"The Chinese team won without a fight and won the champion of the world college students' network information security competition!"

"Huaxia won the first world-class information security competition championship trophy for college students!"

"Fang jueyu of the Chinese team won the first place in the individual competition and pushed ficol down the altar!"

"For the first time, ficol, a talented girl, publicly admitted that she was far inferior to Fang jueyu, a talented player in China!"

"The world champion is also the richest man in the world. Let's uncover Mr. Fang jueyu's secret!"


After the team competition, the individual competition soon ended. Fang jueyu won the championship with absolute strength. In the championship competition, in order to prove that he didn't release water, ficol also specially accepted close-up live shooting.

From her operation and hand speed, there was no difference from the usual game, but in the face of Fang jueyu's iron wall, she was also helpless, and Fang jueyu still used less than 30 seconds to break her defense node.

So far, all those who expressed doubts shut up!

The teams from various countries returned to their countries one after another. The other three members of the Chinese team and the team leader teacher Zhuo Shangke also took the trophy back by Fang jueyu's private plane, while Fang jueyu stayed in Singapore alone.

Of course, the people who stayed were ficol. They came to the beach where they officially met that day again.

"Are your teammates okay?"

"Well, it's all right. Their strength is only the level of ordinary people. Even if there are curses in China, they will only scold me." Ficol said indifferently.

"You are quite calm. It's almost equivalent to betraying your country. Is it worth it?" Fang jueyu knew very well that if the next thing they were going to do was completed, ficol would become the enemy of the whole America in the future.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, they never treated me and my family as human beings." Ficol showed a pale smile. Since she was sensible, she had been locked up in the dark Laboratory for a long time.

Even when she grew up and entered the University, she had to go back to the laboratory in addition to having classes at school during the day. For her, the school was just a slightly larger cage.

Her family has also been under the control of that organization for a long time. Although they are free, there is always a poisonous snake staring at them.

"Strange, since you are so important to them, should someone watch you or protect you for a long time?" Fang jueyu asked.

"Of course, the sanctuary directly sent three super powers to follow me. Many other organizations tried to take me away to study my body, but they all killed me."

"Sure enough!" Fang jueyu nodded. Super powers can't stay inside another country for a long time. The three are estimated to be wandering on the edge of the border. After all, the whole Singapore is only so big.

"All right, let's go!" Fang jueyu said.

"Just the two of us?"

"Of course not!" Fang jueyu said, "don't forget, I'm a rich second generation. Have you ever seen that rich second generation fight by themselves?"

He added, "of course, I like to do it myself when I'm bored or itchy!"

"I didn't expect you to joke!" Ficol showed a rare smile, but the smile still looked a little pale.

"Don't worry, there are people from my family everywhere on earth," Fang jueyu said. "Your family is controlled, isn't it?"

"Well, they were also fed with chronic poison. Only taking antidotes for a long time can save their lives, so I had to cooperate with their research." The reason why ficol is so haggard is entirely because he has been used as a test object for a long time.

"Simple, just rush in and save the people, and then smash their headquarters!"

"It's easy for you to say," laughed fickel, destroying the sanctuary. Even the whole of America dare not say so. They can only recruit it for cooperation.

"They are them, I am me, just a small organization. My family can destroy it by sending anyone."

"Little organization, you dare say that," fickel said. "How can we get there?"

"Drive over!" Fang jueyu directly gave Xiao Yi an order, "Xiao Yi, drive my reformed Sun God over!"

"Host, I opened it for you yesterday. It's right in front of you. Now it's hidden with optical stealth technology!"

"So powerful?" Fang jueyu looked at it and couldn't see anything in front of him.

"Remove optical camouflage!" Fang jueyu said.

At his command, a sports car suddenly appeared five meters in front of him. It was still the sun god, but there was a very strange conical device behind the car.

"What is this?" Ficol had never seen such a strange engine.

"Oh, this thing is called a solar oven."

Since Fang jueyu went to Uncle Wang Cong's house last time, he had the idea of transforming the car, so he asked Xiao Yi to find a way to install a solar oven on the car.

Solar oven is a conceptual semi permanent energy mechanism existing in animation works. It is a distant dream for people on earth, but the secondary civilization has matured this technology.

Through the system, the cosmic source force free in the air can be automatically collected, and a kind of high-energy particles called GN particles can be generated far and continuously, and huge energy can be generated at the same time.

The released GN particles can produce anti gravity, so that various vehicles have huge speed, and the generated energy can also be used as weapons. However, due to the high cost and complex process, it is very difficult to produce.

It happened that most of the materials were in the express sent by Fang Huai last time, so after a period of time, Xiao Yi successfully built a complete solar oven.

"This kind of good thing can be driven even by a large space warship. Storing energy can destroy a city in a few seconds. It's too wasteful for you to make a sports car!" Xiao Yi said.

"It's all right. If you don't open it in the future, won't it be over if you remove it and install it on something else?" Fang jueyu said indifferently.

"Start, open the door!" At Fang Jue's command, the vehicle slowly floated to a height of about 30 cm from the ground, and the European wing door spread out directly.

"Come up!" Fang jueyu took the lead in walking up and stretched out a hand to Fei Ke'er.

"How did you do it?" Phoebe has a lot of knowledge in her head. She can recognize that it is similar to the anti gravity system, but can it really be realized?

"Don't ask me how I did it. Anyway, there's nothing I can't do!" Fang jueyu farted, "asking is a cow! No matter what happens to me, please take it for granted! "

Fei Ke'er was dumb. She got into the car. The car was incredibly stable, without shaking, and extremely comfortable.

"Let's go, destination: the coastal mountains of America!"

"Confirm, destination: American coastal mountains!" With a humanized sound, the vehicle tore open the calm sea level and slowly accelerated, far exceeding the speed of the aircraft towards America