Chapter 75 - Second Summon Dragon

Name:Anime Mashup Author:LittleApple
While Natsuki was talking, Lou received the system notification.

Ding! You Complete Special Quest: The Challenge

Ding! You receive one Summon Chance!

System,' Host do you want to summon your next servant?'

Lou said,' Let me think first"

System,' Don't think about it, just do it Host! you don't know maybe this time you got a bishojo ~'

Lou said,' You did tell me the same thing last time, and you almost scam me System'

System,' Don't worry about it host, why not pick a card so that we can see what kind of Being or Beast you will get this time'

Lou said,' Why do I feel that you are much more excited than me? Did you lay a trap for me this time?'

System,' Host, don't judge me if not, I punish you to be a magical girl in front of your classmates'

Lou helpless sigh,' Then let summon now'

System,' As you wish host, and take note host, pick the right card this time, we don't know if you got a yandere this time'

A bunch of cards suddenly appeared in front of Lou, the card has different color and design.

And just like last time, he only need to pick the right card to get the right summon character.

But he suddenly noticed there were a bunch of cards added this time.

A card releasing Red Aura, Lou categorize it as dangerous

A card releasing light Aura, Lou categorized it as Holy Property Character and that is a big NO for him.

A card releasing Dark Aura, Lou feel the same affinity from it, and that is the most dangerous thing he feels. He know that he has a death affinity so he know that card is super duper dangerous.

All the new cards are good, but Lou can already feel that some of them are traps, just like one card he noticed releasing a Pink Colored Aura. He knows that card contains good character, but he suddenly remembers that he already has a girlfriend.

And he feel that a super stick Beauty will appear from that card, and that is no for him, he doesn't need a super sticky girl and maybe a Yandere will appear. He want a type like Harun and Onodera, calm and cool.

So Lou calmly pick an Orange Colored Card that releases a calm aura, he fees that a big sister type girl will appear from it.


Ding! Successful summon a Being Dragon!


Lou almost cough blood when he see what he got, he hurriedly said,' System is this one of your traps?'

'How the hell a Dragon have a calm aura?'

System,' I did not do anything host, I promised'

Lou stare at the card in his hand and see the information of his second summon being.

Rank: SSS+

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Weight: Unknown

Race: Dragon

Affiliation: Unaffiliated

Seeing the rank, Lou start to get nervou. Yes, he got a female dragon and a high rank too, but that does not mean that he is safe.

In his memory, a dragon is a prideful creature, they never serve anyone except you conquer them, and that thing is Lou's problem.

Lou is weak at heat while dragon can normally breathe fire, if ever this dragon asks to fight him, that means that game over.

System,' Why not crush its host?'

Lou shouted,' Crush this and die!? Do you think I'm an idiot!? I never activate this….. card?' Because Lou is agitated he accidentally crushed the card, and Lou discovered something.

He angrily shouted,' Damn you system, you made the card too brittle!!!'

That's right, System made all the cards brittle so that even though Lou did not want to activate it he still accidentally crushed it.

System,' Good luck host'

The card shone brightly and a portal appeared in front of him, Lou forcefully closed his eyes because of the bright light.

He suddenly feels that something fell in his arms, it's round, big and soft like a marshmallow.

Lou thought,' Jackpot, it's a babe from soft like a marshmallow skin this one is 100% babe!!'

Lou open his eyes and see a big egg in his arms, he look around to see where the babe is. But he only see an egg that he is holding, that's all.

Suddenly he heard a soft voice coming from his head saying,' Are you the one who summoned me?

Lou answered,' Yes'

The mysterious voice said,' Someone summons me here to become a summon servant for a certain human'

'And i only accept it because that summon one said that there's lots of good thing in this world'

'And that 'someone' told me that before accepting you as my master, you need to accept one of my quest or request'

Lou said,' That's right lady, what is your quest?'

The voice said,' I don't have any quest for you, I just want you to fulfill a certain promise for me'

Lou asks,' And that is?'

'That is to never mistreat me and take me as part of your own family'

Lou said,' Of course you will. Becoming my summon means that you will become one of my family members'

The voice feel relief and said,' Then take care of me Oniichan…'

Lou confused,' Oniichan? Don't tell me!!!!'

The egg started to crack, and something came out from it.