Natuer and science are the most prestigious comprehensive academic weekly in the world. Countless scholars are proud to publish papers in these two weekly magazines.

In China, only a few such articles are published every year, and even the number of academic papers published by many 985 schools in these two kinds of journals is still zero.

Even many schools have clearly marked prices. As long as they can publish a paper in the regular Journal of natuer or science, they will be rewarded with 5 million to 20 million, which shows the authority of these academic journals.

However, the difficulty of publishing such papers is also terrible. As of this year, there are about 10 million scientific researchers around the world. Assuming that each paper is an independent author, according to the probability, only one or two of 10000 people can publish the articles of natuer and science.

The probability is ridiculously low.

Therefore, as long as you have an article on nature, almost all colleges and universities and 211 colleges and universities can directly hire you as a professor. Even in those 985, even if you can't be a professor, it's easy to be an associate professor.

Several editors of Nature magazine are processing the manuscripts received today. As a top academic journal in the world, the editorial department of nature can receive hundreds of contributions from all over the world every week, but almost 90% of them are directly rejected.

The selection of articles is extremely strict. They almost don't read them, whether they are not good enough or not practical. Of course, there have been many interesting things, such as the results rejected by nature won the Nobel Prize.

However, these phenomena are only a few, and still can not undermine the authority of magazines such as nature.

Today, they have reviewed more than 20 manuscripts, but so far there have been no results that brighten their eyes. Even looking at them makes people feel sleepy.

"I really dare to contribute to nature at any level." Nick, one of the editors, lay down in the lounge chair. He had seen his mind swell.

"Hahaha, don't be so angry. You know, if an article can be hired by us, the fate of this person may be changed. Of course, there are many people fishing in troubled waters. Let's take a closer look."

"If the editorial department hadn't paid me more, I would have quit!" Nick sat up again and opened another article.

"Fang jueyu? Why is the name so familiar? Is it an authoritative expert in Chinese academia? "

"I do know that the new richest man in the world in China is called Fang jueyu."

"Maybe the name is homophonic?" Nick continued to open the manuscript. Chinese culture is broad and profound. Perhaps many people's names are pronounced Fang jueyu, but since they are not the richest man in the world, they should be some ordinary researchers who are not famous.

As editors, they have a necessary basic skill is to remember some Daniel's names, so as not to miss such high-level articles because of their carelessness.

The name of the article is "drug resistance treatment of targeted treatment of cancer cells", which immediately brightened Nick's eyes. Cancer is a disease that mankind has never conquered, and any breakthrough is a great progress of mankind.

Cancer cells sound frightening, but to put it simply, they are just cells with lesions. Ordinary cells can divide, but the number of divisions is limited, while cancer cells can divide and metastasize indefinitely, thus consuming human functions, swallowing human nutrients, and finally causing human death.

There is something called EGFR in human body. It is one of epidermal growth factor receptors and plays an important role in physiological processes such as cell growth, proliferation and differentiation.

It controls the division of human cells like a human switch, but the mutant form of EGFR found in cancer cells is still in the "on" state, which leads to abnormal cell proliferation and converts normal cells into cancer cells.

However, when EGFR inhibitors were born, they caused an upsurge in academic circles for a period of time, and even humans thought that they had found the dawn of curing cancer. However, they did not expect that the cancer cells were indeed eliminated at the beginning, but they lurked like a spark.

Three to six weeks later, these sparks began to break out and suddenly started a prairie fire. Not only that, they even developed serious drug resistance.

Although a large number of scholars are studying the anti drug of EGFR, the effect is very little, and what this article introduces is a highly effective anti drug.

"The effect of resistance can reach 95%? Nonsense? " Nick was disdained when he saw this number. This anti drug is specially used to deal with lung cancer cells. If this effect is really achieved, the limit of cure efficiency of lung cancer will be increased dozens of times!

"Hey, Marshall, come and have a look. Why do I think this article is a little unreliable?" Cried Nick.

Marshall glanced at the content of the article. Although the result was indeed incredible, the article did have a lot of data as support.

Although these figures were not obtained by Fang jueyu's clinical experiment, he didn't have so much time. It took only a few minutes to sort out this article, but of course they were not fabricated. Relying on his supercomputer's computational simulation ability and Xiao Yi's fine control, these are almost the correct data.

"Why don't we leave it to the experts? If something goes wrong, the pot won't be on us."

"Good idea!" Nick nodded again and again. This is a very way. Although the two editors are well-informed, this is a comprehensive journal, and they don't have a voice in every academic field.

"But if this thing is true, let alone published in our journals, it will be easy for the medical community to win the Nobel Prize."

"To whom?"

"Give it to Professor Coleman of Birmingham University. He has the most say in this regard. He should be able to see the authenticity of these data."

"OK, then contact someone and I'll continue to read the manuscript behind!" Nick opened the next manuscript and found that the signature of this article was Fang jueyu!

But he was sure that this time it was definitely not the same name, because the addresses of the contributors came from the same school, Jiangnan University in China!

"This man is really interesting. Does he have other research on cancer cells?" There is a saying in China called "sharpening a sword in ten years". Many unknown scholars have studied it for more than ten years, and the precedent of suddenly publishing three articles in nature has also appeared.

The name "the initial origin of accretion disk jet" is not something in the field of cancer at first sight. It has nothing to do with medical biology.

"Is this something in astronomy?" Nick hardly knows anything about this, but after his inquiry, this question is actually a theoretical inquiry that the academic community has not given a clear answer. Did this person actually do it?

"It seems that we will trouble the experts again." Nick dragged the article aside. He didn't dare to return the manuscript until he was sure of the authenticity. Otherwise, if there were some breakthrough discoveries and finally published by other journals, wouldn't it mean that they had no eyes?

However, the next one is still Fang jueyu's. read it the same way, "Ding Lingling!" Nick's work phone rang.

"Nick, you will never believe that I actually received ten contributions from the same person today, and all of them are research breakthroughs in hot and difficult issues!" An excited voice came from the other side.

This man is the editor of science and has a good private relationship with Nick.

"Just now, an article has been confirmed and is feasible, and other articles are being reviewed one after another. How do you think there are such people in the world? Did he steal the alien USB flash drive? "

"The person you're talking about can't be Fang jueyu of Jiangnan University?"

"Are you there, you know?"

"Because our journal also received ten contributions from this man!"