As the crystal surface of the universe is polished clean, a crystal as exquisite as a crystal appears in front of everyone. Although it is only as big as a finger, its value has increased hundreds of times.

"This spirit eater is really different," even Xiao Yi said in a surprised voice. "In my database, I have never found any creatures that can explore the crystallization of the universe."

"Nonsense, before me, did anyone feed spirit Eaters?" Fang jueyu asked.

"It's really not," Xiao Yi replied after thinking for a moment. People who have seen spirit eaters are basically dead. I don't know how Fang Huai got the eggs of spirit eaters.

"Brother Fang, your luck is really good. This kind of waste rock can produce cosmic crystals. It's really enviable." Although this cosmic crystal is small in size and low in quality, its value is estimated to be about 1 billion cosmic coins. Compared with the selling price of 1.5 million cosmic coins, its value is doubled.

"Shit, it can drive out!"

"What luck is this?"

Those who have lost for several days, even several years, even hundreds of years have shown envy. When they come here for the first time, they can get a cosmic crystal. How can they not meet such a good thing.

"Hahaha, luck, it's really luck!" Fang jueyu naturally can't tell the truth. If these people know that their second dog is a money dog, it's estimated that even the controller will fight him.

Do you still worry about money if you can get such a dog? Even if the transcendent knows the news, he may try his best to kill Fang jueyu. Fang jueyu still knows something about the truth of embracing his crime.

"Little brother, how about selling this piece of cosmic crystal 800 million cosmic coins to me?" An older looking warrior came over, and his body smelled like a seventh order divine power.

"Brother Fang, the price is fair and can be sold." Natu whispered in his ear.

"OK, I'll sell it to you, sir." It's just a crystal of the universe. With the ability of two dogs, there are as many things as you need.

"Thank you, little brother." The warrior showed a happy look. The cultivation of martial arts above divine power needs cosmic crystallization very much. Generally, the price of cosmic crystallization of this grade is about 1 billion cosmic coins. Of course, it can be a little cheaper to buy privately. Speaking, he still made a little money.

"Come on, brother natu, let's buy some more pieces to play. Maybe we can come back with a full load today!" Fang jueyu is also playing harder and harder. No wonder there are so many gamblers in the world. This uncertain thing is really full of excitement.

"Isn't he crazy? Think you're really so lucky? "

"Yes, it is estimated that even if he buys another 100 raw stones, he may not be able to open one!"

"What's more, I've opened more than 300 yuan this month. I just didn't make any money. I don't believe such a lengtouqing will have any good luck."

Seeing Fang jueyu like this, many gamblers were quite angry.

"Come on, let's go up and have a look. The quality of the raw stone in Lei Shifang is still quite high." With Fang jueyu's good start, natu vaguely felt that he could make a fortune today.

"The price is much worse!"

Sure enough, compared with those vendors outside, the raw stones here often cost millions of cosmic coins, and even hundreds of millions of good-looking ones. However, these raw stones are indeed surrounded by quite strong energy, which is like being able to produce cosmic source crystals.

As soon as he took a look at the picture, he knew that he often wandered around such places. He looked left and right. He was like an archaeologist. Fang jueyu even wanted to give him a magnifying glass.

Fang jueyu seemed to rely entirely on luck. He seemed to take one piece and chose 20 raw stones. It took only two minutes. Some of the 20 raw stones were large, some small, some dull, and some had a strong light on the surface.

These raw stones almost used up all the 800 million cosmic coins he had just earned, and he also pasted a lot of them.

There were also some people around who had just seen Fang jueyu solve the mine. They thought maybe he had some special skills. Now when they see this scene, it is estimated that the blind cat met the dead mouse.

"Hey, young people are young people. They can't hold their breath." The gamblers shook their heads and continued to choose the original stone they wanted to buy.

It took two hours to get the picture before he chose the raw stones he wanted to buy. Almost all of them were very expensive, a full 32 yuan, with a price of more than 5 billion cosmic coins! The price of almost every piece exceeds 100 million cosmic coins.

The energy of this grade of raw stone has almost condensed into essence. It looks very similar and looks very good.

The piece Fang jueyu just opened is small and poor in quality, so he can only buy 100 million cosmic coins, but those with high quality and large volume, even if they sell trillions of cosmic coins, are not rare.

"Hey, brother Fang, do you mind if I come first?" Take a picture of yourself.

"Are you sure?" Fang jueyu has asked ergouzi to observe it quietly. There is only one cosmic source crystal in the batch of raw stones, and it is only a small circle larger than the one he just had. The grade is also the lowest. I'm afraid this wave will lose everything.

"Look!" Natu picked up the original stone and put it on the machine.

However, a minute later, the whole original stone became broken, which was a waste stone.

"It doesn't matter. It's normal. I still have 31 yuan!" Natu comforted himself and put another piece on it.

"Hey, hey! There's color! There are cosmic crystals! " Natu shouted loudly. This original stone is as big as a basketball. Now it has only solved a thin layer. If the whole piece inside is the crystal of the universe, this piece can bring him tens of billions of cosmic dollars!

When he shouted, a large group of gamblers gathered around him.

However, when the original stone is completely dissociated, there is only such a small piece of cosmic crystal left.

"Ha ha ha!" The gamblers around laughed. Compared with the cost of the original stone, such a small piece of cosmic crystal is hard to get back.

Next, pieces of raw stones turned into ashes in front of natu, and his expression became more and more dim. Until the last piece of dissociation was completed, he suddenly showed a Sima face.

"I don't believe it!" Natu stood up. He was carrying a huge sum of 15 trillion cosmic coins. He could play such a gambling game 3000 times, which was a standard gambler's mentality.

"Hey!" Fang jueyu shook his head. He knew that those who had never studied pupil surgery and relied entirely on experience and luck could not make money all their life. It is estimated that the 15 trillion cosmic coins in the picture will be fully contributed to the Shifang here.

Fang jueyu picked up a raw stone and put it on the instrument. A moment later, the raw stone turned into a pool of powder.

Then came the second, the third, and fifteen raw stones in a row, all of which were waste stones!

"It's really lucky that the boy can open a piece!" The gamblers around shook their heads. It seems that they can't see any miracles today.

But when they were about to turn around, a blue light emerged from the 16th Yuan Stone Mountain.

"Hit again!"

"My God, blue! It is the crystallization of the fourth level universe! My God, I'm rich! "

"How could it be? How could he be so lucky!"

There are six levels of cosmic crystallization from low to high. The first level is transparent, the second level is green, the third level is yellow, the fourth level is blue, the fifth level is red and the sixth level is purple. The purity gap of energy between each level is very different, and the price is also very different.

The value of this fourth order cosmic crystal is simply incalculable.

Of course, Fang jueyu deliberately chose those waste rocks to hide people's eyes and ears. Can't every one of them produce cosmic crystals? If so, he may not be able to leave this Ghanaian planet alive.

"Ha ha ha," Fang jueyu laughed with exaggeration, "I've won again. Please call me the chosen one!"