"All right, don't fight," Fang jueyu stopped them when he saw that he was almost scared.

Chirac is really cruel to himself. Every slap is full of cosmic source force. His face has been bleeding and can't even see the original appearance.

"The cosmic Federation has the rules of the cosmic Federation, and I don't want to ask for trouble. What you do, I think the master of your Leo civilization will solve it with you slowly!"

Because of the stupid things done by the chierek family, the Rio civilization suffered great losses. Even if Fang jueyu didn't trouble them, natz, the ruler of the Rio civilization, couldn't easily expose it.

The importance of the chierek family to the Rio civilization is self-evident. If the punishment is too heavy, it will only weaken the power of their Rio civilization, so their fate may not be very miserable.

But beating people must be painful, otherwise it will be meaningless. Fang jueyu must make them deeply remember today's lesson.

"Well, since you also admit your mistake, let's discuss the compensation." Fang jueyu crossed his legs. "We still have to calculate the losses your fleet has caused to our earth."

"Of course, of course!" If Chirac is granted amnesty, Fang jueyu means that as long as they give him sufficient compensation to his satisfaction, this matter will end.

"First of all, the core members of your chieftain REK family should wear sackcloth and filial piety for three years in the cemetery of human beings who died in this event!"

"What?" Fang jueyu's first request made Chirac almost collapse. Most people on the earth don't even have the power of potential yuan. In the cosmic civilization, it is simply a lower existence than slaves. He is the master of a three-level civilized Dojo, and he wants to guard the spirit for them? This is absolutely humiliating!

"What? You don't want to? " Fang jueyu showed his fierce light, "Mr. Amora, please come in."

Amora opened the door, and his breath directly pressed on Chirac and others without concealment.

"You... You are the master of Haisha civilization?" Chirac's eyes stagnated. He thought Fang jueyu had come alone. Unexpectedly, he brought another person. Although he had not contacted him, he had heard of the name of Amora.

Without looking at Chirac, Amora went straight to Fang jueyu and said, "Lord, are you looking for me?"

"Well, you go back and tidy up the fleet in two days..."

"Mr. Li, we promise! When I get back, I will immediately summon all the senior leaders of the chierek family to your planet to guard the cemetery! "

"Cut! Pussy! The little black on the edge glanced contemptuously at Chirac.

However, having tasted Fang jueyu's means, it naturally knows that it is much more terrible to provoke Fang jueyu than to provoke a top civilization.

Looking at Chirac's extremely frightened appearance, Fang jueyu smiled and changed his tone, "Amora, reward the warriors of the two fleets in two days. They are also very hard these days."

"Yes, Lord." Seeing this, Amora naturally knew that Fang jueyu's call to him was just for a show.

"Just LORD, it's just a three-level civilization. You just let our fleet sweep over. Why waste time with him here?" Asked Amora, puzzled.

"You don't understand!" Fang jueyu said, "it's too cheap to kill him. Some means are more desperate than killing!"

"OK, let me talk about my second request," Fang Jue said. "Compensate the earth for 10000 trillion cosmic coins at one time!"

"What? Ten trillion? " Hearing this astronomical figure, Chirac was stunned. The total value of an ordinary small tertiary civilization was only a few hundred thousand trillion.

All the wealth of their chiereke family may not be able to get 50000 trillion cosmic coins together. Plus the fixed assets, I'm afraid they can't get 100000 trillion. This 10000 trillion is completely cutting meat!

"Is ten thousand trillion a lot?" Fang jueyu said with exaggeration, "let's not say how much the lives on our earth are worth. It will cost me a lot to dispatch two class IV warship formations!"

"Do you want a salary? Does the warship need energy? Depreciation rate and loss rate should be counted? Ten thousand trillion is already cheap for you! Of course, if you can't afford this sum of money, you can also use fixed assets to pay off your debts. I heard that your Chieh REK ashram looks good. "

"OK, let's give it!" Chirac's heart is dripping blood, but what can he do? The nearby Amora is eyeing, as if as long as he dares to shake his head, he will immediately screw off his head. He can do it in this virtual universe and in reality.

"Finally, from today on, you are the affiliated family of the earth. How much tax you have to pay to the Rio civilization every year, you should give the same amount to the earth, and your people should obey the orders of the earth at any time."

"This..." if the previous one is a lion's big mouth, now this one is not a way to live.

The affiliated family is just a better way to say it. If it's worse, they're just slaves who don't have slave chips installed. They're almost no different from real slaves.

Originally, there was not much left in the income of the chierek family after paying taxes. If they were so engaged, their whole family would be completely reduced to wage earners on the earth.

Not only that, this time the fleet of the Rio civilization lost more than half, he didn't believe that the master would not count this account on them. In this way, their family was even more stretched, and I'm afraid they couldn't recover for thousands of years.

It's only because he thinks highly of himself and doesn't pay attention to Fang jueyu's words. If Fang jueyu showed up when he saw him for the first time, I'm afraid things won't go so far.

Sure enough, the style of those young people with deep backgrounds is completely beyond his guess. Just like Ma Yun and Zhou Runfa, they can use absolute force to suppress the enemy, but they all choose various extreme ways, one by one.

"Wait, now that we have become an affiliated family of earth civilization, can we also get the care of Shenhao civilization in the future?" Chirac had a whim.

If they survive this difficult period, what stands behind their family is the trench civilization. In the future, even the owners of the Rio civilization will have a high look at their chieftain REK family?

But Fang jueyu immediately broke his fantasy.

"Oh, by the way, if you make trouble, I don't care. In the future, we only collect money and don't do anything!"

"Mr. Li, it's against the rules!" Chirac was worried. According to the unwritten regulations of the cosmic Federation, they need to provide certain protection for those affiliated civilizations and affiliated families.

"Oh? Really? " Fang jueyu raised his eyebrows. "But what I signed with you is not a subsidiary agreement, but an unequal treaty. Since it is unequal, how can it bring you any benefits?"

Fang jueyu stood up, "Mr. Amora, we should go!"

"Yes, Lord!"

"Oh, by the way, Mr. Chirac, let me remind you that you can raise this 10 trillion cosmic currency for up to one year. If you don't see the money at that time, you will bear the consequences!"

Chirac jerked violently. The word "bear the consequences" is too heavy for him now.

"West... West Asia, help me up."

"Teacher!" West Asia quickly helped Chirac up. "Teacher, what shall we do now? It's impossible for us to get ten thousand trillion cosmic coins a year! "

"Hey, if you can't take it out, sell the industry," Chirac was about to cry. "We can't afford to provoke Li Yunlong!"