Chapter 61 - 61. Facade

Name:Animeverse Slayer! Author:DreAm_b0At
"This Arthur Lex, he will be part of our unit for a while."

Leo stared at what was happening. Sam was introducing Arthur to the team with a wide smile on his face. Dalia had an awkward look on her face while some people who knew what was happening laughed from the side.

Dalia tried to sneak off when Leo glared at her, "Beautiful lady, you better take care of this."

Dalia rolled her eyes, "How the heck is this related to me?"

Leo grinded his teeth, "You dare say that."

Dalia laughed dryly. Just as they were talking Sam came over and pulled them both for a private meeting, and of course Arthur was also part of it.

Sam had a smug smile on his face, "Leo, Dalia, Arthur is here with a special mission. Our unit is to fully cooperate with him."

Leo heaved a sigh of relief.

Thank god, this guy's didn't come to challenge me.

However thinking it over Leo found it reasonable, though Arthur had a high status within Dark Light, the higher-up's won't break rules to help him get a girl.

Leo folded his arms and asked, "What special mission?"

Sam didn't answer and looked towards Arthur who took out a file and handed it over to Leo. He still had an arrogant face but atleast he seemed decent when it came to official duties.

Leo and Dalia flipped it over, Dalia's eyes shrunk when she saw the content while Leo had an interested look on his face.

He closed the file and asked Arthur, "A class S? Are you sure?"

Arthur put away his arrogant expression and said seriously, "Yes."

Sam took over the conversation and explained, "There has been several missing people case near the docks for two months now, all without any leads. If it was an ordinary Extraordinary we would have found him or her by now."

Dalia frowned, "Just because of that this one is a class S?"

Arthur shook his head upon hearing her words and said, "That's just the initial report, yesterday one more person went missing. And it's because of that we suspect it to be a class S."

Leo was curious, "Who was taken?"

Arthur next words stunned Dalia, "A class B Extraordinary went missing, he was with his team when he disappeared. To silently take away a class B Extraordinary can't be done by a class A."

Sam also got serious, "This is serious Leo, usually rogue Extraordinaries don't mess with us but this one did. There are two possibilities, one he is crazy. Two, he is not working alone. They have another objective."

Leo nodded, "What's the next step?"

Sam pointed to Arthur and said, "You will team with Arthur and search the docks while the rest of us cover the area surrounding it."


A snapping sound was heard. Everyone looked over and found the chair Leo was sitting on now lacked an armrest.

Leo laughed dryly and found a headache coming, "Why the two of us?"

He dearly wanted to stay away from this arrogant guy who thought himself as someone loftier than everyone else.

Sam heard his words and gave him a piece of paper. Leo saw it's content and rubbed his forehead.

On the piece of paper his name was written along with his rank as an Extraordinary.

Leo Heart, class S.

Sam spoke with a smile, "Witnessing your stellar performance the higher-up's thought it was right to give you this rank."

It immediately dawned on Dalia, "So that's it! Usually a class S rogue Extraordinary would require atleast two class S or a team of seven class A's. Now I know why they assigned this task to us."

Leo sat there, stupified. If he had known he would be partnering with this annoying guy he would given upon the last match!

Sam clapped his hands, "Alright. Arthur, Leo, you guys head towards the dock."

He didn't wait for Leo to speak up and immediately bolted. Dalia took the cue and rushed out while leaving these words, "Good luck!"

Leo cursed in his mind for her shameless behaviour. He looked at Arthur and his forehead throbbed, "Let's go."

Arthur huffed and got up. Both of them set towards the docks.

Along the way an awkward silence followed. Leo had never felt this stifled before, he didn't know what to say or how to start. The atmosphere got heavier as time went by, Leo couldn't take any longer and said, "You know I have no interest towards Dalia, as a matter of fact I have a girl back home."

Arthur who was walking silently suddenly halted his steps and turned around abruptly, "Really!?"

His voice was high and he had a pleasant expression on his face. Leo immediately replied, "Absolutely. She is only a friend and a co-worker."

Arthur smiled widely and clenched his fist, "Yes! Haha, I knew it! Haha!"

Leo was confused when he saw his odd behaviour, Arthur noticed he was acting weirdly and coughed.


"Hmph! It's best if that's the case! How can Dalia be joined to a mongrel like you!"

His cheerful expression disappeared and his previous arrogance returned. Leo slightly opened his mouth in a daze, it took him a moment to analyse what was happening. His behaviour a second ago was in stark contrast to how he usually behaved.

Suddenly he thought of something and a smile crept onto his face.

He looked at Arthur who walked with big strides, his strong and arrogance presence was different from how he acted a moment ago.

Leo controlled his best not to laugh and asked, "Say, why are you putting up a front as an arrogant and domineering man?"

Arthur's steps halted, he turned his head stiffly and asked, "Ho-How did you know that?"

Puff... Hahaha!

Leo couldn't control it anymore and laughed out loud. Arthur realised he said something he shouldn't have and was embarrassed.

He rubbed his head and said, "Um... ahaha... please don't tell anyone, ok?"

Reigning in his laugh Leo asked, "I am curious, why are you acting like that?"

Arthur raised his head and said seriously, "Of course, it's for Dalia to like me."


Leo tilted his head in confusion, he had a feeling that something absurd was about to be revealed.