Chapter 677

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
Another day later, the weather is not as good as Ma Jun's going to the palace to see the queen of England. The weather is as beautiful as that. Thick black clouds are like lead in the sky and in everyone's heart.

Heavy, gloomy, there is a kind of heavy that people can't move.

In front of the Royal Court of England, there were a lot of people.

They come from all walks of life in Britain, including workers, students, media workers, and the upper class nobility.

At the beginning, no one thought that the case of Lin Tian would attract so many people's attention.

The media reporter is very strange. A person who was in front of the Westin International Hotel, with his superb medical skills and personality charm, spared no effort to save the patient from the pain, is also such a person.

A man of high moral character, a man divorced from vulgar tastes, a man that can not be ignored

Some people are born to be admired, others are born to be forgotten.

Since the day Lin Tian was framed in the prison, London, England, which is as calm as water, immediately burst into a frying pan filled with water. There are a lot of speculations about this event on major websites.

That led to a surge in the number of people participating in the discussion, resulting in the paralysis of the server.

No one thought that it was the attention of the masses that attracted the attention of Elisabeth III.

The police car escorting Lin Tian and Tang Ya slowly drove to the royal court. As soon as it appeared, it was attracted by the crowd waiting here. The local people turned into fans of Lin Tian and followed the police car.

There are tens of thousands of police cars struggling in the crowd, which is the grand occasion of Elisabeth III's parade in a float car. Today's protagonist Lin Tian, however, rides in a police car in the crowd and is worshipped.

In fact, a big question mark in people's hearts is like a heavy mystery, as heavy as the weather at this time.

Those who have met Lin Tian are certainly impressed by his virtue, while those who have not met Lin Tian are, of course, intrigued by various speculations in the noisy media. They all want to see Lin Tian.

Like Michael, the rock star. Jackson caused a sensation in the city, so much so that attention came.

"It seems that this time, a lot of people are paying attention to it." Tang Ya is sitting in the police car escorted by Lin Tian. She sees the mountain like sea of people outside through the window and says to Lin Tian.

To tell you the truth, Lin Tian was also surprised. He didn't expect that his being framed would attract the attention of all aspects of London, so that this trial has become a superstar trip.

But he laughed, shook his head and said, "I don't know why. Maybe..."

While speaking, a person's figure shakes in his mind, which makes him sexy. Even the smile on his face is seducing.

"Is it her?" Lin Tian looks at the crowd outside and murmurs to himself thoughtfully.

Of course, if he mumbled thoughtfully, he would not tell others. Tang ya just guessed some clues from his spare time.

Finally, the police car stopped at the gate of the royal court, escorting Lin Tian and Tang ya to push them with no expression on their faces, indicating that they would enter the court for trial.

Lin Tian and Tang Ya were not shackled, but dressed in casual clothes. They walked to the court easily under the escort of riot police, and their appearance was completely unexpected.

They don't understand how the character who appears in the mainstream media can be so relaxed and casual in the face of the coming trial.

What should I call this young man, doctor? criminal? Still a mystery man!

People use curiosity to look at Lin Tian walking in front of them, even with a trace of awe and curiosity in his eyes, but Lin Tian is so gentle, even with a smile of affinity.

The crowd that surrounded Lin Tian naturally divided into two groups and a main road.

Lin Tian walks into the court while people are watching. After Tang Ya and him, she feels his strong popularity. Her eyes start to have a layer of fog.

Lin Tian and Tang Ya were riot police officers came to the trial court, here has been crowded with people, as soon as they appeared, they heard someone's call.

"Lin Tian, are you ok?"

"Lin Tian, I'm trying to save you!"


The voice came from watching Xi Su Mengxin. With her were Cao Bing, Yan Dongyang, and nalasha, a group of more than ten people. Even the brave brother of the underworld came to listen with more than ten younger brothers.

Lin Tian waved to them with a smile, indicating not to worry. But at this point, how many people present are not worried?

"Please be quiet!"

The young court policeman, who was present to maintain order, stopped the second daughter with a facial expression. Before the judge appeared, he didn't want the order in the court to be too disorderly and was reprimanded by his superior.

Su Mengxin spits out her tongue and quickly closes her mouth for fear of being upset by the court police.

Lawyers from both sides of the prosecution and defense have entered the court with their assistants. The defense's representative for Lin Tian is Ma Jun's personal friend, song Shiping, who is the gold medalist. According to various rumors, he has not been defeated in the lawsuit so far.

He looked calm and confident. He didn't seem to worry about failure at all, which coincided with Lin Tian.

Judge House finally came up from the backcourt in an anxious waiting. Today, he was very serious, wearing a black and red judge's Cape inlaid with gold, wearing a wig symbolized by nobility, and showing his sacred dignity.

He didn't look like a cynical Playboy in another court. He had a stiff face and a detached and inviolable temperament. He went up with the other judges.

The highest and most central position of the bench is his exclusive position, shining with the court emblem above his head.

When it comes to the emblem of the Supreme Court, it was promulgated by the heraldry court in October 2008. The emblem is round in shape, with the word "the Supreme Court" written on the top of the outside, and a symbol representing the ancient Greek letter Omega below( Ω) And pounds( ♎) It's the outer ring.

It implies the end and fairness respectively; Inside the outer ring are painted Tudor roses representing England, leek leaves representing wells, flax representing Northern Ireland and Thistle representing Scotland. The four branches and stems are tightly linked to form the inner ring of the emblem. On the top of the round emblem is the crown emblem representing the British monarchy.

Under the badge of fairness and justice, there are always dark and evil which are hard to cover up.

"The court is now in session!"

House sat on the throne of the grand judge, picked up the wooden hammer, knocked heavily on the board on the table, and preached in front of the public.

**** ****

Oxford University School of Medicine

Winnie cooperates with Professor Heinz to dissect the corpse, which is highly rotten and stinky. Winnie and Heinz wear masks and carefully examine the corpse.

"Professor, what's the matter? How can the corpse rot so fast? And how can he have a bomb on him?" Winnie could hardly believe her eyes if she had not seen them with her own eyes.

Professor Heinz was not too surprised. He had found out from the virus tested previously that the virus had strong reproductive power. Of course, Winnie knew that. The only thing she didn't know was that the mutation ability of the virus was amazing.

It is highly corrosive and destructive.

"Winnie, how did this body come from?" Heinz asked, frowning and looking up at Winnie's face.

Winnie, of course, would not hide anything from Professor Heinz who had been helping her, saying: "Professor, it has been rumored that he was killed by Lin Tian. As for how he got it, it's thanks to brother Yong's great efforts to dig it out of a remote woods."

"Brother Yong? Who is he? " The more he listened, the more confused he became. He asked in a confused way, "and what does he have to do with this?"

To tell you the truth, how does brother Yong and Lin Tian know each other? Winnie really doesn't know, but as long as she can save Lin Tian, she can't care much.

After a long time of groaning, Winnie couldn't explain clearly, and Professor Heinz didn't ask any more questions. She moved her eyes to the corpse, pointed to the crisscross scars on the corpse with surgery, and said: "the third rib on the left side of the body's rib is a fatal injury. From the perspective of muscle structure, this person's physical fitness should be super strong before he died, and his flexibility is amazing, The killer should not be Lin Tian. "

Previously, because of academic reasons, Lin Tian had a problem with Heinz. Winnie has always been worried about it. However, Professor Heinz seriously analyzed everything out of his rigorous academic attitude. Now I see him again. She can't help but let go of the fact that she is so serious about it.

Heinz did not finish what he said. After a pause, he continued: "but..."

Winnie listened to his words in a turning point, can not help but a tight heart, slightly nervous raised her head, asked: "Professor, what's the problem?"

"I really don't understand how the bombs were implanted into the bodies of the dead and what their purpose is?"

I don't know if Professor Heinz is too old-fashioned. Even the questions he says make people laugh and cry.

"Professor, can we discuss this?" Winnie heart has been flying to the beginning of the trial, how she hopes to be able to take Professor Heinz to attend together soon, and prove Lin Tian's innocence by the professor himself.

Professor Heinz's reputation and status, what he said, will be believed. The more she thinks about it, the more excited she is. She can't help holding his hand and is about to run outside the laboratory.

To her surprise, Heinz opened her hand and said seriously, "Winnie, don't you think something is strange?"

Winnie looked at Heinz in bewilderment. It was obvious that she didn't understand why the professor insisted on it.

"The bomb didn't explode for some reason. It's strange that he didn't know why the bomb was planted with his skill?" Heinz is a very strict person, for things he can't understand, he always has to get to the top.

Winnie also bowed her head and said nothing. She was a smart girl, and she was very favored by Professor Heinz. With a little more effort, it suddenly occurred to her that there seemed to be something hidden that they ignored.

"You mean..." the more she thought about it, the more frightened she felt, and her face turned white.

Heinz see her inquiry, very naturally nodded, back: "this is a conspiracy, Lin Tian is just a bad luck."