“The smell of herbs?”

After pausing for a few seconds, Zixiu was certain that the intruder was none other than Lingxiao. Anyway, he always picked medical herbs in the mountains with his father, so he was more sensitive to their smell than ordinary people. As he had been very close to Lingxiao at noon, he was very impressed with the faint, pleasant smell of herb emanated from the latter.

Zixiu had a feeling that he had once smelled this unique fragrance somewhere a long time ago, but he couldn’t recall the herb’s name.

Instead of focusing on the fragrance, he shifted his attention to the guy who had already withdrawn his hand from his lips.

Bearing Xingyi’s lecture in mind, Zixiu didn’t dare reveal his real identity, so he tugged at the quilt tight as any young lady would do when she saw an intruder breaking into her bedroom at night. While shoving the intruder away with all his strength, he rolled to the other side of the bed. In spite of his vigilance, he retained the majesty of a ‘princess’. “Who are you? How dare you break into my bedroom…”

However, before he could finish his words, he was caught dumbfounded when the other party’s low, pleasant voice suddenly rang.

“Xiuxiu, I miss you so much!” With that, Lingxiao moved aside slightly. The bright moonlight immediately poured down on his young, handsome face. Though he looked a little bit resentful, he was indescribably charming, and every woman would fall for him when they saw him show his face with such a blue expression in the street!

Even Zixiu was amazed at his gem-like dark eyes, in which he seemed to have seen the bright stars, let alone those girls.

“Xiuxiu, your Brother Xiao misses you so much!” Lingxiao went on pouring out his lovesickness to Zixiu, and his voice even began trembling.

Unfortunately, as a straight man, Zixiu couldn’t help but feel his flesh creep when he heard another man calling him affectionately in a trembling voice.

After staring at him in a daze for a while, Zixiu suddenly understood what he meant by ‘Xiuxiu’! “He’s addressing me in such a disgusting way?!” Though Lingxiao’s eyes, as bright as the stars out of the window, sparkled with sincerity, Zixiu couldn’t help but feel vomiting, just like Lianshan had reacted at noon, but thankfully, he covered his mouth with his hand in time.

“Gosh! What’s wrong with this guy? I can’t believe he came to my bedroom at midnight only to act this way!”

“Physician Ling, if you don’t leave right away, I’m going to ask the guard in!” Managing to hold back the urge to throw up, Zixiu put on airs as if he were the real princess. Though he was aware that as Lingxiao knew his name, he must have something important to come to him, for safety reasons, he wouldn’t readily admit that he was the replacement of Princess Liuxu.

However, instead of feeling annoyed, Lingxiao was even more thrilled. He had been wondering that Ziuxiu might have changed a lot over the years, but it turned out that he didn’t have to worry at all. “Xiuxiu is still as adorable as before! No, he’s more adorable than he used to be!” Thinking of this, Lingxiao burst into laughter, “Hahaha…”

“Could Physician Ling be sleepwalking?” Taken aback by Lingxiao’s sudden laughter, Zixiu couldn’t help but wonder.

Needless to say, that was just his wild guess.

Lingxiao put away his laughter when he finally realized his abrupt behavior had frightened his fiancée. Staring at Zixiu, who was curling up in the corner of the bed, he said gently, “Xiuxiu, your fiancé is here to get you out!”

“Fi… Fiancé?!” Zixiu instantly froze on the spot at this piece of shocking news! “The mysterious guard said he was my senior brother, and this arrogant physician addressed him as my fiancé! What a mess!”

“Physician Ling, you’d better get out of here right now! No one needs your help…”

“I’m not leaving!” Lingxiao interrupted him with a resolute tone. Shaking his head in grief, he continued, “Xiuxiu, please trust me! I know you must have been forced to marry Nangong Du, but I won’t marry anyone except for you! I don’t care even if you’ve lost your virginity. Xiuxiu, come home with me!”

“Seems this bro knows a lot about me! But what makes him think I’m his fiancée?” Glancing at Lingxiao calmly, Zixiu wondered. “Physician Ling, you must have mixed me up with someone else. I don’t even know you!”

“Xiuxiu, come on! It’s not your fault. I know you must have suffered a lot! I should be blamed not having come earlier!” With that, Lingxiao could no longer suppress his upsurging emotions and he climbed into the bed.

Sensing that, Zixiu immediately stretched out his leg to kick him. “Get out of my bed!”

“Xiuxiu!” With a bitter face, Lingxiao grabbed a corner of the quilt. After a while, he couldn’t help but move closer to Zixiu. “Xiuxiu, I feel so bad you treat me like this! Xiuxiu…”

“Stop calling me that!” Zixiu roared, getting goosebumps all over. However, instead of stop closing in on him, Lingxiao wrapped him in his arms.

“Hey! Don’t you know according to the rules of etiquette, physical contact between men and women is forbidden?” From the way Lingxiao spoke, Zixiu could tell that he had regarded him as a woman, so he said this deliberately. To his surprise, Physician Ling held him even tighter!

“But you’re not a woman!” Lingxiao looked down at him, his eyes full of affection apart from concern and pity.

“Heavens! Is he gay too?” Zixiu grew tense instantly. “Impossible! No matter how hapless I am, I can’t always catch men’s attention for no reason! There must be some misunderstanding!” “Physician Ling, what’s wrong with you? I’m a man just like you. How can I be your fiancée?”

“My dad told me that before you were born, your dad had betrothed you to me!”

“What?!” Zixiu didn’t believe that Liu Wuyi would have made such a ridiculous decision to marry him to a man. “Did Physician Ling mistake me for someone else, or was he making up a lie? Before I was kidnapped, dad was going to ask the matchmaker to go to the Li girl’s house and discuss our marriage with his family!”

“Hasn’t your dad ever told you about that?” Seeing Zixiu’s changed expression, Lingxiao asked anxiously for fear that his fiancée might dislike him and even refuse to marry him! He was super pumped when he learned about the engagement between Zixiu and him four years ago. Before that, he had thought that his parents would punish him severely when they knew that he had a crush on Zixiu since childhood, but to his surprise, they had settled their marriage years ago! Until now he still felt incredible that his conservative father would have been so open-minded!

“My dad has never mentioned this to me! You must have mistaken me for someone else!” Zixiu struggled desperately, trying to break free from Lingxiao’s grip. “Damn it! We’re both men, but how come he has so much more strength than I do!” he cursed inwardly.

“Let go of me!” Though Zixiu didn’t want to make a noise, he couldn’t restrain himself from crying out.

Lingxiao froze for a while, staring at him with a complicated look and finally loosened his grip. “Zixiu, I promise I won’t go easy on Nangong Du! I’ll definitely let him pay back for what he did!”

“He’s going to avenge me?” Zixiu immediately cheered up on this topic. However, to cover up his excitement, he lowered his head and hid his face in the shadow. “But Lingxiao doesn’t seem to be an evil guy. Would it be unfair to him if I used him to avenge me?”

“What’s your plan?” After hesitating for a while, he asked expressionlessly.

“I’m using acupuncture…” Lingxiao suddenly checked his tongue halfway into his words.

Next, they heard someone shouting anxiously outside, “Guys, help! Get the assassin!”