Chapter 523

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
Of course, Qin Xueqing has a way to deal with it. After a few words of patient coax, she turns her anger into joy and sits in front of the computer to operate it.

When it comes to the use of computers, she handles a lot of office documents, or she plays card games. But when it comes to licensing, she asks herself that it can't be achieved even after ten years.

The tiny white hand key of the license is like a flying click on the keyboard, and the computer screen soon enters the interface Qin Xueqing had never seen before. They all stare at the screen, and no one dares to disturb the little computer prodigy's thinking.

Before long, permittee's hand stopped, looked at the screen and muttered to himself, "the security level is so high!"

Permissive murmur is not strange to Qin Xueqing, her company also has the problem of security authority, usually the young man of network department helps to deal with it, today, it makes her worry: "then how to do?"

Permit can look up, small face crowded into a ball, said with a smile: "rest assured, the higher its security level, the more happy I am."

As a hacker, it's a kind of honor to break through the defense that the other party thinks is an iron wall, and permissive is just so happy. Not long after, she began to attack the firewall in various ways.

About five minutes later.

Di of a, permit can shout a way: "I finally broke."

Qin Xueqing couldn't help but look forward to the screen. It's Wang Jiji's ERP system that they can break through. It's the information provided by this system that they get what they want to know.

Qin Xueqing stared at the screen for a long time and said, "it's a delicious group."

"What a delicious group?" Snow White has not heard of this group, can't help but strange mouth asked a way.

Xiao ling'er saw more delicious after three words, look also become particularly dignified, half a day before she said: "this group is the Tang family's company."

"What? "The Tang family?" How could she have never heard of the Tang family, who is in business and politics in Yanjing? When she heard permission, she felt like a big head.

Qin Xueqing's face is also a little dignified. The instigator of Wang Jiji's sales is the Tang family, which surprised her and made her feel reasonable. You know, the Tang family has always been at odds with Lin Tian.

However, this time the use of means is very special, unexpectedly, to produce a more exactly the same product, help the blue sky group to sell together, and the profit is not a cent.

Most of you are cautiously optimistic about the pie falling from the sky. If you are careless, the pie may become a trap. What's more, it's the Tang family who is behind the scenes.

"What on earth do they want to do?" This question has a big question mark in their mind.

When Qin Xueqing's daughter thought hard and failed, she said, "here's Wang Jiji's formula. Do we want to copy it?"

Bai Xue takes a rough look. Although Wang Jiji's ingredients are similar to those of Jiaduo, he always feels that there are some problems. As for the problem, he can't explain it clearly for a while, so he urges permission to say: "help to copy it. I'll give it to Lin Tian to have a look."

Permission can also not speak, hands and feet will be a quick copy of the formula, not to paste, heard the computer alarm.

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Xiao ling'er asked.

Permission can paste down the formula, and then, after closing the web page, slowly replied: "they also have experts, they have found that I have broken their system and are searching for our whereabouts."

"What about that?" Xiao ling'er is a little flustered.

Permission can be back with a clear mind: "it doesn't matter, I've covered up our address, they can't find us!"

"Are you sure?" Xiao ling'er has some unbelievable problems.

It can be seen that she didn't believe it. She deliberately straightened out her abnormal chest and said, "I swear in the name of chest."

"What bullshit oath, always take the chest to say things." Xiao ling'er is very discontented, stare permit can one eye, sour said.

Permittee didn't care and said, "of course, I have breasts, hips and culture, not like you..."

"What's the matter with me?" Xiao ling'er was like a cat trampled on its tail. He burst into a rage and said, "coco, I'm fighting with you..."

In one bedroom of the mansion, clothes were scattered on the scarlet carpet, underwear was also thrown on the floor, and a couple of men and women stripped naked on the bed were fighting hard, their posture was changeable and their patterns were various.

The moonlight is bright outside, but the heavy curtains block it all. The room is full of lust. I don't know who's mobile phone is ringing. The noisy voice obviously disturbs the sex of the men and women who are lingering in the room.

"Your phone is ringing!" Meiji looks at a ringing mobile phone on the ground and says to the fighting Tang Xiao.

Tang Xiao's Kung Fu was so good that he ignored it and said, "don't worry about it. Let it ring for a while."

Today, the mobile phone seems to be determined to make it difficult for him. It keeps ringing all the time, which makes Tang Xiao lose interest. He has no choice but to get off the horse and pick up the ringing phone on the ground naked.

"That one!" Tang Xiao is obviously not in a good mood.

Words more or less with some gunpowder smell, but he did not expect that the end of the phone, seems to be even more vigorous than his anger, immediately replied: "you son of a bitch, how to answer the phone now?"

If others want to scold Tang Xiao, he will certainly scold him back. But if someone on the phone scolds him, he can only smile and say, "grandfather, I'm sorry. I'm sleeping soundly."

Lying on the bed, Meiji sits up and listens to the conversation between Tang Xiao and Tang Laozi. Meiji's naked figure is shining in the bright moonlight. Needless to say, it's just her bloody figure that brings disaster to the country and the people.

"Do you know that the company's ERP system has been invaded?" Tang Master said to Tang Xiao, his words were dignified and unquestionable.

Tang Xiao is surprised. He doesn't care about the intrusion of the company's ERP system. It belongs to the scope of technology. The group can manage it by raising a group of technicians at a high price every year. The only surprise to him is that it will disturb the old man. What does it mean? Does it mean that

Tang Xiao's heart was startled, and he quickly explained: "grandfather, listen..."

Before Tang Xiao had finished speaking, he saw Tang Laozi saying, "listen to me first. I didn't care too much about the routine reporting of group technical experts, but there is one thing that makes me very strange, so I need to ask."

"That's what I want to say to you, too!" Paper can't hold fire. Tang Xiao decided to tell the story.

"Say it! I'd love to hear your explanation

"Do you think the strange thing is that we sell but transfer the payment to another unfamiliar account?" Tang Xiao asks tentatively, before he knows Tang's attitude, he is not convenient to disclose more details.