Chapter 408 - Battle Mage

Name:Anime Mashup Author:LittleApple
"Okay, so it's Mao, let me do this~."

"Are you sure Pres?"


The teacher walked in the referee and said who was going to be their next contestant after that the referee nodded and announced.

"Next round! Lou Takasu vs Lily Shiraishi, student Lily Shiraishi please come up on the stage."

Lily is a petite girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is always seen to be wearing a dark, pointed witch's hat with a face on it that appears to have reactions to Lily's current mood.

And right now, her magic hat is greening excitedly as showing Lily's inner emotion.

"A Mao, what a great catch." Lily grinning said.

"A kid?"

A vain suddenly pop out in his head and a dangerous aura starts to come out from her,

A kid ha? We will see."

One of Lily hates most is treating her like a kid even though she is already a senior.

"Both of you, are ready?"

"I'm ready,"

"I'm good."

"The Third match of the High School Ranking Quarterfinals, D Division, City D High School vs Constant Magick Academy, first match!!"


"Let's start!"


Lou slily tilted his head and looked at her arms that extended like rubber, this fast like a bullet and the air pressure is silty dangerous from a normal punch.

Lily retracts her arms and then showers Lou with punch combinations in different directions.

Lou grabs his clock, covers his c.h.e.s.t and lets the punches hit his body, the black mantle really is a cheat item, and can immune any type of damage from magic to physical damage.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, what's wrong? Are you really the guy they called Mao? You'll never be able to defeat me if you just standing"

Lily then appears in front of Lou and delivers a devastating punch to his stomach, Lou slightly twitches while his body smashes up in the air and lands calmly on the other side of the ring.

That last punch penetrates his defence, completely hitting Lou's stomach inside of his clothing, he can still feel the punch mark in his body.

"Hehe~ i thought you're invulnerable, but i think it's not."

Lily's first start to shine, she then appears in front of Lou again and lays a whip, her first hits Lou's right side and then the magic explodes inside of him.

Lou's feet drag into the ring by the strong punch coming from her punch, this time, Lou felt that she left a purple mark in his short ribs.

He then looks around and sees small size shoes that are already coming in his face.


Lou finally falls in the ground creating a gigantic crater, Lily then stamps Lou making him sink deeper in the ground.

"If this carries on, you'll never win against me, you should at least put up a fight right? Come on release your true power Moa"


Lou grinned at him and said," It's blue, that's pretty cute."

"YOU!" Lily angrily stamps him again but Lou suddenly turns into ice and disappears from the tin air.

"Ice Magic? It really suits Mao."

"Let's start again."


Like a super Saiyan, blue aura starts rampaging around Lily, her stats spike up like cheat while her mage hat looks hideously from magic coming from her.

"I will never let you forfeit, you can't flee for sure, and if you want to go out here still intact, then you need to defeat me, don't worry, I will give you a special gift if you win."

The air trembling and Lily appears in front of Lou again, like a slow-motion, Lou can see Lily's fist travelling at fast speed straight to his head.

Lou never uses magic, and he can't use magic properly because he never uses it in a fight, so what Lou did is, he kicked backwards, then after getting a proper distance, he kicked again and this time, he kicked Lily's fist upward.

The air exploded from the punch but Lily only looked at Lou with intriguing eyes, she appeared again behind Lou this time and punched his back.

Because Lou is still pushing backwards, Lily knew that he can't dodge it this time but it did not, Lou slightly twisted his body making his body spin and Lily's fist slightly touched his clothing.


Sensing the fist already touches his back, Lou pushes his body to lean behind to minimize the blow and then he delivers a spinning nick to Lily.

"Martial art? Pretty interesting, let me speed up my punch."

Lou suddenly felt that has been hit in a different part of his body, he did not see where the fist coming but for sure there's a magic trick behind it.

He raises his hand and grabs in front catching his small arms and sees a portal closing behind her.

"So you have space magic."

"So your knowledgeable too,"

"Of course, after all, knowledge is power."

Lily twists his body while her arms twist like rubber, but Lou sees that she uses magic to make her body flexible as rubber, she then kicks Lou's c.h.e.s.t and jumps upward creating a space tuner and disappears in thin air.

"Space magic is really a cheat ability." Lou helplessly said.