"You mean, you know who's in front of you?" Hearing Fang jueyu's attitude towards the young man, Cullen immediately showed a ferocious expression, like a vicious dog stepped on its tail.

"I'm a lowly thing. What are you? Aren't you human? " Fang jueyu was not irritated at all. If he was in zu'an, he would only be a novice.

"Since we are all human beings and I am cheap, aren't you all cheap? It's unnecessary to kill the enemy for a thousand and lose eight hundred. " Fang jueyu shook his head calmly.

"Go down," the young man waved. "You have great courage. There are few people who dare to talk to me like this in this civilization. Do you know who I am?"

"Who are you? Does it have anything to do with me?" Fang jueyu said, "I advise you, if you want to trouble us for that guy, you'd better think about who you can't provoke."

"Ha ha ha!" As soon as the voice fell, not only the young people laughed, but also several other people nearby. They seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world.

Because the latter half of the sentence is usually said by the young man to others.

"Brother Ma, I know who this man is," natu patted Fang jueyu on the shoulder, and there was a deep fear in his eyes. "He is shakal, the son of the master of moral civilization. I met him once."

"Oh? It turned out to be the son of the master of this civilization. No wonder he was so arrogant. "

"This shakal is over 240 years old and should be the peak strength of the energy source. It is said that the master dotes on this son very much, and there are many energy source level bodyguards around him to protect him." natu's expression is a little dignified. He didn't expect that Coulomb caught up with this one, which is a trouble.

"It seems that your friend knows who I am," the young man smiled with satisfaction when he saw natu's fear. What he liked most was the awe and fear on his face after others heard his name.

"Now, are you going to do what I just said?"

"Coulomb, yesterday was a conflict between us. It has nothing to do with my friend. What do you want to do with me?" Natu stood in front of Fang jueyu.

Today they are not in the Crystal Tower Hotel of slat, and there are not more than 200 gods to protect them.

Even if there is, this planet is the mother planet of moral civilization. On this planet, the masters have supreme rule. They are like a king, and as the son of the masters, shakal is equal to the prince. Such people can't be provoked.

Natu knew that Fang jueyu's background was very unusual, and he could even drive an expert at the level of a transcendent, but he knew that that night, Fang jueyu crippled the transcendent of the Carlos family by relying on the mark left on him by that transcendent.

This kind of mark is extremely precious. Leaving this mark is a great burden even for the transcendent. Fang jueyu may not have a second such mark on his body, so if he really provokes the transcendent again, it is impossible for someone to stand out for him in a short time!

So he plans to resist everything. After all, Fang jueyu clashed with Cullen yesterday for him. Today, shakal found them, in the final analysis, because of himself.

If Fang jueyu has an accident because of himself, he will never get through it in his life.

"It's natural that Coulomb will settle accounts with you slowly," shakal didn't even look at the picture. He was the son of the master of three-level civilization and a wild species. He was not qualified to have an equal dialogue with him.

"But he also has to pay for what he just said." At this age, no one has ever spoken to shakal in this tone except his brothers and sisters.

"Oh? Tell me, what will I pay? " Fang jueyu looked at him with interest.

"I hear you're the owner of the Slade mujingta hotel?"

"That's right," Fang jueyu knew what he meant. It was his idea of a hotel.

Indeed, even for a master of three-level civilization, the value of this hotel is very attractive, let alone shakal.

"Kneel down and apologize to me, and then send the ownership of the hotel to apologize to me."

"It's broad daylight now. How can anyone sleepwalk here?" Fang jueyu patted natu on the shoulder. "Let's go. Let's hurry to the auction. Don't waste time here with these brain cripples."

With that, he directly ignored the young people in front of him and continued to walk forward.

"Stop them!" Shakale's smiling face finally became dim at this moment. He now understood that Fang jueyu had never paid attention to him from the beginning.

Suddenly, ten people in uniform appeared in the crowd, each of whom exuded the breath of fifth order divine powers.

Fighting is not allowed on moral's mother planet, but there are always some people who have the privilege to ignore these rules, and shakal is one of them.

"Catch them for me!"

"Protect the young master!" Natu's four bodyguards immediately stood up and stood in front.

"Catch us? Have we broken the laws of this planet? " Fang jueyu looked at them, "Oh, by the way, your next line should be 'I am the law of this civilization'."

Shakalleton choked when he was about to speak. He really wanted to say this. Is this young man still a master of mental power and has stolen his own thinking?

"It's nothing strange," Fang jueyu said to shakal. "On our planet, I don't know how many people have said this to me, but they are dead and disabled, and I'm still alive."

"Hum! Arrogance, even if you have some skills, you are on your planet, and this is the mother planet of moral! "

"Really?" Fang jueyu suddenly smiled, "but if you want to catch me, you may not be enough!"

"Ha ha ha!" Shakale can see at a glance that Fang jueyu is just a third-order energy source. Natu is not much better than him. The strength of the four bodyguards is definitely not better than their own bodyguards. They don't have an advantage in quantity and strength. He really can't think of how Fang jueyu can say such words.

"What? Don't you believe it? " Fang jueyu said, "in that case, let's all come out!"

"Huh? He arranged someone? " At this moment, even taking the picture was stunned. Why didn't he know that Fang jueyu had arranged someone? Was it the Slade Crystal Tower Hotel that sent someone to protect him secretly?

Soon he knew the answer.

The breath of thousands of divine beings suddenly came from one direction, and a group of martial artists in uniform flocked. The sudden group of people immediately dispersed many people around.

"This... Lao Fang, you..."

"Hey, hey, I thought about it last night. It's a waste to put so many slaves there. I'm afraid of such things as today. I mobilized them all yesterday."

"Young master, there are 10000 people, all of them are seventh order gods!" Shakal's bodyguards spoke in a trembling voice.

"This... This is the man he called?"

"How is this possible?" Ten thousand seventh order divine beings, what kind of person has such a style?

"Don't panic, these people may not come for us!"

But things were not as ideal as they expected. The 10000 people came behind Fang jueyu and knelt down on one knee.

"I've seen my master!"

"Yes!" Fang jueyu nodded with satisfaction. He liked the feeling of bullying others. He turned his head and looked at shakal and others, "what did you say just now? I heard you were going to catch me? "