Chapter 223 - Lou's Motive

Name:Anime Mashup Author:LittleApple
The mysterious man brandishes his claw and try to rip Touka but Touka is more flexible and faster than him,

She easily steps to the wall of the building and changes her direction then steps to the other wall again and gives a flying kick behind the man.


The mysterious man hit from behind and threw it to the wall in front of him , creating a large hole in the wall.

"Just like what i said you're too weak to fight back," Touka gracefully landed on the ground while talking to the man.

The man grip the te wall and push himself out of the of it and said," If you can only do this then you can die with that kid,"

'This idiot!' Touka started to get a headache talking to this blockhead.

She then made her move, while the man jumped down from the wall, but before he landed safely to the ground.


Lou clearly saw Touka cut him multiple times using her nail without his target knowing it.

"A small scratch? Are you kidding me? This is all you got?" The Mysterious man grinned at her while touching the scratch on his cheek.


Then the man suddenly dazed, multiple cuts appeared all over his body and blood sprayed all over the ground, Lou hurry dodged the blood.

"Should I cut deeper?" Touka asks.


"Yes, you're fast? But...." The man suddenly looked at Lou and grinned greedily," Do you think this kid can dodge me?"

The man pounces Lou while Touka dash to intercept her, that's right just like what he said, Touka is fast but is Lou faster too?

"Idiot run!," Touka said.

But it's already late, the man already in front of Lou ready to devour him," Thanks for the meal!!!!"

"Idiot," Lou said and grabbed his head then slammed to the ground creating a large crater smashing the head of the man.


"Do you think you can become arrogant because you're a ghoul?" Lou then raises his head and looks at the bloody man.

"Yes, your race is ferocious and scary, but do you forget? There's scarier than your cannibal race?"

"W-Who are you! What are you doing here?! Are you from that organization?" The man said while Touka is already in battle mode.

They both know that there's an Organization that hunts Intelectual Ghoul for their Kakuhou to manufacture a Weapon.

If this kid really is part of their Organisation, then the Intelectual Ghoul is in danger now because of the unique essence of this kid.

He can easily lure any Ghoul if he wants, his essence and smell are irresistible for the Ghoul, even Touka barely stops herself to eat Lou.

"Well if I'm not wrong. Last time there's a person who was roaming around in the street every night releasing a strange essence," Touka said.

"If I'm not wrong, you're that man right?"

"Ping~ Pong ~, you are right," Lou grinned at them.

Behind the man a red like knife appears trying to land a killing blow to Lou, but Lou easily grabs his Kagune with his hand.

"Ups you can't do that Mister," Lou said.

Then Lou suddenly feels that someone appears behind him at fast speed and a red Kagune-like wing is placed on his neck.

"Who are you! What is your notice coming to us!," Touka angry said while pressing her own Kagune on Lou's head.

"Hey that is dangerous you know~, what if you accidentally hurt me and attack more Ghoul here," Lou said.

Touka even pressed his Kagune and angrily asked," I don't have time to waste on you! Tell me what is your motive coming today!"

"If I said I'm trying to find an Intellectual Goal to form a Summon Contract, will you believe me," Lou expressionless said.

The mysterious man and Touka daze hearing his reason, forming a summon contract to an Intellectual Ghoul, that's new.

Everyone knows that Ghoul is a notorious cannibal in society, that's why the people try to hunt them down or imprison them.

But this kid actually came here just to form a summoning contract with them. Is he an idiot or what, did he think that Ghoul is easy to handle?

"Kekekekeke, kid you're pretty funny are you? Foreign a contract with us? Do you think we are idiots like monster Ghoul?" The man said.

"Shut up, no one will think you're deaf if you do not talk," Lou smashed his head, stunning the man on the spot.

"Don't move! Don't think that I'm joking with you! I will really behead you if you move wrong!" Touka warns.

"I said that I just want to form a summon contract with a ghoul? Is that hard?" Lou helplessly said.

"There's nothing you can offer that we will accept," Touka said.



"If I said to you that I will offer one cup of blood as a payment every week do you think my offer is still not acceptable," Lou said.

Touka suddenly thought, he is right, his offer is pretty good, a cup of his blood can easily convince any Intellectual Ghoul to form a contract with him.