Chapter 886

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
They had established an unbreakable relationship before, and had not seen each other for a long time. They were not lonely talking and laughing all the way, and soon came to Xu's private farewell garden.

"You, Mr. Xu is waiting for you in the old place. I won't go in with you if I have other things." Li Zhengyang turned his head and said to Lin Tian.

Lin Tian nodded knowingly, pushed the door open and went out.

When he came to the box, he found Xu lying on a bamboo chair with his eyes slightly closed. There was a neat tea set in front of him, waiting for him long ago.

"Mr. Xu, are you looking for me?" As soon as Lin Tian saw Xu, he did everything he could to be cute.

Old Xu's eyes were still slightly closed, and he didn't seem to hear it.

Lin Tian is still sitting next to him, stretching out his hand to take Xu's pulse, carefully diagnosed.

Seeing that he was no longer talking, Xu felt funny in his heart and said in secret, "this boy has so many tricks."

Then he couldn't hold on any longer, and finally asked, "what's the result of your diagnosis and treatment?"

Seeing that Xu finally opened his mouth, Lin Tian no longer made a pretentious diagnosis and treatment. He told the truth: "just now I just had a rest and didn't feel your pulse."

"You..." old Xu was angry with him and said, "smelly boy!"

Lin Tian went over to please him and said, "Mr. Xu, you are in such good health that you need to be treated?"

Xu stopped fighting with him and said with a straight face: "OK, OK, let's talk about something serious."

"I don't know. What do you mean by serious business, Mr. Xu?" Lin Tian said with a smiley face.

"It's said that some time ago, you won a great victory over Korea and Taiwan. As a result, now it's a matter of paying homage to your teacher, isn't it?"

As soon as Lin Tian heard that Xu was also following the news recently, he immediately admitted, "it's true that the embassies of these two countries even have the magic power to take the upper route to put pressure on Tang Qiuhong, and let me agree to accept them to visit their teachers..."

If Xu thinks about it, he will not speak any more.

Seeing that he stopped talking, Lin Tian was surprised and said, "old Xu, did you hear something?"

Xu takes a look at Lin Tian with approval. The reason why he always thinks highly of Lin Tian is not only his excellent medical skills, but also his low-key character. What's more important is his talent, steadiness and intelligence.

"Have you ever thought about why South Korea and Taiwan are so anxious to learn from you?" Instead of answering, Xu digs off the topic.

When Lin Tian heard him ask this question, he understood most of it in his heart. What does the old man have to remind himself?

As soon as he thought of this, he seriously replied: "at first, I just felt that the two countries, South Korea and the island, were just trying to save face by deliberately turning the challenge into a teacher worship. But after thinking about it carefully, he thought it was wrong..."

Xu also did not interrupt, patiently listening to him continue to finish after the words.

"They have to make me agree to them at all costs. Is it just to save face? The price is too high... "

Before he finished, Xu couldn't help interrupting: "if it's you, what are you going to do?"

"If it were me, I would declare that the delegation is a non-governmental organization, they can only represent individuals, and all their actions have nothing to do with the official, right?"

Lin Tian's words hit old Xu's heart. He said with a smile: "you are really smart, but have you ever thought about why they do it?"

Lin Tian nodded and said, "I've been thinking about this problem these days, and I think of two points roughly."

"Tell me about it." Xu Laofa's interest is full, even the corner of his mouth with a smile urged.

Lin Tian said, "first, they want to learn from their teachers and alienate me from my team..."

"How do you say that?"

"In view of the delicate relations among China, Korea, the island countries and the three countries, there has been no information about the controversial contradictions in history. Recently, the fishing island incident caused some angry youths to criticize South Korea and the island countries, and once I accepted them, it also made angry youths lose their words and turn their respect to me into hatred. If there were any of them who would not like me at all, It's even more abusive, which damages my image. "

"You care about your image now?" Xu's sudden question is very meaningful.

Lin Tian shook his head and said, "Mr. Xu, I don't care about personal gains and losses. Moreover, for me, I can accept even if I have been criticized. But now, Minister Tang Qiuhong of the Ministry of health is trying to build me into a brand image of traditional Chinese medicine, so as to boost the declining traditional Chinese medicine. Now is the critical moment. If my image is damaged, Then it will directly lead to the damage of the image of traditional Chinese medicine, leading to failure. "

Old Xu's eyes flashed bright, and the smile at the corner of his mouth became more and more obvious, but he still didn't intend to interrupt the boy's words, and patiently looked at him.

Lin Tian picked up the tea cup in front of him, took a sip of tea, moistened Runfa's dry throat, put down the tea cup, and continued: "second, I suspect that they can't interfere with me by paying homage to their teachers, and then backhand."

"What does that mean?" Xu was confused by Lin Tian's words.

Lin Tian said seriously, "I've accepted them as apprentices. At that time, they will have another medical exchange meeting. As their master, I certainly can't interfere. They can go in the name of other Chinese countries, or even in my name. In this way, they can not only attack Chinese medicine, but also ruin my reputation everywhere. This is a plan of killing two birds with one stone, It's really chilling to think about it... "

Old Xu burst out laughing. He was very happy, and Lin Tian was puzzled.

"Mr. Xu, how did you smile?"

Old Xu laughed, sat up and straightened his wrinkled clothes, and said, "you are so smart. You think the problem is dripping. Originally, I was worried about you, but I didn't think it was my worry."

"But..." Lin Tian listened to his praise, not complacent, admitted: "although I think of their next step plan, but I haven't thought of how to deal with, and, they expect the enemy first, as soon as they come up to the upper line, they don't intend to give me a chance to turn over, the so-called step backward, step by step backward, the current situation makes me very backward."

After listening to what he said, Mr. Xu thought about it and thought it was the same thing. He said, "I've inquired about it through some acquaintances. Some people have taken advantage of it, which makes it difficult. Now we can't move the briber. Once he moves, he will scare the snake, which affects our whole plan. So, We can only think of another way now. "

Lin Tian didn't ask who was the recipient of the benefits in Xu's mouth. Of course, he understood the truth that some words should be asked and some words shouldn't be asked. However, Xu was really moved by his consideration.

Moved, but also more puzzled, surprised: "Xu old, there is something, I do not understand, can you tell me?"

"But it doesn't hurt to say so!"

"I don't have any conflict of interest with you. At most, I've saved your life. If you had saved your life, you would have done it long ago, but you are still giving the greatest support. I want to know why? Do you really want to see me fly as high as Uncle Li said

After Lin Tian said the problem that puzzled him for a long time, he felt relieved.

Xu said with a smile: "in fact, I don't think so much about it. I just think you are about the same age as my grandson, but you are more capable than him. Therefore, you can't help but love your talents and think about doing things for you."

To tell the truth, Lin Tian was not satisfied with Xu's answer, but he could see that Xu was really helping him. He didn't hide any selfishness, and he didn't ask for anything. Lin Tian thought Xu could be trusted just for this.

"Well, no matter what, Mr. Xu, I believe you." Lin Tian said solemnly.

Mr. Xu waved his hand and said, "don't be polite to me. Anyway, I'll be on your side."

"Thank you

"Smelly boy, I'm still so polite." Xu glanced at him, laughed and scolded, then continued: "later, don't go to the theatre with me. If someone is coming in the evening, I'll introduce you."

"Who is it?" Xu's solemnity aroused Lin Tian's curiosity.

Mr. Xu said with a smile: "it's an old friend of mine. I heard your name and know you are good at medicine. I strongly want to get to know you. This evening's dinner was also bought by him."

The more mysterious Xu Laoyue said, the more magical Lin Tian felt. To say that the water in Yanjing is very deep, and there are a lot of heads in all aspects. In addition, Lin Tian has been really sharp recently, so it's normal for someone to want to know him.

Anyway, Lin Tian did not ask any more questions. He sat by Xu's side and watched the Kunqu Opera "Peony Pavilion" performed on the first floor stage.

The full name of "Peony Pavilion" is "the story of Peony Pavilion reviving", which is called "four dreams of Yuming hall" together with "the story of purple hairpin", "the story of Handan" and "the story of Nanke". The play eulogizes the spirit of young men and women's bold pursuit of free love and resolute opposition to feudal ethics, exposes and criticizes the hypocrisy and cruelty of Cheng (Cheng, Cheng Hao) and Zhu (Zhu Xi) Neo Confucianism, which is "preserving heaven's principles and destroying human desires", and forms an impact on the ideological and cultural autocracy in the declining period of feudal society.

More importantly, the Peony Pavilion is the representative work of Tang Xianzu, a Daqu artist in Ming Dynasty.

Lin Tian doesn't know much about Kunqu Opera. However, he who has read history has also heard of Tang Xianzu. Besides, he has nothing to do with the old man except to watch the opera. He has a deep heart and enjoys watching it.

Before he knew it, it was getting dark, and the mysterious figure in Xu's mouth came to the surface. This made Lin Tian feel a little excited. Li Zhengyang also finished his work and stopped his car outside the gate of Xiangsong to meet them.

"Who is the man that Xu said?" Lin Tian helped Xu and kept thinking, "do I know him? Still don't know! "