"You... You Yin me!" Blair glared at Fang jueyu. Unexpectedly, Fang jueyu would secretly poison him.

"Mr. Blair, I just want to warn you that this is in China, not in the Federation, and everything has the final say, but how do we do it? Do you understand?" Fang jueyu said in a threatening tone.

China is a land of etiquette. If others are polite, we naturally treat them with courtesy, but if others come with an attitude of looking for trouble at the beginning, I'm sorry, we China are not made of mud!

"You want to die!" Blair has a tendency to get out of control. He is the first strong man to step into a divine power in ancient times. Even the current federal president is polite to him. Fang jueyu actually uses this attitude.

"Ah, Mr. Blair, I remind you, you'd better not be angry, and don't use your energy at will. My smiling half step is crazy, colorless and tasteless. As long as you have severe emotional fluctuations, whether you cry, laugh, anger or sadness, the toxin will spread rapidly in your body!" Fang jueyu said humbly.

Sure enough, as soon as the voice fell, a sharp pain came from Blair.

"Ha ha, Mr. Blair, of course I know you are a divine power. Naturally, my poison won't kill you, but our Chinese poison technique is not in vain. This is a third-order poison. In other words, it has certain lethality for divine powers!"

Blair immediately mobilized his powers to suppress the toxicity.

"Mr. Fang, I'll just follow your arrangement. Please give me the antidote first." Blair's tone is no longer as overbearing and tough as just now.

"Well..." Fang jueyu said shyly, "this poison was just developed by my friends and I a few days ago. We just made the poison and haven't had time to make the antidote. Hey, hey, Mr. Blair, you are so strong now that you should be able to eliminate the toxin with power?"

As a power person, the general toxin can't destroy their body functions at all. The source of the power is also the cosmic source force, which is enough to kill ordinary viruses, bacteria and toxins, but he found that this toxin is incredibly stubborn.

He can completely neutralize these toxins by relying on his own energy, but it may take half a day, that is, he can hardly do anything in this half a day.

He didn't know that although the name of this smiling half step madness sounds a little old-fashioned, from the classification of poisons, it is made by the technology of secondary civilization. The toxicity is extremely stubborn. Even serious energy sources take a few minutes to detoxify themselves.

Blair didn't believe Fang jueyu's nonsense. If there was no antidote, he would stand upside down and eat three tons of shit, but what could he do if Fang jueyu didn't give it? And no one saw Fang jueyu poisoning him. If Fang jueyu didn't remind him, he wouldn't know he was poisoned.

Even if it is said, who will believe it?

"So he has calculated everything!" Blair now found that Fang jueyu was terrible and had a deep mind. He had calculated everything.

"So Mr. Blair, you'd better come according to our arrangement. Don't worry. I'll let you see what you want to see. Otherwise, the head will blame me for being unkind to guests, and you will say I'm stingy. If it's spread, people will think we're poor in China!"

"Well, tomorrow is tomorrow. Take us to the hotel!" Blair finally relented.

Let alone say that he is now in public. Once he does it, he will be held accountable by power organizations all over the world.

Even if there is no one nearby, he has been poisoned and his combat effectiveness has decreased by at least 30%. He may not be able to defeat Fang jueyu with a rolling posture. This is not the result he wants.

His purpose is to know how Fang jueyu suppressed the powers all over the world, and how he will return it this time! So he needs to be at his best.

But Fang jueyu's words made him feel a little cool.

Doesn't Fang jueyu know that he is already a super power? For any country, the current attitude must be extremely fearful. How can it accept their exchange visits in a big way?

"Hum, it must be a bluff. It's impossible to win me by these ghost tricks!" The last time Blair was just unprepared. If he did it again, he would never be plotted by Fang jueyu again.

"Come on, take Mr. Blair and members of the federal delegation to the hotel!" Fang jueyu waved to the Yanhuang staff.

Blair had just stepped forward, and the sharp pain of tearing his heart and lungs hit again. He found that as long as he took one step, the toxin would begin to attack his body. Even if he was forced to suppress it by his strength, the pain would be weakened by only a small half.

"Fang Jue... Consultant Fang, why can't I move?" Blair's tone was a bit of fear. The poison was developed by Fang Jueyu. He had no idea of the performance and power of the toxin. Fang Jueyu has the final say.

"Hahaha, teacher Hua's poison is really easy to use!" Fang jueyu was secretly laughing, "well, Mr. Blair, don't you know Chinese?"

"What does consultant Fang mean?"

"Didn't I tell you that the poison in you is called smiling half step bump. As the name suggests, you can't laugh or take half step, otherwise the poison will spread on your body and attack your body function!"

"How could there be such a poison!" Blair knew that China's poison and poison techniques were very mysterious. He didn't expect to have the opportunity to try them himself, "what should I do? How can I get to the hotel? "

"Oh, it's easy, Mr. Blair. Since you're not allowed to walk, you can use flying!"

"If I could fly now, would I still be here to tell you this bullshit?" Blair scolded in his heart.

He can fly, but he is not proficient. It's still a public place unless he looks like the headlines in China tomorrow.

And now he has to allocate part of his energy to suppress the toxin. It is impossible to fly wholeheartedly.

"There's no way, Mr. Blair. Now you can only jump for a day!"

"Jump?" Blair's eyes widened. He is the leader of the federal power, the only divine power in the world. Should he jump and walk like a fool? Is he a zombie?

"How about I get some people to carry you?" Fang jueyu said with difficulty.

"Forget it, just jump!" With that, he hopped towards the exit of the airport.

"Pooh!" When long Ting saw this scene, he immediately laughed. Fang jueyu and Blair had just communicated with spiritual force. No one heard what they said. Seeing Blair like this, let alone hot and yellow people, even the people in the Federation looked confused.

"What happened to him?" Longting asked.

"Oh, maybe it's my first time in China. I'm too excited?" Fang jueyu said nonsense, "I walked like this when I went on spring outings and autumn outings in primary school!"

"Hey, Mr. Blair, be careful, there are steps and thresholds in front!"

