It was already midnight when the fire was finally put out! The exhausted Nangong Du and Yan Lingxiao were panting with buckets in their hands. Though they had done their best, nearly half of the roof was burned out. In addition to some fluttering in the sky, most of the ash with sparks fell into the house. Fortunately, though the walls were blackened with smoke, the only few pieces of furniture in the house survived the fire.

By the light of the torch, Luo Huali rushed into the house and placed Zixiu in the room with the unburned roof.

The first aid proved to work. It was also because the heat from the fire warmed Zixiu up, he stopped raving deliriously and his paleness was fading. After checking his pulse, Luo Huali could tell there was nothing seriously wrong with Zixiu.

A moment later, the two who had finally caught their breath walked in.

“Xiuxiu, does your belly still hurt? Nor worries, you have us here to protect you…” Lingxiao dashed to the bed and grabbed Zixiu by the hand with excitement.

Seeing that he was about to hold Zixiu in his arms, Nangong Du couldn’t help but flare up with his brows knitted. However, when he was going to find fault with Lingxiao, he suddenly heard Luo Huali roar.

“Don’t touch him!” Huali had a hard time stanching Zixiu’s abdominal pain, so he was afraid that the latter would suffer the same from Lingxiao’s tugging. For some time… No! Until Zixiu was ten months pregnant, he should be kept in bed as much as possible!

Seeing Luo Huali’s grim look, Lingxiao froze on the spot. As a physician, he realized what his senior brother meant soon, so he gave up the idea of hugging Zixiu. However, he had a feeling that there seemed to be a trace of disgust in his senior brother’s growl! ‘Is Senior Brother still carrying the torch for Xiuxiu?’

At the thought that Huali had been his rival since childhood, Lingxiao immediately grew alert. Though he thought highly of himself, and he was indeed an excellent young man, Lingxiao had to admit that his senior brother was superior to him in talent, medicine and martial arts! ‘Xiuxiu loved to play with Senior Brother when he was a child. Now Senior Brother has grown into a handsome young man. Though he’s a little reticent, it may make him more attracted to Xiuxiu. Who knows? No way! I won’t let him take Xiuxiu away from me!’


A miserable cry interrupted Lingxiao’s thoughts, and at the same time, Nangong Du shifted his furious gaze from Lingxiao while Luo Huali came back to his senses.

The three of them synchronously turned to the sweating Zixiu, their eyes full of anxiety and concern, though someone was trying to hide his true feelings and someone hadn’t realized how much he cared about this ‘coward’ yet.

“Xiuxiu, how are you feeling? Does it still hurt?” Lingxiao, who made no secret of his admiration for Zixiu responded first. However, as if overreacting, he lifted the quilt and was about to check Zixiu’s belly. Though Zixiu was feeble, he instantly pushed his hand away.

Zixiu hadn’t had anything for a whole day, so he was very weak for the moment. Moreover, the terrible pain in his belly almost killed him and that pervert’s sudden appearance, as well as the fire on the roof almost scared him to death. Therefore, it was no wonder that he broke out in a cold sweat. “You quack! It hurts because you pinched me too hard!” Zixiu complained resentfully.

Though he still sounded feeble, as a patient, the utterance of a whole sentence in one breath meant he was no longer in danger!

His three admirers felt much relieved.

Despite being scolded again, Lingxiao was overjoyed, like a bear that had just eaten honey!

Seeing his smiling face, Zixiu felt he was a little silly, so he shot a glare at this damned quack and turned aside. However, as soon as he caught sight of Nangong Du’s gorgeous robe, he grew tense again, so he immediately shifted his gaze. When he looked up, he suddenly saw his senior brother looking at him with a complicated look!

Luo Huali came back to his senses earlier than Zixiu did, so he turned aside slightly to avoid Zixiu’s gaze. However, though their eye contact lasted only a few seconds, he had figured out that Zixiu was about to say something. “Zixiu, what’s up?”

“Rumble…” Zixiu’s stomach answered even quicker than his mouth. Yes, he was starving!

“Oh, so you’re hungry!” To keep his senior brother from ‘pleasing’ Zixiu, Lingxiao immediately chimed in with a look of triumph on his ‘silly’ smiling face. ‘Dad was so prescient to have asked me to bring the osmanthus cake to Xiuxiu, haha!’

He immediately took out a paper bag excitedly. However, when he opened it, he found the osmanthus cakes had turned into powder!

“You shouldn’t eat too much sweet food when you’re sick!” Nangong Du immediately protested, trying to pick a fight again. Anyway, he couldn’t help but feel annoyed whenever he saw Yan Lingxiao!

“It’s none of your business!” Zixiu retorted grumpily while stuffing a handful of osmanthus cake powder into his mouth.

Holding the bag, Lingxiao grinned from ear to ear while Nangong Du was gritting his teeth with a grim look. Luo Huali was the mildest among the three. “Since you’re not feeling well, you’d better not eat too many sweets. I’m cooking for you right now!”

‘Cooking for me?’ As if he had heard some kind of sensational news, Zixiu stopped shoving the cake powder with his eyes widened. Staring at Luo Huali, who seemed to be thinner in these months, for quite a while, he continued with a sigh, “Senior Brother, it’s very kind of you!”

Zixiu meant what he said and he was about to ask Huali for help before the latter had figured out his intention. After all, among the three, this senior brother was the only one who had left him with a very favorable impression. ‘Unlike those two, Senior Brother’s not gay and he’ll never think about marrying me! It’s unbelievable that he can even cook! Wow! He’s as awesome as dad!’

Disregarding the complicated look in the other two’s eyes, Zixiu watched his senior brother out of the room with admiration while various kinds of delicious dishes popped into his mind. He was sure Luo Huali was a good cook, but… there didn’t seem to be any cooking materials in his house!