoku crumbled into countless pieces.


Leo clenched his fist angrily. For a second his enormous Haoshoku broke out.

The ninjas keeping an eye on his house felt as if their heads were banged by a hammer. All of them rolled their eyes to the back of their head and fell down unconscious.

Hiruzen who was going through a few documents also felt the heavy pressure Leo leaked out. His expression changed.

What happened?!

He quickly rushed out. Just as he got out the heavy pressure spreading everywhere disappeared like a puff of smoke.

He didn't stop moving and quickly reached the street near Leo's house. When he sensed the ninjas he put in charge of surveillance he frowned.

'Was he dissatisfied?'

Hiruzen didn't know. Several possibilities ran through his mind.

Back inside the house.

Leo reigned in his chaotic emotions and looked at the crumbled pieces on the floor with a defeated expression.

"Big brother, what happened?"

Suddenly he heard Naruto's voice. Leo quickly adjusted his face and showed a faint smile.

"Nothing. I accidentally broke something. It's alright, you go rearrange your room."

Naruto nodded and went back inside.

Shinobu sighed slightly and sat beside him.

"Why did this happen?"

Leo thought for a second and replied, "The Hogyoku doesn't belong to this world. It cannot alter the rules of this world, as such the energy within it was quickly depleted and... this happened."

Shinobu hung her head down in understanding. After a while she raised her head and softly hugged him.

"Maybe this is all destined. Now we don't have to worry about leaving him behind all of a sudden."

Hearing her words Leo felt a bit better. He pulled her into his arms and softly embraced her.

"You are right. This may all be destined."


The next day.

As usual the trio woke up and had a sumptuous breakfast.

Since their return ticket was toasted both of them wanted to find something to pass time. And both of them already had something in mind.

Leo decided open a Dojo, and Shinobu was prepared to start a small Medical Practicing Center.

And since both of them had enough money they bought the two neighboring house next to them for double the price and started renovations.

Unknowingly a week passed by.

During this time there was no more eyes staring at them from the dark. This slightly surprised Leo, however he didn't think much into it since it was a good thing for him.

Money works wonders.

The only problem was Shinobu's medical license. If she wanted to start a Medical Practicing Center she needed the approval from the village medical unit.

After going in and out of the department for several days and with Hiruzen's hidden help she finally got a certificate, making her eligible to practice medicine.

They found a good day and opened both their business without much commotion.

Leo cut the ribbon for Shinobu's Medical Practicing Center and she cut the ribbon for his Dojo.

They only had Naruto as the witness.

A few people walking by would look curiously from time to time. They were aware of the new couples living here and knew they bought the two houses next to them.

However they didn't know thy were starting a business.

Leo and Shinobu went to their respective businesses and took a seat. Both of them made Naruto their first customer.

Shinobu gave him a complete check up and made sure he was perfectly healthy.

Time passed by. Soon the day was about to end.

However not many came by. After all, it was quite impossible to gather clients if you don't have the required reputation.

Just as they were about to close the doors a woman walked in whole holding a bay girl. The child in her arms looked a bit pale and unhealthy.

"Are you closed?"

The woman asked softly.

Shinobu smiled, "No. Please come in. Let me take a look at her."

The woman nodded and stepped inside. Naruto was watching curiously from the side.

As the woman passed by she saw Naruto. Surprise flashes through her eyes for a second before disappearing.

Shinobu noticed her change and didn't say anything.

Soon her a grown appeared on her face.

Seeing this the woman couldn't help but ask, "Are you now able to help my daughter?"

Shinobu shook her head.

When the woman saw her shake her head her expression turned into one of sadness.

However Shinobu's next words stunned her.

"Not immediately. But I can help her."

The woman raised her head abruptly. She looked at Shinobu with doubt, expectation and hope.

Seeing her look Shinobu explained, "Your daughter's illness originates from her genes. She possess incredible talent, with time this talent will start to show itself. But, her body cannot handle such burden. This is the core reason for her pale complexion and weak body."

As the woman listened to Shinobu her face changed from doubt to shock, then to hope. Hope for her child.

"Please, help her! Money isn't a problem!"

The woman grabbed Shinobu's hand and pleaded.

Shinobu comforted her and said, "Rest ȧssured, I'll do my best."

After saying so she used several needles to pierce the little girls fatal areas. She then proceeded to place her hand over the child.

As the woman watched a faint green mist that looked full of vitality started to spill out from Shinobu's palm.

When it touched the needles it disappeared like melting snow.

The woman looked incredulously at the scene in front of her. She was truly shocked to her core.

(Grab the rest from WWW.PAT..REON.COM/SONUAMEER. Thank you.)