Chapter 174

Name:Amorous Doctor Author:Xia Yi Liu
Lin Tian nodded and walked to the direction of the police car surrounded by the police officers. Xie Bo's body was soon transported back to the police station by the forensic medicine department. Evidence was collected at the scene and further research was done in the future.

Surrounded by the police, Lin Tian gets into the police car, and he is lost in thought. Xie Bo is killed. He feels that he has an unshirkable responsibility. Guilt and self blame make him not in a high mood. However, according to the current situation, he has no clue and has been falsely accused as a murderer.

Along the way, I was thinking about the cause and effect of the whole thing carefully, even when the car arrived at the police station.

"Get out of the car and don't dawdle." Lin Tian from the nearest police impatiently urged.

Lin Tian did not pay attention, his thoughts are still immersed in the cause and effect of the whole case, did not hear the police urge.

"Are you damn deaf?" The young policeman saw that he didn't pay attention to himself. He got angry and kicked Lin Tian.

Lin Tian was kicked by him. He raised his head. His eyes flashed with a strange light. He sneered and said, "why do you want to kick me?"

"What's wrong with kicking you? Not convinced? " The police officer saw that Lin Tiandong didn't move either. Instead, he questioned himself and swore.

"Very good!" Lin Tian slowly stood up, light said.

Seeing his appearance, the police couldn't help getting angry. Just about to kick him again, they were pulled down by the police around them. The leaders in the police station were all there. At least they had to be restrained. Otherwise, when something happened, no one would help them.

"Come on, let's go." The policeman who kicked Lintian gave him another push and cheered. Lin Tian is also speechless. He follows the police and enters the public security building.

One side of the middle-aged police officer for the police to Lin Tian do everything, did not say a word to help Lin Tian.

I don't know how many turns I took. Several policemen took Lin Tian to an airtight room and pushed Chu Tian to a water pipe. They handcuffed one side of the handcuffs to the water pipe and didn't give Lin Tian a chair, so they let Lin Tian stand.

"Just stay here." Said one of the policemen, and walked out of the room with several others.

Lin Tian is very angry. He thinks that these policemen have gone too far. They have neither asked nor tried. They arbitrarily regard themselves as prisoners, even handcuffed to the water pipes. He thinks that they must teach these unscrupulous policemen a lesson when they have a chance.

About half an hour later, the middle-aged police officer in a uniform and the policeman who just kicked Lin Tian came into the room. Two people sat down behind a table. The policeman picked up his pen and asked seriously, "name."“ Lin Tian“ Age. "“ 22。”

Later, he asked some ordinary questions one after another, and Lin Tian was very cooperative.

"Why did you show up at the scene of the crime?" The middle-aged police officer threw out a serious question and said, "I hope you can answer honestly."

"I got a call from Xie Bo, saying that he found my parents' remains and wanted to give them to me." Lin Tian replied calmly.

"Then why did you kill the dead?" The middle-aged policeman asked unexpectedly.


For such a question, Lin Tian really disdains to answer

Seeing that he ignored him, the middle-aged police officer raised his voice and said, "be honest, don't run away from the problem!"

"You tied me up and asked me to answer truthfully. Can I understand that you are extorting a confession by torture?" Lin Tian looks at the middle-aged police officer and asks without fear.

The middle-aged police officer gave a wink to the policeman who kicked Lin Tian. The policeman nodded knowingly, put down his pen and got up to turn off the monitor in the interrogation room.

"Just now it was a normal trial, and then it was torture." The boy just let himself eat in front of so many people. The middle-aged police officer was tired of Lin Tian for a long time. This time, while there was no one around, he had to take the opportunity to teach him a good lesson.

He took the electric rod from the wall of the interrogation room, pressed it, and turned on the key. He saw the sound of the electric current coming from the electric rod crackling, showing a ferocious smile and saying: "now you answer honestly, so as to avoid suffering. If you don't say..."

The sound of the electric rod crackling again was self-evident.

"What can I say? What I just said is true Lin Tian has no fear and answers calmly.

"Boy, you can't come to a good end if you have a hard mouth." The middle-aged policeman saw that Lin Tian would not let go all the time, so he took the electric stick and hit Lin Tian with it.

Lin Tian with extremely angry eyes to fight back, word by word said: "believe me, you will pour bad luck."

For Lin Tian's advice, the middle-aged police officer not only did not have any consciousness, but also angered his extremely fragile self-esteem, saying: "I will not have bad luck, it is not clear at present, a little clear is that you will have bad luck."

**** ****

Xiangsong Club

It's a clubhouse that imitates the garden architecture of Suzhou. In an ancient mansion, Mr. Xu leans on the reclining chair. He is the only one in the big hall. Naturally, this clubhouse is also his property.

The old man liked quiet and didn't like the disturbance of people coming and going, so he asked the club to suspend business for one day, so that he could listen to the children's play in it. If you want to talk about the business of the club, it's full of people coming and going. All the people who come and go are rich or expensive. It's busy all day. Let alone one day, even for a short time, the loss is tens of thousands.

Money, for Xu, is just a symbol. When people get old, they lose their perseverance in money. They learn to spend money when they are young. More importantly, they enjoy the fun of life. After all, time does not spare people. Who can guarantee how long they will live?

When people get old, they will be willful like children and do whatever they think. For example, the old man wants to listen to the opera very much now, so he stops the club for a day. Please come to Yanjing to sing some very famous parts of Beijing opera for him.

Mr. Xu is open-minded. His generation should have all of them. On the contrary, he will miss the past events and people. For the person who has saved his life, he often talks about it. Affection is the foundation of life. The old man often educates his children and reminds himself.

The whole person leans on the reclining chair, very comfortable and lazy. He gently shakes the reclining chair, sips tea, listens to the opera, and his hands hang down to beat the rhythm of the opera from time to time.

At this time, Li Zhengyang came in in a hurry. If he had been with the old man for such a long time, he was clear about the old man's temper. He would not disturb him until he had to.

The old man narrowed his eyes and did not blame Li Zhengyang for his recklessness. Listening to the play, he asked absently, "what's the matter?"

Li Zhengyang looks a tight, dare not have half of the careless answer: "according to the police station there came the news, Lin Tian was arrested."

The old man's squinting eyes suddenly opened, revealing the essence opposite to his laziness just now. Li Zhengyang was really scared and looked at Xu anxiously.

"Why?" Xu always talks very briefly, especially when he is in a bad mood.

"It's said to be murder." Li Zhengyang did not dare to play tricks in front of the old people.


"Well, kill!"

The old man suddenly stood up and angrily grabbed his favorite purple clay teapot, which was placed next to him. He was so angry that he threw it on the ground. The teapot immediately fell apart and heard him scold: "confused."