Ronald planet is a very famous planet in the beren region. The diameter of this week is more than dozens of times that of the earth. It looks like a huge metal ball from space. Their civilization has developed for hundreds of millions of years and has reached the level of three levels of higher.

What they are best at is mechanical technology. Their exquisite mechanical technology has been highly praised by the whole cosmic civilization.

Large machinery factories can be seen everywhere on Ronald's planet. A civilization needs development and also needs a lot of funds. Because of advanced technology, other civilizations will not give away, so exporting all kinds of machinery products has become their biggest industry.

Ronald's largest machinery factory is named after Ronald's planet. This factory sells flight machinery, land machinery and navigation machinery of the first-order early civilization at the lowest, and also receives orders for advanced space warships at the highest. As long as they give money, they will do everything!

The staff of Ronald factory are still running normally as usual. Although their business is very extensive, they do not often have large orders. Most of these orders come from primary and secondary civilizations.

In most cases, the cosmic Federation is in the mode of overall peace and local war. Most civilizations buy this war machinery to resist foreign invasion. Therefore, the order volume of this kind of war machinery is not too large. Only some tool types of mechanical products will have relatively large orders.

Hugh Peter is an ordinary salesman in Ronald's factory. He is responsible for receiving all kinds of orders and explaining the production and delivery of the factory. However, he is unlucky. His department is responsible for war machinery.

It's been three months. The biggest order he received was just a cosmic warship of the early second-order civilization. The price was less than 10 million cosmic coins, and their commission was pitiful. They took an ordinary basic salary for almost three consecutive months.

"Job No. 10086, you have received a new spacetime store order. Please handle it as soon as possible."

"Space time store orders?" Hugh Peter had a rare awakening, a pleasant voice that had not been heard for a long time. His family are living on their meager income. If there is no commission on orders, he will soon consider changing careers.

But he is not a cultivator, and he doesn't have much money to mechanically transform his body. He can only do this ordinary work on his own week.

"Wait, space time store?!" Hugh Peter was sure he had heard right.

The orders he usually receives are just the most ordinary orders, and the orders in this time and space store are not the same.

This space-time store only appeared in the cosmic civilization thousands of years ago. It is said that its earliest inventor came from a first-class civilization that has not joined the cosmic alliance. After generations of optimization, it has finally been put into formal use.

However, not everyone can use this space-time store. The equipment of the space-time store is very complex. Generally, only the aristocrats in the universe can afford it, because the space stone used in the core of the space-time store must have a certain size to withstand this long-distance transaction.

The space stone of this size is very rare, and its price will not even be lower than that of a small galaxy, so people who can use this space-time store are either rich or expensive.

"Hello, distinguished guest, this is Ronald factory of Ronald civilization, job No. 10086, at your service." Hugh Peter immediately put on a very respectful attitude. Not to mention how much commission this business can earn and who can afford to use the space-time store, he can't afford to offend, and even his civilization can't afford to offend.

He glanced at each other's information, but there was no indication that buying things in the cosmic Federation requires real name authentication, unless the person's area did not join the cosmic Federation.

But how is that possible? Civilizations that have not joined the cosmic Federation are basically the lowest civilizations. How can such people afford the space-time store?

"Did you find it?" Hugh Peter guessed that there have been such things in other civilizations, but even if you find them, you can't give a dime to buy things.

Thinking of this, Hugh Peterson became quite disappointed. It is very rare for people of this primitive civilization to have cosmic coins. It is almost a dream to make a commission from here.

"I'll go. What's this?" Fang jueyu saw the creature in front of the screen. Although he had some human characteristics, many parts of his body were replaced by machinery, and filled with all kinds of pipes. He looked like a scientific freak.

"Host, this is the human beings of Ronald civilization," said Xiao Yi, who has almost all the information about joining the cosmic Federation civilization. "They develop mechanical civilization, and cultivation is not popular, but in order to pursue stronger physique and longer life, they use machinery to replace their organs."

"Tut tut Tut, if I want to transform myself into this, I'd rather die early." Fang Jueyu make complaints about it.

"Host, don't you still need a batch of advanced equipment to deal with the wormhole that may appear in a few years? In that situation, the warships of the third-class advanced civilization are enough to deal with it, but this kind of thing is generally not in stock and needs to be customized. You can book it now and pick up the goods directly at that time! "

"That makes sense!" Fang jueyu's space-time store can only be opened for one hour at a time. If it's not ready-made goods, there's no time to deliver them. If there's such a low-level mistake at that time, it's terrible.

"Hello, I need a batch of uc001 mobile soldiers." Fang jueyu said in universal language.

Hugh Peter was even more surprised that this civilization where mankind is located has not joined the cosmic Federation. How can it be the common language of the cosmic Federation? Is this a space explorer?

Thinking of this, he got rid of the mentality just now. Maybe they were just exploring near a barren civilization.

It's just that what he wants is too strange. Even if the full allocation unit price of uc001 mobile soldier is only 100000 cosmic coins, although it is much higher than other incomes, their commission is very low because of the high commodity price. It's quite good that he can get 1 cosmic coin for 100000 cosmic coins.

"I need 100 of this model, all with the highest configuration."

"OK, sir, 100 top equipped uc001 mobile soldiers. Our factory has a large number of spot goods, but we can deliver them directly to you through the space-time store. The total price is 10 million cosmic coins and 9.8 million cosmic coins after discount. How do you pay?"

With 9.8 million cosmic coins, Hugh Peter can also get a commission of 98 cosmic coins, which is very good for him to have no harvest in recent months.

"I haven't finished yet. Give me another exa-07 mobile fighter, which also needs the highest configuration."

This type of mobile fighter is the main combat power of the secondary primary civilization. It has more mobility than the mass production type. It also has the ability to fly freely in the atmosphere. These 100 mobile fighters always need a captain aircraft, right? And he's already figured out the driver!

The price of exa-07 mobile warrior has increased dozens of times, and the unit price has reached 5 million cosmic coins, but to be honest, it is still just a small list, and Hugh Peter is inevitably disappointed.

"Do you need anything else, sir?"

"Well, advanced space warships, can you do it?"

"First... Sir... Do you want a space warship?" Hugh Peter's voice became slightly trembling. The cheapest cosmic warship needs hundreds of millions of cosmic coins!

"Well, give me some!"