Chapter 1176

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
The fat man turned his head and glared at his boy. He said, "don't follow me. I say it's the stock of Qin's group."

Listen to the fat man so impolite scold, Lao Zhang followed his words toward the stock market a look, see has been miserable green stock seems to restore vitality, general by green to red.

"Yes, indeed." Lao Zhang excitedly stood up from the chair in the business hall. He bought 2000 shares of Qin's stock at the beginning of the year. Finally, there was hope to get rid of it. He cheered up with the crowd.

The rise and fall of Qin's stock is also the game between the two sides. Lengfeng has always wanted to raise the stock price so that it does not fall to the limit, while ye guxiong has also pulled down the stock price by various means so that it can not rise to the limit.

Both sides you come and I go, ye guxiong has been in the upper hand, pressing Lengfeng. After a few days of fierce fighting, Lengfeng is also at the end of the storm. When he is frustrated, he is encouraged by Qin Xueqing, and then he gets a little relaxed.

He has been trying to make sure that the stock price does not fall to the limit before the market closes. In this way, it means that he has lost. When the market opens again tomorrow, ye guxiong can announce in front of TV reporters that he will fully acquire Qin group.

At that time, Lengfeng will no longer be able to resist ye guxiong's purchase plan, and Qin's shares will fall to the price of cabbage, allowing ye guxiong to buy it at a very low price.

Li Xing looked up at the wall clock. It was already half past two. He encouraged Lengfeng: "there is still half an hour left. We must support it."

Lengfeng's painful hands supported his head, grasped his hair, glanced at the market and said: "through all kinds of shows, ye guxiong must have put all his bets in the last half an hour. It's hard for us to resist his final attack."

"We should have confidence, elder martial brother. No matter how difficult it is, we will survive." Li Xing patted Lengfeng on the shoulder and encouraged him.

Lengfeng raised his head and said something to make Li Hang puzzling: "in any case, you have to live bravely, and I will bear all the responsibilities."

Li Xing was stunned. For a moment, he didn't know how to answer.

"You are right. No matter what the result is, I will make the last effort." Lengfeng doesn't want to pour cold water on this intelligent younger martial brother. He is too young to be destroyed because of this.

Li Xing solemnly said to Lengfeng: "elder martial brother, you can do it, believe me!"

"The market seems to have changed!" One operator's eyes were wide open, pointing to the number jumping on the screen and shouting, which attracted everyone's eyes, including Li Xing and Lengfeng who were talking.

The stagnant financial and investment department was boiling up.

Cold peak incredible, looking at the index of the beating market, shaking his head: "is this a miracle?"

The unexpected situation made Li xingle laugh. He clapped his hands and said: "I didn't expect that such a magical thing would happen. Is God helping us?"

"It won't be God who is helping us. It must be someone who is helping me behind my back." Lengfeng is as calm as ever. When everyone laughs, he can make such a calm analysis.

Li Xing thought of what Qin Xueqing had said to them just now. He asked Lengfeng with a puzzled face: "could it be Lin Tian?"

"Do you think Lin Tian did it?" Lengfeng also remembered Qin Xueqing's promise to them at first. After thinking about it carefully, he suddenly realized: "it seems that only Lin Tian can do it."

Li Hang just saw Lin Tian in a hurry at the last shareholders' meeting. He looked so ordinary. How could he have such magic power? He couldn't believe that he said: "this innocent Lin can be so magical?"

"Of course!" After the last battle, Lengfeng had no more admiration for Lin Tian. After this battle, he was speechless and gave Li Xing a very positive reply: "this boy will always have a magic stroke."

Li Xing looked at Lengfeng's firm words and asked no more questions. He moved his eyes to the market. With the fluctuation of the market, the stock price rose all the way like a chicken blood, and his heart began to jump.

He suddenly thought of some inexplicable ideas in his mind and said with a smile to Lengfeng, "elder martial brother, do you think ye guxiong will point at the market and curse his mother?"

Lengfeng swept away the haze. He was also in a good mood with a smile on his face. He would not refuse Li Xing's jokes. He replied humorously: "of course, he will not only curse his mother, but also kneel down and wail!"

The joke of asking and answering was originally a joke, but it turned out to be a prophecy. When ye guxiong was in the investment department, he was so angry that he lost his former calmness. He pointed to Li Fan and said, "what do you do for food? How can you be beaten back? "

Li Fan also felt aggrieved and muttered: "after a few days of exploration, we have known the strength of the Qin family for a long time. Now we look at the market and find that there is a mysterious and powerful force injected into the market, and the speed is so fast that we are caught off guard..."

Ye guxiong did not wait for him to finish, shaking his hand is a slap in the face, sternly scolded: "don't tell me this, now there are 15 minutes, you just answer me, can you pull it back?"

Li Fan was slapped in the face, his mind was beaten to a blank, he was completely speechless, muttered: "I'm afraid... Maybe..."

After listening to his nonsense for a long time, ye guxiong knew that he was hopeless. He didn't expect such a situation when he was ready to order the last blow to Qin's family, which was far beyond his expectation. Unexpectedly, he really had a crash impulse.

Looking at the rising market all the way, he had a kind of heart bleeding pain, forced the order and threatened: "no matter what, you must try your best to recover the loss, no matter how much, you must pull back a little for me, otherwise, I will chop you up and feed the dog!"

Li Fan shivers. He knows that ye guxiong is a man who does what he says. There is a cool air running straight behind his back. If he wants to change his boss, he will not do it at most. But in the face of Ye guxiong, he doesn't dare to have this idea, for fear that ye guxiong will be killed.

It won't be long before a man's body is found in the moat of Yanjing. Needless to say, it's Li Fan himself.

"Brother Xiong, you can see that I have no credit, I have hard work, and I have fatigue. Please forgive me this time!" Li Fan is still begging for mercy, and there is still a quarter of an hour left. Caught off guard, he has been beaten to a blank in his mind. Let alone fight back, he can't do anything about how to get back. Now he has to ask for ye guxiong's forgiveness.

Ye guxiong is quite irritable. He slaps him in the face and hits Li Fan heavily again, which makes his mouth bleed and his teeth fall off, and makes Li Fan completely silent.

"Somebody, drag him out to feed the dog." Ye guxiong points at Li Fan loudly and orders to the bodyguard.

The bodyguards, who have been watching coldly, come up with two burly bodyguards, one on the left and the other on the right, holding Li Fan's arm, and drag him out. Ye guxiong's madness completely shocked everyone.

Everyone was stunned and looked at the angry ye guxiong, who was silent. They lost their command again and didn't know what to do in the face of sudden situation.

Ye guxiong yelled at them in a murderous manner: "all work for them. Who dares to say more nonsense, see? Li Fan is your end. "

The crowd was silent. They didn't know what to do.

Time passed very well. In a twinkling of an eye, we heard the bell of closing the market. We were as relieved as primary school students when they heard the bell after class. They wanted to leave the bloody place and the cruel man ye guxiong.

Ye guxiong took a look at Qin's stock, which was already in the trading position, and limped on the seat. He didn't expect that the victory or defeat was on the front line. It was too fast for people to accept.

"Who can tell me how much I lost?" Ye guxiong leans on the cushion of the seat and rushes to the bottom of his hand. A group of people are waiting to reprimand him. They wave their hands and ask.

Everyone looked at each other, and no one dared to reply, for fear that ye guxiong would drag him out and kill him.

Their silence was even more intense. Ye guxiong's face turned red. He immediately jumped up from his seat and scolded, "I'm asking questions. Doesn't anyone dare to speak?"

A thin young man with glasses, for everyone's sake, had to sacrifice himself to stand up and say: "brother Xiong, you lost about 150 billion..."

Ye guxiong's face turned pale. He was so confused that he didn't know what to do. For a long time, he said with a sad smile: "I lost about 150 billion..."

Although Ye Gu's family is deeply rooted, 150 billion yuan will hurt everyone. Ye Gu Xiong didn't expect that he was still making money an hour ago, and he lost so much money in a flash.

The stock market is really frightening. Its ups and downs are like bungee jumping. It's really hard to accept.

When the man with glasses finishes his reply, he waits for ye guxiong, who is just like a wounded beast, to get angry. After waiting for a long time, he doesn't have any reaction. Everyone looks at each other, and no one dares to gossip, for fear that ye guxiong will be angry.

"Well, you all go out!" Ye guxiong finally said after a long silence.

Hearing these words, everyone's heart has been hanging like an amnesty, but out of caution, they still look at me and I look at you. No one dares to go out first, for fear that ye guxiong will turn his face.

Seeing that they hadn't responded for a long time, ye guxiong felt a surge of anger. He grabbed the cup of water to drink and whipped it to the ground, saying: "give me the hell out, otherwise, don't go out one by one!"

They all stopped talking. They came out with their heads down and their movements were uniform. After a while, only ye guxiong was sitting alone on the floor tiles of the office area. He looked depressed and his eyes were dull.

"Why is that?" Ye guxiong is constantly asking himself, but there is no answe