Without knowing it, Zixiu had paced back and forth in the “cell” nearly a hundred times! His mind was in a mess, but for a moment, he could not figure out what he was panicking about.

By right, he should feel happy when he heard that nothing had happened to Liuxu. However, he felt restless for no reason. He did not care who wanted to kill Nangong Du, nor did he have time to think about what had happened to Yu Xiaohu and his family, and whether they were safe and sound now. When he recalled what had happened recently, he felt something wrong: Had it not been for an emergency, his dad would not have suddenly let go of his hands on the ropes, regardless of his safety. But if the ropes were really cut by someone, his dad must have been attacked. Then how come Liuxu suddenly showed up in Luanzhou? What the hell had happened on the top of the cliff that day? More importantly, Liuxu had been found, then how was his dad doing now? Was he with Liuxu? Who found them? Who took them to Luanzhou? What would happen to them?

Nangong Du knew everything about what had happened in the Cirrus Valley. Leaving aside her mysterious background, had it not been for Liuxu’s running away from the wedding, Prince Mu would not have married a fake princess. Besides, he had seen that his “fiancée” was pregnant in the valley. As narrow-minded and merciless as Nangong Du, he must have been plotting revenge for a long time! In the Cirrus Valley, he could not make trouble because of his illness. What was Nangong Du going to do to return to Luanzhou in such a hurry?

As Zixiu had suffered a lot because of Nangong Du, even without thinking, he could tell what the crafty, ruthless, and vicious prince might do. He even suspected that Nangong Du had just been faking a coma and lying in the snow near his house the other day. And to get out of the valley, this despicable prince might have pretended to be hunted down by killers. After all, no one had ever tested whether Nangong Du was lying when he said he was being hunted down. Moreover, having been abused by this asshole, Zixiu had spent most of the journey in a coma, so he had never seen a single killer! Moreover, even if there were a few killers, they might be Nangong Du’s men who had come to cooperate with their master! Nangong Du was so good at acting. How could he waste his “talent”? If he had not been acting, how come he did not stay at home to avoid those killers but made a long journey at this dangerous moment?

The more Zixiu thought about it, the more he believed that he had been tricked. He couldn’t wait to go to Luanzhou to question Nangong Du in person, and he was even more worried about his family! However, Nangong Du’s guard, Yueying, who had once knocked him unconscious with a blow, was in the room. Could he escape under his nose?

The most realistic and challenging problem made Zixiu calm down a little. Gradually, he started thinking in a different way. To be fair, did Nangong Du really have to lie? If he had been acting, how come Xingyi had been injured by a poisoned dart and almost died? Was it worth nearly killing his personal maidservant and even himself for acting? Besides, what was the point of putting on a show in front of an indefatigable “slave” after they had got out of the Cirrus Valley? Moreover, Liuxu was a princess of a foreign country anyway, so her running away from marriage would definitely concern the relationship between the Wen and the Nan kingdom, and it was far more than a domestic affair of Prince Mu! Even though Nangong Du could not hold back his rage, his elder brother, the emperor, and his mother, the empress dowager, should know how serious the consequences could be if he did anything to hurt Liuxu, so they would find a way to stop him… Wait! Princess Liuxu’s escape from marriage seemed to be a secret to most people, and even the emperor and the empress dowager knew nothing about it!

At this point, Zixiu suddenly associated his experience of being forced to disguise himself as Prince Mu’s consort and what he had suffered from with something odd that had happened recently.

However, though he was so furious that he had a spur to kill Nangon Du, he felt a sense of relief while running his fingers along his bulging belly. Thankfully, even the empress dowager knew that Prince Mu’s new “consort” was pregnant, so she would not feel anything wrong when she saw Liuxu’s big belly! At least, Liuxu would neither be laughed at nor despised, nor be drowned in a pond or committed suicide to show her innocence. Thus, Nangong Du would not have any excuse to kill her in Luanzhou!

Thinking of this, Zixiu felt much more relieved. At least he still had time to escape. Now that he had regained his memories, and he was not as stupid as before, he was confident that as long as he got out of Prince Mu’s Mansion, he was able to get rid of Nangong Du’s control over him.

A moment later, he got a plan. Everyone needed to answer the call of nature.  Even though the loyal guard was watching his every move like a monitor, he was not likely to follow him to the toilet.

Zixiu then bent over and clamped his legs unnaturally, as if he could not hold it anymore. He turned around and went into the inner room with a strange posture. After pulling out the homemade toilet paper from his bag, he rushed into the toilet at once.

A quarter of an hour later, he got out of the toilet with a refreshed look. As he had completed the first step of his plan, he couldn’t help but whistle while walking back to the room at a brisk pace.

Soon, it was noon.

To his surprise, the silent guard, who had always suddenly shown up in front of him from nowhere, walked in from the front door, carrying a basket of food.

Soon the table was laden with various kinds of delicious dishes. Smelling the inviting fragrance, Zixiu, who was starving to death, could not stop his mouth from watering. He hadn’t had a decent meal for a long time!

He instantly grabbed the chopsticks and started digging his food!

The dishes were so delicious that they could even be compared with those at the five-star hotels of the 21st century. The cooking skills of the chef were amazing!

When Zixiu was gobbling down in a good mood, he suddenly noticed that instead of leaving, the guard was still standing by the dinner table.

Though he was aware that in feudal society, servants were not allowed to eat with their master together, he could not help but invite Yueying to have dinner with him.

“Er… Hey, you!” He did not remember whether Nangong Du had ever called the guard’s name before him. Anyway, he did not know his name. But it would not stop him from trying to invite Yueying.

“Take a seat! You can share the food with me.” He put down his chopsticks and wiped the oil from the corners of his mouth shyly. He felt ashamed when someone looked at him while he was eating. He hated the way rich people thought they were superior!

“…” With a poker face, Yueying did not make a sound.

“Come on! Let’s eat together. You’ve been spying on me for a long time. Aren’t you tired?” Zixiu tried to persuade him reasonably, “Join me! I can’t finish so many dishes. Besides, if you find time to eat alone, it will affect your work, right?”

Yue Ying was still expressionless, but he finally spoke, “Don’t waste your time! The laxative in your bag was already dumped!” he said, without any fluctuation in his tone.

“Huh?!” Zixiu was rendered speechless.