"From today on, Isaac is willing to recognize you as the godfather!"

Although Fang jueyu is only ten years older than Isaac, being a godfather at this age is not a very exaggerated thing.

Fang jueyu looked into Isaac's eyes. There was a very firm look in his eyes.

No matter how much experience he has, he is just a child of seven or eight years old. In his heart, he is willing to give his life to whoever can help him take revenge.

Maybe those terrorist organizations like to train some small soldiers because they are purer and easier to cultivate faith.

"Well, from today on, I'll teach you everything I can," Fang jueyu said seriously. "You can take revenge with all the skills I gave you. I can provide you with all the resources, strength and money you want, but I hope you don't be blinded by hatred and don't hurt innocent people."

"Yes, everything is up to the godfather." Isaac said meticulously.

"One more thing, if one day you betray me, then..."

"Isaac vowed that he would never betray the godfather. If such a thing happened one day, my soul would be imprisoned with the devil forever and would never be free." Before Fang jueyu spoke, Isaac took the initiative to make an oath.

"Very good." Fang jueyu nodded with satisfaction, "get up!"

Fang jueyu put his hand on Isaac's head, and a fresh energy flowed through him, recovering all his injuries in a moment.

Of course, through this means, Fang jueyu also learned about Isaac's talent. Sure enough, his talent was better than angel!

Seeing this divine means, Isaac looked at Fang jueyu with a trace of worship in addition to loyalty.

"Ha ha ha as like as two peas." his eyes are almost the same as those of your ancestors who saved the ancestors of the ancient million. Xiao Yi interrupted.

Indeed, although Fang jueyu has many students in the super Theological Seminary, and they also swear to be loyal to Fang jueyu, whether they or Gu Yi, the feeling in their eyes is far less than that of Isaac.

He did not know that in Isaac's heart, Fang jueyu had been regarded as a God.

"Let's go back to China with me. I will personally guide you for a year from today. I will leave in a year. It may be half a year or more. I hope you have completed what you want to do when I come back."

Isaac was slightly stunned. Naturally, he knew that his mother was a power, and he also had a certain understanding of the basic knowledge of power.

In his heart, even if Fang jueyu is willing to teach him, it may take more than ten or even decades for him to have the strength of revenge.

But Fang jueyu actually said that he could have this power in two years, which surprised him?

In fact, Fang jueyu doesn't exaggerate at all. Whether it's the heskeith family or the Flemish family, the most powerful power is only the sixth level of super power.

You know, angel has only studied in the seminary for less than two years, but her realm has reached the fourth level of potential yuan!

This kind of strength, even if it doesn't need any martial arts support, can easily lift a level 6 super power up and fight.

With the guidance of Fang jueyu, it is almost equivalent to the assistance of Xiao Yi. Then Isaac's growth rate will be much faster than angel. It is not impossible to reach the sixth level of potential yuan in two years.

At that time, revenge for his mother was just a flick of the fingers.


It was late at night when he returned to China. Anyway, many other villas in Jiangnan were empty. Fang jueyu simply let Isaac live here for the time being.

"Woof!" Two dogs wagged their tails and ran out of the kennel to meet him.

"Did Xinyu sleep?" Fang jueyu asked.

Isaac looked at Fang jueyu's behavior with a puzzled expression. Can the dog still understand people?

"Woof, woof, woof!" The second dog nodded and made an expression of teeth and claws.

"It's over. Is she very angry?"

"Woof!" Er Gouzi nodded again.

"Shit, I thought I could come back in a few minutes with an express. God knows it will take most of the day. Now I'll be talked about again." Fang jueyu threw Er Gouzi a pill, which was his "intelligence fee".

Two dogs chewed with satisfaction and ran back to their kennel.

"Godfather, you... Your dog can understand people?" Isaac asked incredulously, is even the godfather's dog unusual?

"Oh, it's just a dirty dog. Don't pay attention to him."

As soon as Fang jueyu's voice fell, er Gouzi suddenly stopped, turned around, raised his forelimbs and compared him with a middle finger.

"Wait for me and see if I don't mix shit in your dog food!" Fang jueyu said angrily.

"Isaac, you can stay with me for the last two years. Tomorrow I'll take you to a place where you can learn everything you want to learn!"

"Everything is arranged by the godfather." Isaac said cleverly.

After arranging a room for Isaac casually, Fang jueyu returned to his home. The light in the room was still on, and Guo Xinyu obviously hadn't slept yet.

Fang jueyu apologized and walked into the room. Of course, he knew why Guo Xinyu was angry. Originally, he promised Guo Xinyu to accompany her to the cinema this evening.

In order to seize the time to break through the source of energy, Fang jueyu devotes a lot of energy to the study and cultivation of the super seminary every day. He naturally cares less about Guo Xinyu, and often doesn't go home for several days.

"Xinyu, I'm sorry. I promised to accompany you to the cinema tonight," Fang jueyu said apologetically. "I met some accidents on the way, so I didn't come back until now."

"It's okay, I know you're busy," Guo Xinyu took a breath and forced to smile. In fact, she really hopes Fang jueyu is just an ordinary person, even if her life is not so rich.

She also hopes that, like ordinary couples, they will strive for a common future. They will work together during the day, have a warm dinner at home at night, watch TV, listen to music and conceive the future.

But Fang jueyu's unusual fate meant that they had nothing to do with this ordinary.

"Xinyu, I'm afraid to tell you something that will worry you, but believe me, what I do now is to protect our tomorrow," Fang jueyu hugged Guo Xinyu. He could feel Guo Xinyu's shoulders trembling slightly.

"Two and a half years at the latest. When that thing is over, I'll marry you!"

Guo Xinyu suddenly stopped sobbing and turned to look at Fang jueyu. She didn't expect Fang jueyu to suddenly put forward the matter.

"In two and a half years, I will give you the most grand, grand and unique wedding in the world."

"Really?" Guo Xinyu looked into Fang jueyu's eyes.

"You don't have to answer," Guo Xinyu pressed Fang jueyu's mouth. "Your eyes tell me that you're not lying."

"No matter what you do, I'm willing to support you. Two years later, I'll wait for you to marry me!"
