Zixiu was indeed taking a chance.

He had won the first set by a narrow margin and though he had been beaten up by Xingyi, at least he was still alive! “Gosh! This woman is really a shrew! If other people know I was defeated by a woman, they will definitely laugh their heads off! What a shame!”

However, if Zixiu had realized that Xingyi was not only a martial arts practitioner but also was an expert in combating, he wouldn’t have been so depressed!

Xingyi was a part of this gamble as well. If Zixiu hadn’t said that Prince Mu was just feigning it, she would have ended his life with a punch at the risk of being punished by her master. Maybe she had no chips in her hand, but she honestly wanted to know if Nangong Du had really fallen in love with Zixiu. Therefore, she didn’t use all her strength in the following attack, and no bruises were left on Zixiu except for the finger marks on his face. However, in any case, Xingyi wouldn’t apply ointment for this ‘b*tch’ to reduce the swelling!

By the next morning, Zixiu’s left cheek had swollen up like a steamed bun, which was enough to show the power of Xingyi’s punch.

Apart from sore eyes, tinnitus and dizziness, what made Zixiu suffer most was the burning pain in the face, which almost kept him up all night. Now he had trouble even in chewing, so instead of getting up to have breakfast, he groaned, lying on the soft couch.

As soon as Nangong Du stepped into the princess’s bedroom in the morning, he saw Zixiu moaning in pain with dark circles under his eyes and a swollen face.

Out of surprise, he immediately walked over. “Darling, what happened?”

The second bet started!

“Your Highness, your humble consort is alright. It’s just that I bumped against the corner of the table by accident last night…” Zixiu deliberately put on a pathetic, frail look while speaking, but not to buy Nangong Du off, to win his sympathy or to seduce him as some ugly shrew had said maliciously. He knew that Nangong Du might doubt his motives if he was eager to bitch about Xingyi. Zixiu had seen that there were five obvious finger marks on his cheek when he looked into the mirror just now, so he was certain that Nangong Du could tell he had been slapped.

Needless to say, Nangong Du was full of suspicion at this point. He turned aside with a grim look and asked, “Xingyi, what the hell is going on?”

“Your Highness, I did it!” Without even the slightest intention to hide the truth, Xingyi admitted while peeping at Ziuxiu with a fierce look as if she was saying, “B*tch, just wait and see!”

Noticing that this ugly woman was challenging him, Zixiu glared back fearlessly. Though he was no match for Xingyi in combating skills, he would counterattack with his wits. Anyway, he couldn’t put up with this woman anymore!

Seeing the two glaring at each other in rage, Nangogn Du had briefly figured out what had happened, but he didn’t show this on his face. “Xingyi, do you know who it is that you slapped?”

“Her Highness!” Xingyi answered respectfully. After learning her lesson, she was more cautious and would never say anything other than answers to Prince Mu’s questions.

“Then why did you pick a fight?” Nangong Du said without any emotional fluctuation, which muddleheaded Zixiu. Remaining silent, Zixiu patiently bid his time.

However, to his surprise, that hideous woman began to distort the facts against him!

“Her Highness seemed out of ‘her’ mind last night and ‘she’ even said something disrespectful to you, so I thought I had to do something to stop ‘her’!”

“Oh?” Before Zixiu could defend himself, Nangong Du chimed in, “What did Princess Liuxu do last night?”

“I hurried into Her Highness’s room when I heard ‘her’ singing a lewd song loudly and saw ‘her’ lying on the soft couch with ‘her’ hair in a mess. I advised ‘her’ not to sing out of kindness, but ‘she’ not only threatened to drive me out of the mansion but also insulted you and the empress dowager! I slapped Her Highness only to sober her up.”

“Oh, I see!” Though Nangong Du responded with a nod, he was clear that Xingyi had always regarded Zixiu as an eyesore, so he couldn’t take her word for it. He wondered how Zixiu would tell him a different story from the one Xingyi had told him. “This little brat likes singing obscene songs? Interesting!”

“Darling, do you still remember what happened last night?”