"Sword!" Fang jueyu shouted loudly, and the flying swords deeply inserted in the earth returned one after another and disappeared behind Fang jueyu in turn.

"Why is the Dean getting more and more powerful? Even elder Ou is not the sum of his generals. " If Chen Menghan remembers correctly, Fang jueyu's strength did not reach the level of congenital martial arts when he fought with the leader of ancient cangjian sect last time?

"Normal operation, I want to know what the Dean learned. It's so handsome. Is this the art of defending the sword?" Qin Yun said excitedly.

"I doubt that the Dean hasn't used all his strength so far," Bai you guessed. "You see, the Dean shows stronger strength every time he meets a stronger opponent. His ability to defeat the middle of huashenjing doesn't mean that he can only defeat the middle of huashenjing, but that his opponent has only so much strength."

"You have a point!" After listening to Bai you's analysis, it's like an exam. One person got 99 and one person got 100, but the gap between them is not only one point!

The one who got 99 only got 99 points, while the one who got 100 only got 100 out of 100. This is the most elusive part of Fang jueyu.

"Maybe only the experts in the mythical realm can force out all the strength of the dean?"

"Come on, where else can we find a mythical realm in the world except the man under the dean?"

"I'll go. Isn't the Dean invincible?" Qin Yunmeng thought of such a possibility. "No wonder the head will rest assured that the president will be the honorary consultant to manage the ancient martial arts association. When he comes out, what else can't he do?"

"Alas, the ancient martial world will change from today!"


"Now, does anyone refuse to accept the management of the divine stick bureau?" Fang jueyu's eyes were burning. He swept the faces of the remaining group of martial artists, "I'll give you another chance to choose. You choose to obey the management of the divine staff Bureau. Now stretch out two fingers and give me a heart!"

"What? Bixin? Shouldn't we lay down our arms and surrender? What is this operation? "

"Brother Zhou, do you compare?"

"Nonsense, the consultant is so strong that even senior Ou has lost, and we are all injured. Is there room for resistance?"

"But he is only one person. We still have dozens of experts in heaven and human realm and three hidden masters in Huashen realm!"

"It's useless. The sword move just now, which expert in heaven and earth stopped it?"

"Yes, if he were like this, all of us wouldn't live together!" Someone pointed to the other thirty powers, "do you think those powers are all decorated?"

"As the consultant said just now, he trained these 30 people by himself... Ah, no, he trained them by himself. The weakest one beat the master of heaven and man like President!"

"Then... Then we give up resistance?"

"Give up and compare your heart!"

"Well, it's better than heart."


Those ancient warriors look at me and I look at you. Some people whisper. After a few seconds, they immediately raised their hands and stretched out two fingers to compare a very shameful love.

The general situation is over. Fang jueyu has completely conquered everyone present. The president of the ancient martial arts association and the elders, without exception, sighed and expressed their surrender one after another.

"Wouldn't it be over if I had been so obedient?" Fang jueyu said contentedly, "I am a civilized man. You have to ask me to do it!"

"Civilized people..." Bai you and others immediately showed disdain. Fang jueyu either smashed people with money or taught people with fists. If a person like him were a civilized person, there would be no shameless people in the world.

However, since the ancient martial arts association is under the management of the Chinese people, it will not be as comfortable as before. Once they could be domineering, run rampant in the secular world and converge a lot of wealth. However, once they enter the standardized management, these can not continue.

They estimate that the best treatment is similar to those powerful people. Although their life will not be tight in the future, it will never be as luxurious as it is now.

Without those wealth, they will no longer have the resources to train new disciples. Those sects and families will gradually lose their original scale, and the last ancient martial arts association will die in name and in reality!

"Ah, why are you all crying?" Fang jueyu looked at the dead faces. Is it so painful to accept Yanhuang's management?

"Hey, consultant Fang, you don't know." Chen Wei, the owner of the Chen family, came up and told Fang jueyu about their scruples.

Fang jueyu nodded. It's normal for them to have these concerns. The cost of cultivating ancient martial arts is indeed much higher than that of powers. Without the original resources, they can't develop as well as they are now.

"Little problem, little problem!" Fang Ju used his internal power to expand his voice, "I know your concerns!"

Hearing this, everyone immediately raised their heads and looked at Fang jueyu.

"I want to tell you that your development will only be better if you return to Yanhuang's management in the future!" Fang jueyu said.

"First of all, everyone's income is divided into three, six, nine and so on according to their strength! Although you don't have the composition of previous families and sects, your tasks are carried out in the form of teams. How to team up, I will not interfere with the divine stick bureau! "

"Second, we will manage your welfare according to the strict attendance system!"

"Attendance system?" Hearing this new word in ancient military circles, everyone showed puzzled eyes. You know, this system generally only exists in secular companies and enterprises.

"According to everyone's performance, the staff of the divine staff Bureau will investigate you and decide everyone's month end rewards. These rewards include pill and martial arts. If you perform very well, there are mysterious awards! And everyone has it! "

"There are pills and martial arts, and everyone has them?"

"Impossible? There are only three alchemy masters in the world. Their pills are not distributed enough. How is it possible? Isn't it framing us? "

"What's the matter? Don't you believe it?" Fang jueyu said with a smile, "I don't believe you. Ask them!"

"What? Consultant, what are you talking about? " The powers are distracted.

"I said, those pills and martial arts!"

"Huh? It's the pills you give us for dinner every day? "

"Bah, counselor, you are so pitiful," the powers immediately commented. "That thing has no oil and water. Our mouths are going to fade out in the past two months?"

"And your martial arts! It's awesome, but it's too much, and those practice methods are strange. It's hard for me to read the newspaper. I feel I'm short-sighted these days! "


"What? These people take pills as food? "

"Did I hear you right? Martial arts secrets are not even as good as newspapers? "

"I don't think it's wrong. Otherwise, who of you can explain to me that Yanhuang has so many super powers all at once and can play so well one by one?"

"Can we accept Yanhuang's management?"

"God, how happy?"

"It turns out that we have been squeezed by the ancient martial arts association for so many years!"

"Hum, they must be all for their own self-interest. They don't put our interests in mind at all. They are also the ones who make money and take good things!"


"Sun Xinghe BISS horse tonight!"

It was unexpected that Fang jueyu's words not only made those people completely willing to obey Yanhuang's management, but also hated the ancient martial arts association.

Those people of the ancient martial arts association look pale. From now on, the ancient martial arts association will completely disappear in China