“Oh! No!” Zixiu let out an exaggerating cry again when he finally realized that something was wrong! It seemed he should not be in a hurry to tell Nangong Du that his wife, the princess of the Wen Kingdom, had finally been found just to get rid of that asshole. At least, he should find out first if this young woman was indeed Princess Liuxu. How come an unmarried princess was pregnant and looked like a pauper? What was a princess doing in the mountains?

“Dad, who… who is this young lady?” Zixiu asked tentatively, tilting his head. As it was so noisy in the room, he had been hiding under the quilt and did not hear clearly what the others were talking about at all. The doubts that had been building up for months came to his mind again. He had been guessing that his dad had hidden something from him, but for fear of upsetting Liu Wuyi, he had never mentioned it.

Liu Wuyi did not reply. He turned aside stiffly and shifted his gaze to the blackened lattice beside the bed, waiting for his “daughter” to tell the truth.

It was obvious that Yan Ke and his disciples had not recovered from the shock yet. They stared at the “princess” blankly, without knowing what to say.

Because Zixiu had suddenly chimed in, the atmosphere in the room grew even weirder. Whether from cold or excitement, the young woman’s shoulders kept shaking while tears streaming down her face. After quite a while, she said chokingly, “Dad, I’m your daughter…Xu… I’m Liuxu…”

“Liuxu! Are you really…” Zixiu was the first to respond, but he suddenly turned pale halfway into his words. Stunned by his own bold assumption, he covered his mouth with his hand in disbelief. ‘Gosh! What happened? Did this princess address my father as ‘dad’ just now?’

“Xu, Liuxu…” Liu Wuyi repeated the name of his “daughter” coolly. No one could tell what was on his mind.

However, the young woman could not stop crying. “Dad, I’m Liuxu. My family name is Liu. I’m your daughter. I don’t want to go back to the imperial palace again! I just don’t want to! Boohoo…”

The imperial palace? Yan Ke, who had been in a daze for a long time, suddenly wised up. Compared with the three juniors, he knew Brother Liu’s past better and still remembered the incident that destroyed his junior brother’s future! The doubts of the past were all present. This Liuxu looked exactly the same as Zixiu! What did this mean… Damn it! That woman had gone too far! It was obvious that she had plotted against his junior brother years ago!

Yan Ke was burning with anger. At the thought that he had mistakenly taken Liuxu as his daughter-in-law and brought her to the valley, he almost coughed a mouthful of blood. Next, disregarding the presence of his junior brother and his disciples, he pointed at the crying pregnant woman and asked coldly, clenching his teeth, “You’re Wang Ning’s…”

“Enough!” Hearing the name that nobody had ever mentioned in the past seventeen years, Liu Wuyi suddenly lost his temper and let out a deafening roar.

Zixiu had never seen his dad so angry before, so he was stunned for a moment. He was so scared that even when he suddenly saw Nangong Du standing by the door, he dared not to show his surprise. Lingxiao and Huali had not expected that Yan Ke would have given a pregnant woman a hard time, so they froze on the spot and did not know what to do.

Yan Ke was a highly respected physician, but he was eccentric and short-tempered. Even if he got berated by his junior brother, he just stopped cursing at Liuxu. Moments later, he pointed his finger at Liu Wuyi. He should have woken up his stubborn junior brother earlier! “Liu Wuyi, you already knew this girl was not Zixiu before we came back, right? Then why did you bring her here? Are you an idiot? You are already down-and-out like this because of the Wang Family, how come you…”

“Zip it!”

“Why don’t you want me to go on? Are you still regarding me as your senior brother? Why are you so easy on that woman? You lost to me on purpose back then because you wanted to leave the Valley of Fallen Blossoms, right? Did you think it was an honor to waste your brilliant talents for a woman? Our master was so angry that he even coughed up blood because of you! You disabled your own martial arts skills and lived in seclusion in the mountains. Well, you should be happy now. That woman gave birth to a princess for you! How lucky you are! Humph! Your daughter was so filial that she even came all the way to visit you when she was already pregnant… ”

“Yan Ke, shut up! Whether she’s my daughter or not, it’s none of your business!”

“It’s none of my business? Humph! Even you don’t take me as your senior brother, Zixiu will be my daughter-in-law, so what’s relevant to “her” is also relevant to the Yans! If you admit that the girl is your daughter, it will be unfair to Zixiu as well as his mother!” The tablet was just in the room and Yan Ke had seen it as soon as he stepped in. He couldn’t help but let out a sigh when he remembered the days when Ziyan had lived in the Valley of Fallen Blossoms. “Ziyan suffered so much after she married you. If you still have any sense of conscience, you mustn’t …”

“Please don’t blame my dad! He didn’t know I was coming!” Liuxu suddenly raised her voice in tears. She bent down her knees and knelt on the floor with difficulty. “It’s all my fault. I came to find my dad on my own initiative!”

“Find your dad?” Yan Ke snorted. “Who told you he was your dad? Your mom? It was funny. Do you know what she did years ago…”

“Liuxu, get up!” Liu Wuyi roared again, interrupting his senior brother’s sarcastic remarks. Hearing that, Zixiu and the others came back to their senses as well. However, instead of getting up, Liuxu collapsed on the floor. As a pregnant woman, going up the mountain already exhausted her, so she could not stand too much mental stimulation anymore.