Chapter 515

Name:All Heavens Return Author:逍尘子
"You mean, they were all sucked into the tripod?"

Chu Feng replied. Unfortunately, after listening, Lianfeng's second daughter was more at a loss. What kind of counseling method is it to put people into this tripod?

"Well, my tripod is a strange treasure. It has its own boundary. As the master, I can control it at will and weave the world I want. Putting them in it can be regarded as an experience."

Despite this explanation, it's a pity that the two women who only believe in science and have a fixed thinking style still don't understand. Although a big tripod is larger, how can it be said to be a world of its own?

Chu Feng could not help shaking his head and stretched out his hand to gently pat the tripod. In a moment, he saw bursts of blood light. The hundred meter high giant tripod began to shrink rapidly. In a twinkling of an eye, it had become half a foot high and suspended in the palm of his hand.

"What a wonderful treasure!"

Different from Lianfeng, Yuqin was already surprised by this magical scene, and her eyes were full of novelty.

"Let's go to my place and explain it to you in detail."


In the bustling city, GE xiaolun slowly opened his eyes and saw the familiar streets and people coming and going.

"Juxia City, what's the situation?"

I'm a little confused. Didn't I notice to gather on the playground? Why did I get here all of a sudden? I rubbed my temples, only remember these, and then I can't remember them again.

"Boom -"

When he thought about it carefully, he only saw a white light coming, the building next to him was instantly smashed, and countless bricks, stones and cement fell down.

The crowd screamed, screamed for help and exploded one after another.

"Foreign... Aliens really called?"

He was even more confused. How could he be good? Suddenly he came. What should he do?

"Xiao Lun, Xiao Lun, are you okay?"

But at this time, a familiar voice came from her ear. It was Lena. The other party was obviously eager and panting.

"Xiaolun, Taotie civilization has begun to attack and is ready to fight immediately."

"War? What war and with whom?"

"Of course, it's with aliens. Somehow, I can't contact the base. At present, we can only rely on ourselves. Next, listen to my command."

Contact is cut off, but Ge xiaolun is stunned. Do you really want to fight aliens? He'll die, okay? He has his parents. If he dies, what will they do?

"Boom boom"

Where will there be opportunities for him to think? White lights come from the nearby high-rise buildings, like fragile glass, have broken. The people in the streets are dead, injured, crying and howling.


"How's it going?"

In the room, Chu Feng stood side by side with Lian Feng and Yu Qin. In the void in front of him, the blood colored small tripod slowly turned. On the small tripod, a transparent illusion like a mirror hung, which was the action of all the members of the military company.

Lena is constantly directing the people to fight. After the loss at the beginning, she has responded. The situation is urgent. She has no time to think, so she has to rush to meet the enemy.

"What, Xiao Lun is too inky. He's still hesitating now."

Yuqin murmured discontentedly, but her mind had already been attracted by the "mirror" in front of her. She reached out and touched it gently, but it was like the water rippling and opening.

"It's really amazing, but how on earth is this done? Haven't you seen this technology?"

"This is a simple water mirror, which can reproduce the situation in real time. It's not the technology you say."

"It's not technology. What's that?"

"Have you read novels and heard fairy tales?"

"Er --" yuqindun was delayed,

"Are you really an immortal?"

In the supernatural world, the concept of God is not rare, but it is real. However, the God here refers to the gods created by scientific and technological means, collectively referred to as the God making project, which is completely different from those in fairy tales.

"These are not important. In short, after such a real experience, when they come out, they will be reborn from inside to outside." Chu Feng didn't want to entangle the topic of 'God', but said instead.

"Aren't they in danger?"

Although Lianfeng is equally curious, he also realizes that the other party is unwilling to talk more, so he doesn't ask questions, but cares about more important issues.

"Except for them, everything else is an illusion, and there will be no danger. Er - you can understand it as a virtual character in the game, NPC."

"It's still a virtual character. My brain is about to explode." Yuqin hugged her head and said angrily.

"Don't think about it if you don't understand it." Chu Feng smiled and then said,

"If it's all right, let's watch it together. It's like watching a big movie."

Yuqin nodded, and Lianfeng agreed. All this is mysterious. If you don't see them return safely, you won't be at ease.

The time flow rate of the world in Dingzhong is different, and the war has lasted for more than ten days. From the beginning of the loss, at a loss, until now, everyone has gradually adapted, and even began to numb.

Unfortunately, the gap between the two sides is too big, and the male soldiers have suffered heavy casualties. Even Ali, Rui Mengmeng and Zhao Xin lost their combat effectiveness.

"In fact, there will be scientific and technological support from the base during the real battle, and I can supply it at any time. Even if I am seriously injured, I can recover quickly." Yuqin suddenly warned.

"You're talking about the ideal situation." Chu Feng shook his head and said again,

"If the connection between you is suddenly cut off, or the other party sends elite forces to sneak into the base and kill you by force, what should we do then?"

"No... no?"

"Don't treat others as fools. If you know your existence, how can you have no means to deal with it."

Chu Feng suddenly thought of the original fate line. The devil took this idea of directly attacking the central system, which can be described as a fatal blow. All the soldiers of the company were scattered in an instant.

"Mr. Chu is right, especially in the face of high-level civilization, this situation can't be avoided. It's just a contest of pure strength, and we don't have a better way to deal with it." Lianfeng suddenly opened his mouth and agreed.

"In fact, only Xiao Lun is the real core of the heroic company. Only when he rises can this company really have combat effectiveness."

Chu Feng looked at Lianfeng in surprise. You know your feelings in your heart. Well, save yourself.

"No, Zhao Xin, they are in danger."

But at this time, Yuqin suddenly exclaimed, which immediately attracted their attention. In the picture, a team of gluttonous soldiers lurk into the wounded camp in the rear, and the purpose is obvious.

Zhao Xin and the three of them were unconscious at this time. They didn't know the danger was coming. As a result, it was blown to pieces a moment later.

"Well... Are you sure they're okay?"

Lianfeng stuttered a little, especially when she saw the other party falling in the camp, how could she not be frightened by the bloody scene.

Chu Feng reluctantly looked at each other without explaining. Then he stretched out his hand and called. The next moment, he saw three streamers flying out and falling on the ground.

Guanghua gathered. Who else could it be, not Zhao Xin, who had just been blown to pieces? However, at this time, the three people all closed their eyes, and the sound of calm breathing kept coming. It was obvious that they were sleeping soundly.

"Well... Sorry, I shouldn't have doubted you." Lianfeng knew that he was wrong and immediately made a sincere apology.

"Human nature, if you don't care, isn't it cold-blooded and ruthless? In that case, I'll find it strange."

"You mean I'm cold-blooded and ruthless?" Yuqin immediately intervened.

"Pa -" Chu Feng patted on the back of the other party's head,

"You are making trouble without reason. You watch movies seriously."

"You --"

Yuqin was almost furious. This man is really. How can he slap others on the head? Although I'm a little younger, I'm not a real child?

"I'll settle with you later."

He muttered to himself and then looked at the picture again. Because of the wounded barracks in the rear, his teammates died miserably. At this time, the remaining soldiers in the company all "broke out" and rushed to Taotie soldiers.

There are many sides in everyone's heart. When the cruel side is completely revealed, the whole person will be completely changed, and the things that were feared in the past will no longer exist.

Just like GE xiaolun, the whole person became calm and no longer had the previous panic. Like rose, with its own speed advantage, it is constantly fighting with Taotie.

The most eye-catching is Qilin. At this time, the other party has put away the sniper gun, but called out a red gold long bow. The golden streamer shoots out like a rain curtain, killing Taotie's life madly.

"Qilin summoned this weapon again. Now it seems that it is similar to your treasure?" Yuqin suddenly looked and asked.

"She used it before?" Chu Feng was slightly surprised.

"Yes, I had a competition with Lena before. Relying on this long bow caused great trouble to the other party."

"I see." Chu Feng nodded and said again,

"She has some relationship with a friend of mine. The treasure was given by the other party."

"Your friend? It's obviously not an ordinary person who can give such a powerful treasure?" Yuqin asked curiously.

Chu Feng looked at each other speechless and stretched out his hand to pull on his tied horse tail:

"Don't be so curious. Ask for everything."

"You, damn..."

Yuqin protected her hair and was instantly 'ashamed and angry'. I really thought I was a child and could not be bullied by you.

She was going to retaliate. Unfortunately, before she took action, she suddenly found that the other party smiled at her strangely, and a purple light flashed in her eyes.

All of a sudden, my mind was inexplicably dizzy. My thinking was out of control. It seemed that I was guided elsewhere and could no longer have the idea of doing it.

"You -" Lianfeng looked at her suspiciously. Yuqin somehow rubbed her temples with her hands, looking very tired.

"It's all right, we're joking." Chu Feng waved his hand and motioned the other party to continue watching. At this time, a dangerous scene suddenly appeared again in the picture, and Rosa was seriously injured

Lianfeng's whole mind was instantly attracted to the past. Rose was like a daughter to her, so she didn't care. Seeing the other party's blood and pain, I was also worried.

"You have participated in the dino civilization war. Don't you know what the real battlefield looks like?" Chu Feng comforted indirectly.

"Yuqin and I are only in the rear as assistance and have not been to the front. However, I also know that war is not a child's play, but blood and fire. As a soldier, we always have to face..."

At this point, Lianfeng suddenly sighed and stopped talking.

Chu Feng looked at the water mirror again. Due to the flow rate of time, the battle inside had lasted nearly a month. The two sides had no scruples and fought with each other with the complex terrain of the city.

The number of male soldiers in the company is too small. In the face of seemingly endless enemies, they have been reduced again. Now there are only leina, GE xiaolun and Liu Chuang left. Qiang Mei is "dead", Cheng Yaowen is unconscious, and even Qi Lin is seriously injured under the siege of the enemy.

"Ah -" seeing the moment when Rose died, GE xiaolun was crazy. He waved his black sword and rushed to Taotie to kill.


Chu Feng's heart moved. If it continued, he was afraid that several people's consciousness would collapse because of despair, but the gain was not worth the loss.

Reach out from the void and the picture disappears in an instant. Then he hurried towards the bloody little tripod in the void. He heard a buzzing sound. The little tripod shook slightly, and then several streamers flew out and fell on the ground side by side.

"Their spirit is a little tired and they need to cultivate themselves for a day. Don't let people disturb them. Just have a full sleep." Chu Feng reminded the sleepy people on the ground.

"I'll find someone to help."

Yuqin suddenly worked hard and finally broke free from the previous vertigo. At the moment, she doesn't know where it is. It must be this hateful guy.

It's too hateful and terrible. It's not too late for me to take revenge. I'd better leave quickly for the time being. He got up in a hurry and said hello. Without waiting for their consent, he ran out and left.

"With this trial, the next actual combat confrontation will become a little chicken." Lianfeng suddenly said.

"Not necessarily. You can improve the difficulty." Chu Feng said with a smile.

"You mean?"

"After a real battle, the mind has been tempered. However, it is only an illusion after all, which is still very different from reality." Chu Feng paused for a while and then said,

"The evolution of divine bodies is the key. How to stimulate their potential and promote them to upgrade as soon as possible is the most important. This time, maybe we can do some articles on it."

Lianfeng was stunned and understood each other's meaning in an instant.

"I need to discuss this matter with the general and make some changes to the original plan."


The night is as cool as water.

In the base of juxia City, Lianfeng has already returned. At this time, he is telling ducao in detail what happened during the day.

"Sure enough, Mr. Chu is not simple. No wonder he can make equal contact with angel civilization. It's the most correct thing to invite the other party this time."

After listening, ducao was very calm and experienced too much. There were few things that could 'shock' him. However, he was still very interested in Chu Feng.

The gods in the novel? He doesn't believe much. More, he thinks it should be a super technology belonging to Angel civilization. It's just that there are too many misunderstandings beyond the DeNO civilization.

"You have been with each other for some time. What do you think of others? Is it possible to stay in the super seminary or hang up your name?"

"Unlikely." Lianfeng shook his head directly,

"The other party refused very simply last time, and we don't have anything precious to attract the other party."

"I heard he brought a beautiful girl himself and became a super soldier?" ducao asked unintentionally.

"Do you mean Ali?" Lianfeng shook his head, probably guessed the general's mind, and then explained,

"It's not what you think, but..."

Lianfeng explained the whole story in detail. After listening to it, Duka Orton was stunned for a moment and then lost his smile. Well, I didn't expect this side of the other party.

"However, there is no way to win over each other. Just in the daytime, I learned a new situation." suddenly, Lianfeng suddenly said again.