"Hahaha, boss, I knew you couldn't die!" Xiao Hei was so embarrassed that he could pull out three rooms and one living room on the ground with his feet. Didn't he say he would die if he went in? Why didn't Fang jueyu do anything?

"I bought a watch last year!" Fang jueyu picked up the relic of the demigod beside him and smashed it at Xiao Hei. "You TM think I'm deaf and want to find another way out? Do you believe I'll kill you first? "

"Boss, boss! Hey, hey, this is a magic weapon. How can you throw it around? " Xiao Hei flatteringly picked up the thing like the Pearl of the night that Fang jueyu threw out, "you go ahead and I'll show you something here, Hei hei..."

"I'll pick you up later!" Fang jueyu was not in the mood to make trouble with Xiao Hei at this time, but he really didn't know why he didn't do anything. Did the witchcraft have failed for too long?

Not only Fang jueyu, but also those demigod undead were quite surprised. Although Fang jueyu's strength is good, I'm afraid he can't even take five steps.

But now he is almost standing at the door of the hall, only one step away from the unknown hall.

Fang jueyu took out a piece of cosmic crystal, but the moment he just took it out, the energy contained in the cosmic crystal was pulled out by an invisible force, and then turned into a pile of debris.

"I'll go!" Fang jueyu threw away the broken pieces in panic. It was very strange. It was obvious that the cold ice did not fail, just because he was different. This power had no effect on him.

"Destiny! It's all doomed! " Demigods and undead, look at me and I look at you. They see not only shock but also expectation from each other's eyes.

"Xiao Yi, what's going on?"

"Host, sorry, I can't explain. I think it has something to do with your special constitution, but it's beyond my knowledge. After all, your body hasn't appeared in this universe or even the root universe."

"It seems that Enoch knows something." Fang jueyu glanced at Enoch and saw him lying on ER Gouzi's back and sleeping. However, it was obvious that Enoch knew the particularity of Fang jueyu's body and even knew that his body could resist the erosion of this force. Only then did he dare to push forward.

"Well, since it's all right, go in and have a look!" Since he knew that the sixth fragment was in this place and he could come in safely, he had no reason not to go in.

"Young man, be careful. Although we don't know why you can ignore this power, it may be more dangerous inside than outside!" The highest ranking undead said, "although mulatto sealed the power that attacked him with witchcraft, it doesn't mean that the power has disappeared now."

"I'll be careful!" Fang jueyu nodded. Since he was destined to be the only one who could enter the area, he had to try something.

Fang jueyu took a deep breath and bravely continued to walk into the dark palace. Along the way, more and more people were sealed on the ice. It can be seen what the chaos of the palace was like at that time.

Soon, he came to the end of the frozen passage. It seemed to be a hall surrounded by gorgeous and noble tables and chairs, gorgeous nobles, precious works of art and bright treasures, just like a magnificent palace.

"Host, there!"

As soon as Fang jueyu looked up, he was frozen in the air. A middle-aged man with a crown closed his eyes. His expression seemed to be a little relaxed and relieved. His hands crossed his chest. Between his hands was the sixth fragment he had been looking for!

"Good guy, I'm really broken iron shoes. I can't find anywhere. It takes no time to come!" Fang jueyu floated in the air, but with a cautious attitude, he didn't start immediately.

He touched the ice carefully, but there seemed to be no discomfort except the extreme cold. It seemed that the ice and the power of witchcraft could not peel off his power and life.

"This should be mullato, the king of the kingdom of Olas." Looking at the mighty man, Fang jueyu seemed to see his glory.

"Xiao Yi, can you find anything?"

"There is nothing. There is no breath of life on mulatuo, and I can't feel any will residue."

"Oh? Can you still find this? " Fang jueyu was a little surprised.

"Of course, I updated my detector. It's useless even if it's hidden!"

"Yes, very stable!" Fang jueyu tried to break the ice and wanted to take out mulatuo's body, but the ice was almost as strong as a magic weapon. With bare hands, even Fang jueyu couldn't leave a trace.

"Force me to demolish again!" Fang jueyu took out the black hammer again and hit the ice.

"Dong!" Almost the whole palace shook, but there were only some fine cracks in the ice, not even a bit of ice residue.

"What the hell is this?" Fang jueyu continued to wave the hammer, as long as it could be broken, that is, it took more effort.

"This is limitless ice. Only those who understand the law of time can show it. I'm afraid this mulatto is about to be at the same level as the master of the golden will. I think this fragment should carry most of his strength and knowledge."

"No wonder he will degenerate like this. Those who get strength will lose themselves!"

He smashed thousands of times. With a burst of broken sound, Fang jueyu finally liberated mulatuo's remains. It was all relying on the limitless ice that mulatuo could continue to maintain his appearance. When he was exposed to the air, he turned into dust and dissipated slowly.

"Pa!" Finally, only the fragment fell to the ground.

"Hey, dust to dust to earth, all the way, man!" Fang jueyu bent down and picked up the golden fragment. "Now it's the last one!"

"Host, do you think it's too easy to get this fragment?" Xiao Yi suddenly said.

"That's not necessarily true. Although it's easy for me, I'm afraid I can't even get into the hall if I change someone."

"Yes, maybe I'm too worried."

Fang jueyu was about to put away the fragment and leave the hall. Suddenly, an extremely evil force woke up from the fragment!

Why evil? Because this force makes people feel sick all over, and even every cell is producing a feeling of resistance.

"Host! The will to erode mulatto has not dissipated. It is hidden in this fragment! That's not the will born of mulatto's addiction to power, but the will that already exists in this fragment! " Xiao Yi's voice was full of confusion.

"What? Shouldn't this will be on me? " Since this is the divine core of the golden will, this will should also belong to him, but this is unreasonable! Is the master of the golden will also split his personality?

"No, not him! This... How could there be such a will? " Fang jueyu seemed a little dull, because he felt more than one force in this will! This will seems to be a collection of countless pieces of will!

Because they belong to different individuals, they are in chaos at all. Unexpectedly, a collection of will with only power and chaos was born!