Xiao Yu's mother frowned even tighter after hearing the supermarket staff's words.

She began to wonder if it was as the staff said.

However, the idea could be quickly thrown away by her.

There will never be such an intelligent robot. Even the largest company focusing on robot research in the world can't launch such an intelligent robot, let alone in China.

The supermarket staff pressed the open key on the eggshell.

When Xiao Yu finished according to her words, a crack appeared in the middle of the white metal eggshell.

Everyone in the luxury area stared at the egg.

Even the manager.

His whole heart was hung up. After knowing the functions of these robots and talking about an important cooperation, he couldn't wait to come here to see the robot.

A bang.

The upper half of the eggshell fell to the ground and made a very clear sound.

With the roar of a lion.

The sound is very realistic.

The little girl who was afraid had jumped into her mother's arms and cried.

A lion like robot climbed out of the eggshell.

Ran to Xiaoyu's feet and rubbed it.

Xiao Yu knew that this was his robot to accompany him. He didn't feel afraid. On the contrary, he felt that the robot was very gentle.

The lion's rough voice, "brother."

Xiao Yu is the only child. Hearing this, he grinned and rubbed the hair of the lion robot. "You will be my brother in the future. I'll give you a name and I'll teach you for hours."

The lion robot happily circled around Xiaoyu, "great, I have a name, I'll call hour."

Even the people around heard the happy tone of the lion robot.

There was shock in his eyes.

The manager took the lead in responding. He squatted down and said, "when you are young, will you study with your brother in the future?"

The lion robot nodded heavily, "OK."

Xiaoyu's mother asked the lion robot some knowledge, and it answered them one by one.

In just five minutes, she confirmed.

This robot is indeed much more advanced than others. It is not the words and old-fashioned expressions that come and go back. It speaks and has emotions like people, and knows a lot of knowledge. It is enough to teach her children.

She thought the supermarket staff said that just to let consumers buy robots.

I never thought it was true.

She put away the shock on her face and apologized in her voice. "I'm short-sighted. This robot is really powerful. I'll buy it."

The manager nodded, "OK, the robot has a warranty period of two years. If something happens, you can take it and we'll send it back for repair."

Xiaoyu's mother asked, "do you have anything else? I'll buy another one."

She could expect that the robot would be popular by then.

This kind of robot does not lose money if you buy more.

The manager nodded, "each person can only buy one."

"Then I won't force it."

Xiaoyu's mother took Xiaoyu away.

Other children also took their parents to buy them, and even some adults bought them for themselves.

Some people who had just entered the luxury area could not help but surround them.

Without exception, he was attracted.

For some people, this 150000 is also a large amount, so they can only watch others buy it.

Later, when the robot to new technology was copied to 500000 online, they began to regret not falling. They knew they would buy it and make a lot of money later.