After a thorough self-analysis and reflection, Zixiu could not help but raise his question to the three guys. “What do you like about me?”

Nobody answered him and the room instantly became unusually quiet. None of the three had expected Liu Zixiu’s reaction being so calm when he learned that his buddy had a crush on him! How could an inexperienced person behave so calmly in front of three guys who had become rivals because of him? Except for that dandy, Nangong Du, who had already had a bunch of consorts and concubines, Yan Lingxiao and Luo Huali had never been in a relationship with anyone, and from the very beginning, they had secretly taken a fancy to their beloved younger brother (or sister), Zixiu. To some extent, the two of them were both green hands in love. On the contrary, Zixiu, who was younger than them, spoke and behaved much more sensibly and maturely than his peers. At least, none of the other three had ever heard something like “sexual orientation”, so they only looked at each other, without knowing what to say!

However, it was hard to judge by what he said and how he behaved whether a person was mature and rational.

At this point, what was on Zixiu’s mind was how come he had attracted three gays’ attention at the same time! If he had done something wrong and offended the gods, he would like to reflect on himself and turn over a new leaf.

Whether he thought this out of self-irony, inferiority, or narcissism, it was embarrassing to get no response from others after asking such a question!  After all, no one wanted to be treated as a shameless and amorous clown, and Zixiu was no exception! Besides, even though he was not quick-witted, he was not an idiot. At least, it was obvious that Lingxiao had feelings for him!

With a thoughtful look, he added, “You don’t even know, right?”

The sophisticated way he spoke made him look like a romance expert!

At least, Nangong Du was thinking in this way. He had been wondering how come Yan Lingxiao and his senior brother were so crazy about Liu Zixiu that they were even ready to be his servants. Now he knew the answer—Liu Zixiu was experienced in seducing guys! If this little brat had not announced in advance that if he said something wrong, they could just take it as him flattering himself, even though he was “pregnant”, he would beat him up! ‘Don’t think you’re already my favorite consort only because we have gone through the wedding process! I had a formal wedding with each of my consorts and concubines! I like you? Hum! You wish!’

As Zixiu expected, though Nangong Du had figured out that he was not on his side, he had never regarded himself as an outsider. As for the angry warning, it was because… Prince Mu would never allow others to touch anything that belonged to him. Liu Zixiu, his other consorts, and male concubines, and anything else in Prince Mu’s Mansion, were all his belongings! How dare Liu Zixiu try to get rid of him? No way! If it were not for Lingxiao and his senior brother, he would have kicked Liu Zixiu down the mountain, bound him up, and brought him back to his fief! Now that his plan had been disrupted, he had to seek other means!

Nangong Du was a domineering controller and a predator. Even though the innocent Zixiu had been unluckily kidnapped and sent to his mansion for no reason, as long as he had “married” him, Nangong Du had taken him as his private property. He was angry about Zixiu’s “frivolity”, but he was in no hurry to teach him a lesson because he would have plenty of chances in the future! Similarly, he turned a blind eye to Zixiu’s “flirtation” with other guys for the moment. Therefore, instead of losing his temper at once, he only looked on indifferently.

Yan Lingxiao and Luo Huali remained silent.

Lingxiao was in a trance without knowing it. He had no idea when he had become so sentimental that he always looked at the sky and lost in thought, thinking of Xiuxiu’s every move, his every twinkle and smile…

As for Huali, he really could not tell what he liked Zixiu about. He had been rendered speechless just now, which added to his already uneasy feeling. He could not deny that he had feelings for Zixiu and he thought Zixiu must be very disappointed with him! Zixiu had been taking him as his buddy, but like Nangong Du and Lingxiao, he also became what Zixiu called a lunatic! He lied to Zixiu. What would Zixiu think of him in the future…

Zixiu had never expected that the three of them would have turned a deaf ear to his question in a tacit agreement. How embarrassing! ‘They had been yelling and fighting for me just now. How come they all became mute after I had barely spoken a few words?’ Zixiu thought resentfully. After all, he had a hard time making up his mind to make things clear and put an end to the complicated relationship between the four of them!

“Cough! Cough!” Zixiu suddenly realized that he was absent-minded, so he immediately cleared his throat to cover up his restlessness. Putting on a solemn expression again, he continued, “It’s no wonder that you don’t know!”

Huh? The other three grew even more confused.

“Because you must have known him well before you fall for someone! I don’t even know myself, let alone you guys!”