Zixiu suddenly stopped talking. He rolled his eyes exaggeratedly as if he were a cunning Fox. Next, he continued disdainfully with a snort, “But why should I protect someone who may kill me at any time? Your Highness, I’m not Mr. Dongguo…”[1] In a fable, Mr. Dongguo is a kind-hearted scholar who saves a wounded wolf. However, instead of being grateful to him, the wolf almost eats him up.

“Kill you?” Nangong Du could not hold back his anger anymore. He had repeated many times that he would not find fault with Liu Zixiu again. How dare this bold rebel take advantage of his illness and behave so presumptuously in front of him! To be exact, he was not ill. Liu Zixiu must have slipped the laxative in his food, which caused him to have diarrhea all night and made him in such a mess! “Liu Zixiu, how dare you! You not only turned a deaf ear to what I said but also secretly plotted against me!”

“So what? I already showed mercy for not keeping you hungry, just like what you did to me!” Interrupted a few times, Zixiu felt a little irritated, especially when he saw the arrogant look on Nangong Du’s face as if he were talking to a servant! “Why should I remember every word a pervert says? What’s more, that damned pervert has no right to control my behavior and decide what I should remember! As the saying goes ‘even a dog dares to provoke a tiger in plain,and even a shrimp dares to tease a dragon in a shallow pool’ What’s the big deal about a prince? Humph!”

“Why are you so angry?” Maybe because of the cold water over him, Nangong Du felt even soberer. He did not flare up because Zixiu addressed him as a “damned pervert”, instead, he felt surprised that Liu Zixiu was showing off his “literary talent”. However, if he compared him to a tiger that left the mountains and a dragon that left the sea, what did he compare himself to? “Liu Zixiu, are you a shrimp or a dog?”

What? Zixiu did not notice his own offensive words, so when he heard Nangong Du compare him to a dog, he thought he was making personal remarks about him. Since Nangong Du was trying to pick a fight, he decided to teach him a good lesson. Anyway, he would not lose to a sick villain verbally.

He immediately started cursing, “Nangong Du, you sex maniac! You blind dog!    No, even a dog is better than you! At least, it’s grateful and won’t bite the hand that feeds it and even try to plot against others!”

‘Bite the hand that feeds it?’ This made Nangong Du even more furious than calling him a blind dog. Who was ungrateful? Who was trying to plot against others? He felt his blood boil at the thought that instead of being grateful for stopping him from falling, Liu Zixiu was even cursing him! However, as the temperature outside the quilt was very low, to keep his illness from getting worse, Nangong Du finally held back the urge to jump up and beat Zixiu. “Liu Zixiu, seems you know yourself well!” he said sarcastically.

“Huh?!” Zixiu was struck dumb, wondering what Nangong Du meant. After a while, he briefly figured out what the latter was implying. He widened his eyes and clenched his teeth with his hands on his hips. “Nangong Du, what do you mean? Do you still remember how did you treat me? How could a man be so mean like you? I had never eaten my full in your mansion! You pretended to be nice to me in front of other people, but when there was nobody around, you showed your true color! What the f*ck were you acting for? You threw me against the wall, and you also kicked me in the stomach. I still have bruises here…” With that, Zixiu pressed somewhere on his stomach and still felt a dull pain. “If I can’t get rid of these bruises soon, I won’t go easy on you! With you as her backing, that ugly shrew, Xingyi, always bullied me! She scolded me, pinched me and even tried to scald me with hot water! As I didn’t want to fight with a woman, I had been putting up with her. What the f*ck did I do to her that she hated me so much? If she had a crush on you, what was it got to do with me? Moreover, that guard, who always showed up with a poker face like a ghost, knocked me out with a blow! I was running a f*cking high fever back then, but you guys just left me alone on the freezing floor for a day!”

Zixiu poured out all the abuse and torment he had suffered in Prince Mu’s Mansion at one stretch. He was so irritated that it took him quite a long time before he caught his breath and continued, “Prince Mu, you’re now lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, with no bruises on your body. Don’t you feel ashamed to accuse me of ungratefulness? You damned pervert! You bastard! Have you ever done anything to my advantage?”

“Liu Zixiu, merely because you’re still alive now, you should be grateful to me!”  Nangong Du answered without hesitation.

Judging from what he said, without even looking at him, Zixiu could tell that the prince did not feel even the slightest guilt, which made him can’t help but flare up in an instant. In spite of the vomit on his pants, he managed to climb on the kang with his right shoe still on before he kicked Nangong Du heavily. “You bastard, you’ll know what it’s like to get kicked!” he shouted angrily. However, when he was about to kick gain, his leg suddenly froze in midair and could not move. “Huh?” Zixiu was a little panicked. His legs had been cramping occasionally in the past few days. After a few attempts, he still failed to move.

Though Nangong Du got kicked, he did not lose his temper at once. “Don’t think I can do nothing to you just because I’m sick!” He said slowly, his tone full of sarcasm!

“Hmm…” Zixiu could not even speak now! Actually, his leg did not cramp. He suddenly went stiff because Nangong Du had struck his acupoint!

“Humph!” With a snort, Nangong Du slowly laid Zixiu down onto the bed. When he stroked the bed sheet, he suddenly found a small oblate bead, which was the button on Zixiu’s garment that he was proud of!

“Hmm… Hmm…” Zixiu was so angry that he really wanted to curse, but unfortunately, all the swear words turned into the single syllable of “hmm…” It seemed he had only himself to blame. He was even more stupid than Mr. Dongguo! How could a man try to get close to a wolf! “Hmm… Hmm…”

“Listen!” Now that Nangong Du had regained the upper hand, he intended to defend himself against the accusation Zixiu had just made against him. Otherwise, someone might not even know who the real evil guy was until he was dying! “Anyone caught breaking into my mansion will be tortured to death! Since I asked you to disguise yourself as a princess, you should behave like a princess. Do you think every woman is as gluttonous as you? Besides, how come a princess wandered about all day, flirted with others, and even sang lewd songs at midnight… ”

“Hmm… Hmm…” ‘Damn it! Who sang lewd songs? You damned pervert!’ No matter how hard he tried, Zixiu just could not utter a word.

Disregarding his struggles, Nangong Du continued, “No matter what she has to do with your family, since the princess of the Wen could find your house, that means you were not kidnapped and sent to my mansion by accident! The person behind all this is the one who’s trying to kill you! To me, you’re just a tiny ant, not worth killing at all!”

Zixiu was listening, but he was surprised that this jerk would have responded to his complaint with patience. Therefore, he stopped trying to cry out and merely scolded Nangong Du inwardly. ‘An ant? You’re an ant! A huge, vicious ant!’

However, as soon as he quieted down, Nangong Du suddenly reached out and started taking off his pants! “Hmm… Hmm…” ‘You pervert! Let go of me! You damned pervert! Help!’

Nangong Du was amused when he saw the look on Zixiu’s face. ‘Liu Zixiu is a self-righteous fool who has never learned from a lesson! What does he think I’m going to do to him? Doesn’t he know how sloppy he is now?’

Ripping off Zixiu’s dirty pants and throwing them to the floor, he said coolly, “Liu Zixiu, no worries! I’m not into you at all!”

“What?!” Zixiu, who was both flustered and angry, was stupefied at his words. How come his words sounded so familiar? He then remembered that Nangong Du had said the exact same thing to him when he had been in his mansion months ago! The same tone of contempt! Watching him put on airs, Zixiu was seized with an impulse to beat him up! “Nangong Du, you…”

“Er…” Zixiu suddenly found himself regain the ability to speak. He was so surprised that he even forgot to curse Nangong Du.

“What’s wrong with me?” Nangong Du flicked his finger that had just struck Zixiu’s acupoint with an enigmatic smile. He wanted to hear what kind of absurd statement Liu Zixiu was going to make next! He was so curious that he even forgot to put on airs as a prince!

Zixiu was fearless at this point. Moreover, he had had enough of Nangong Du’s vicious provocation. This asshole had gone too far! He just regarded him as a clown!

Without asking Lingxiao and Huali in to help, Zixiu started cursing again, “Nangong Du! You don’t f*cking deserve to be a man! You’re a coward! You’re afraid to admit what’s on your mind! If you were not into me at all, why did you keep me in your mansion? Why did you come to my house? Why were you jealous last night? What’s more, you just took off my pants!”

“Are you complaining?” Nangong Du was not infuriated at all. Instead, he smiled disdainfully. As he expected, Liu Zixiu was indeed worried that he would be abandoned by him!

“Complaining? Stop flattering yourself! ” Zixiu blushed with anger. He found it hard to communicate with this pervert! “You sex maniac, don’t think marrying a bunch of men is a big deal! Obviously, those ugly guys were either forced on by you or married you for the sake of your money! Compared with them, my senior brother and Yan Lingxiao are much better! They have no interest in vulgar people without a unique temperament!”

“A unique temperament?” Nangong Du laughed even more disdainfully. It was funny that Liu Zixiu thought so highly of himself. It seemed this guy was narcissistic than he was! “Liu Zixiu, you’re dirty and messy now. Do you think Yan Lingxiao will like the way you look now?”

“Dirty? Messy? How dare you…” Zixiu checked his tongue halfway into his words when he suddenly remembered that his pants were soiled with vomit. Wait! “Nangong Du, you vomited in my room and stained my pants. How dare you say that I’m the dirty one?”

“Then who the hell slipped the laxative in the food? Who tried to persuade me to have dinner? How did I get into such a mess?”

“It’s me! So what? You can only blame yourself for being so stupid! What’s so great about a martial arts practitioner? When I’m successful in studying medicine, I’ll treat you to taste all kinds of poison!”

“Oh? I’m really looking forward to it! But I wonder how a fool who can’t even hold a basin of water steadily can become a medical expert!”

“Nangong Du, you lunatic! Can you just stop making sarcastic remarks? Damn it! If you dare to belittle me again, I’ll shut you up forever!”

Sitting by the cliff in the cold wind for a long time, Liu Wuyi finally calmed down a little. When he looked up and saw the bright sun had already hidden in the clouds, he suddenly remembered that his son might not have had lunch yet, so he immediately rose to his feet and hurried to his home.

At the door, Lingxiao and Huali were standing straight, facing the wall.

“What are you doing?” Liu Wuyi walked over and asked surprisingly. He had never seen how Yan Ke punished his disciples.

“…” The two remained silent, staring at the wall in a daze.

‘Did somebody strike their acupoints?’ Liu Wuyi guessed with a doubtful look. Thinking of how furious his senior brother was before he went out, he had briefly figured out what happened. It seemed that Yan Ke was still as short-tempered temper as before! As Liu Wuyi had cut ties with people from the Valley of Fallen Blossoms, he knew it was inappropriate to get involved in their internal affairs. After thinking for a moment, he patted their shoulders and said in a low voice, “You should follow your master’s words. Don’t come to Zixiu again!”

With that, he turned to walk to the room. However, when he had just taken a step forward, he heard someone shouting in the room.

“You damned pervert! What’s so great about you? You’ll know how I’m going to teach you a lesson!”


Was Zixiu cursing someone? The scream… Liu Wuyi turned around in shock and started questioning the two behind him, “What happened? Where’s Yan Ke?  How come you left Zixiu alone in the room?”

“…” Lingxiao and Huali could only look at him helplessly. They were eager to know what was going on in the room as well!

“Zixiu! Zixiu!” It was obvious that he could not get an answer from the two. Though he had lost his martial arts cultivation base, Liu Wuyi rushed into the room in panic without giving it much thought.

Zixiu still felt irritated and he did not notice someone speaking outside. Now that he could move freely again, he opened his mouth and bit Nangong Du on the neck with all his might, like a hound. He was going to kill this damned pervert, who had repeatedly insulted and provoked him!

So, when Liu Wuyi rushed into his son’s room, he saw his son and Nangong Du pressing against each other on the bed, one without pants, and the other with his upper body bare…

“!!!” Liu Wuyi was so shocked that he did not even think to check if his son was biting or licking. He could not utter a word with his lips trembling. So his son and Prince Mu were…

“Ah!” Nangong Du deliberately let out a groan again. He had seen through Liu Zixiu to be a soft-hearted person. Besides, even Zixiu tried hard, he could hardly injure him with his teeth. So Nangong Du did not scream from pain at all! In the beginning, as it was so damn cold, he wanted to have Zixiu warm him up, so he struck his acupoint, but later, he changed his mind when he suddenly heard Liu Wuyi talking outside. He then struck Zixiu’s acupoint again to make him restore the ability to speak and move. When Liu Wuyi saw what his son was doing with him, he would know exactly what kind of relationship he had with Zixiu!  “Don’t exert that much strength… Darling…”

“Darling?” Immersed in the pleasure of revenge, Zixiu still did not notice that his dad was in the room! He stopped biting and started cursing loudly, “Damn it! Call me uncle!”

“Ah—” Nangong Du was certain that Zixiu had no way to explain himself later, so he could not help but laugh inwardly.

Liu Wuyi could not hold back his fury anymore! He had been worried about his son’s safety. But look what his son was doing now!


“You little brat! Now you must have known what’s going to happen if you fight me!” Nangong Du could not help but gloat. “Ah!” Hearing his dad’s voice suddenly ring from behind, Zixiu froze on the spot.