Chapter 454

Name:All Heavens Return Author:逍尘子
"Impossible, how possible?"

In the mountain path, Chu Feng murmured to himself alone, looking more uncertain, as if he fell into some kind of self doubt.

Just now, somehow, he suddenly felt Luo ling'er's breath from Zheng Qingqing. The feeling was extremely strong. Except for his different appearance, it was almost ling'er himself.

In fact, if it were someone else, he would still have doubts. Maybe he was wrong for a moment. However, Luo ling'er is absolutely impossible. The strong emotional connection in the depths of her heart can never be false.

"Why is this? Are all my previous guesses true? I'm not reborn at all? Just, if so, what's going on in this living world? Are parents and little sisters fake? And why is Zheng Qingqing, a completely strange woman, connected with ling'er?"

One doubt after another, as if endless mysteries surrounded him, which was difficult to solve.

A moment later, Chu Feng returned again with a bucket.

At this time, his heart was a little gentle. Since he couldn't figure it out, he had to put it aside for the time being.

"Elder brother, did you go to fetch water?" the younger sister had left the tent, saw the bucket in his hand and took the initiative to say hello.

"The mountain spring water here is very clean. Go and wash your face." Chu Feng nodded and put the bucket aside.

"Hard work, brother." Chu Xue thanked, then took the plastic basin and began to wash.

The movement outside gradually disturbed the women, and soon they all walked out of the tent. Although I didn't make up much, I didn't feel the temptation of living.

"What are the plans for today?"

After a simple breakfast, Zheng Qingqing suddenly asked.

Chu Feng suppressed the strong wave in his heart and took a deep look at each other. Strangely, although the other party was very similar to ling'er, he didn't seem to remember him, which made him more confused.

"Don't you go back to work?"

Zheng Qingqing is currently the general director and helmsman of Xinyang pharmaceutical. There are too many jobs every day to allow too much time to be wasted.

"Why, just want me to leave?" Zheng Qingqing didn't answer, but asked with a smile.

"Xinyang pharmaceutical is still in the development stage. It can't do without you."

"I have some regrets now. I didn't agree with you and grandpa. It turned out that I completely locked myself up." Zheng Qingqing sighed.

The other party is right. She doesn't have much free time. Yesterday, I was able to squeeze out a day. I'm doing my best. If I don't go back, I'm afraid a lot of work will go wrong.

"Qingqing, can I stay? In my case, it doesn't matter if I don't go back." Zhou Xiaoling asked in a low voice.

"No, you must go with me. Otherwise, don't count on your salary and bonus this month."

"Ah, you cruel capitalist, is it necessary to exploit a poor man like me? It's inhuman."

Zhou Xiaoling strongly complained that, however, her arms could not twist her thighs, and she could only yield obediently in the end.

After a while, I said goodbye to everyone. Zheng Qingqing left with Zhou Xiaoling who was full of grievances. Of course, Chu Feng still has to follow. It's still a long way from the scenic spot. It's impossible without his escort.

"That's it. We can go the rest of the way by ourselves." having seen the buildings in the scenic spot, Zheng Qingqing suddenly stopped walking.

"All right, be safe on the road."

Chu Feng smiled and said goodbye.

Seeing the other party go away gradually, at this time, he no longer had a smile on his face, but showed a trace of unspeakable complexity. Have doubts, more reluctant to give up.


"Brother, sister Zheng, are they gone?"

"Why don't you want them to leave?"

Seeing the look on his sister's face, Chu Feng couldn't help being curious.

"Is it lively when there are many people? Now there are suddenly two less. I always feel a little uncomfortable." Chu Xue didn't hide it and replied directly.

"You, just want to play." thought it was for another reason, but unexpectedly it was this. Chu Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Well, let's get ready. Next is the time to test everyone's will."

There are two main goals this time. One is mountain climbing and the other is camping in the wild. The latter has tried in advance, on the contrary, mountain climbing has not yet begun.

"Do you want to start now?" Chu Xue was not afraid. Looking at the tall mountains in the distance, he was eager to try.

"Wait a minute." Chu Feng shook his head slightly,

"Now the dew is heavy and the road is slippery, which is too dangerous. However, from now on, you should start to prepare. Especially pay attention to sunscreen and heatstroke prevention."

After explaining some precautions, Chu Feng left alone. It's not easy to reach the top of Wolong mountain. He also needs to make some preparations.

On the other side, AI Yu's three sisters suddenly looked at each other for a moment and opened at the touch. In his eyes, there was an imperceptible color.

"It's almost time. Let's take good things, and we'll start right away." after a while, Chu Feng looked at his watch, nodded slightly, and then greeted several women.


The highest altitude of Wolong mountain is more than kilometers. It's OK outside, but the deep terrain is extremely complex. If you are not familiar with it, you may get lost halfway.

This naturally cannot help Chu Feng. When he was a child, he was a regular visitor here. He climbed the top of the mountain with his companions more than once. He was naturally familiar with the way.

"Hoo - I'm so tired. I didn't expect it to be so difficult to climb the mountain. My legs don't work."

After less than a third, Chu Xue couldn't hold on. She just felt unspeakable pain all over her body. On the contrary, although the three sisters of the AI family looked at the same charming, they all looked relaxed and did not look tired at all.

"You're too lack of exercise on weekdays, so that's why you're like this." Elle looked back and said with a smile.

"I used to be like you. I was so weak that I couldn't hold on when I walked a little longer. I began to exercise a lot later, and then I gradually adapted."

"I didn't expect this." Chu Xue was a little embarrassed. She felt that she was too useless and dragged everyone back.

Although Chu Feng was at the forefront of the team, his mind was also watching behind him. Especially the little sister, she looks back from time to time.

The other party's every move can't hide from him. At this time, seeing the situation of the other party, I couldn't help shaking my head funny. Without hesitation, he walked over.

"When we set out, we were full of vitality and confidence. Do we have to retreat now?"

"Elder brother, I'm sorry." Chu Xue also blamed herself. Instead, she corrected her spirit and encouraged herself,

"Don't worry, I'll stick to it."

"Yes, very brave." Chu Feng nodded slightly, then gently pressed several parts of the other party's body, and then said,

"Hold on for a while and have enough time to have a good rest when you climb to the top of the mountain."

Chu Xue nodded in a muddle, but there was some doubt in her head. What happened to my brother just now and how did he press it on her?

However, she didn't care too much. At this time, she just wanted to stick to it and climb to the top of the mountain with her perseverance.

The team set out again,

Perhaps it was the function of psychological suggestion. The next process was very smooth. Even Chu Xue didn't stop again. She kept gritting her teeth and moving forward.

Chu Feng cut down the dead branches and weeds in front of him and looked back at the rear from time to time. When I saw my sister gritting her teeth and insisting, I couldn't help laughing.

Before, he most certainly touched several special acupoints on the other party, but he was only able to do some relief. The other party could stick to it, which was more due to his own perseverance. This made him very happy.

"Rumble -"

Half the way up the mountain, the end is in sight. However, at this time, bursts of thunder suddenly came from the sky.


Chu Feng suddenly looked up at the direction of the sky and couldn't help sinking. It was a clear blue sky. At this time, it suddenly began to darken rapidly. After a while, it was already covered with dark clouds.

"Is it going to rain?" at this time, AI Yu suddenly approached and looked at the dark sky and asked.

Chu Feng didn't answer. He was thinking about the way to deal with it. The clouds are very thick, which is likely to be heavy rain. At present, it is in the middle of the mountain. If it is not handled properly, there will be great danger.

His eyes swept around quickly, constantly recalling the memory in his mind.

Suddenly, he thought of something and immediately said:

"Time is urgent. Come with me."

With that, the footsteps suddenly turned and walked in the other direction.

Soon, led by him, the four people went to another remote place and looked up. They saw a narrow stone cave with a diameter of about one meter on the mountain wall not far ahead.

"Cave! So small!" Chu Xue was slightly surprised and immediately looked at her brother.

"It's just that the hole is smaller, but it's still very spacious inside." Chu Feng explained and said again,

"The heavy rain may fall at any time. Let's take shelter in the cave first."

The interior of the cave is indeed spacious, but it is only relatively speaking, about the same as a bedroom. It's still a little crowded for five people to enter together.

Fortunately, the environment inside the cave is good and there is nothing dirty. Moreover, the shape of the hole is very ingenious, just concave inward, so it is difficult to enter even if it rains.

"Boom boom -"

Just at this time, the thunder sounded again, and then the torrential rain fell. It seemed that the world was covered by the rain curtain.

"I've never seen such a heavy rain before?"

At the entrance, Chu Xue leaned over. Because the hole was so small, I had to sit next to it and look at the rain outside the hole.

When I came out, I only brought a flashlight. At this time, it was closed, so the interior of the cave was dark. She didn't adapt very well, so she had to approach her brother at the mouth of the cave.

"It's really big."

Chu Feng looked out of the cave, his eyes full of doubts. From the beginning, he always felt that the rain was a little inexplicable. The weather forecast clearly said that it was sunny today. How could it suddenly rain? Moreover, the rain was too heavy and urgent, as if the river had poured out.

"I hope it doesn't last too long, otherwise it will inevitably lead to disaster."

He did not exaggerate this point. If the current rainfall lasts longer, mountain torrents and mudslides will appear as much as possible, and there will be many variables on the way down the mountain.

However, often bad things can always come true. The rainstorm starts at noon and lasts until evening, but it doesn't weaken at all.

Until the sky gradually darkened, Chu Feng looked cloudy and sunny at this time, which was really beyond his expectation.

"Call home, don't talk about the situation here, let them settle down." Chu Feng turned to his sister and ordered.

"I know."

Chu Xue nodded and began to dial. The AI sisters on one side did not hesitate and also began to report peace to their families. With one voice, they all said they were staying in a hotel at the foot of the mountain and couldn't go back for the time being. Don't worry too much.

"If we keep going like this, we're afraid we'll be completely trapped here."

Suddenly, AI Yu suddenly got up, also approached and sat down slowly. For a moment, a faint fragrance passed to his mouth nose, which made Chu Feng look slightly stunned. Eyes inadvertently look at each other, through the hazy light, you can see each other's crystal white clavicle.

Somehow, he suddenly felt that AI Yu at this time was much different from the past. His eyes and eyebrows were very pure, like ice and snow in winter. However, his every move exuded extreme charm, like a burning flame. So different two temperaments mixed together, not only do not appear abrupt, but complement each other, blend in water and milk, and swing people's hearts and souls in a trance.

"According to common sense, this thunderstorm should not last too long." Chu Feng took back his mind and immediately returned.

"Yes, thunderstorms won't last long." Ai Yu's eyes moved, echoed, and then said,

"We don't carry much with us. If the rainstorm lasts too long, it's really miserable."

Chu Feng nodded deeply. Everyone's materials and equipment were still left in the cave at the foot of the mountain. He only took some ordinary tools and drinking water with him.

Time passed slowly, and the rain continued unabated until late at night.

Chu Feng's judgment was wrong again. At this time, his heart was already very dignified. It's incredible that such a heavy rainfall has lasted for nearly ten hours and continues now.

Although the water and soil of Wolong mountain have recovered in recent years, the overall situation is still not very good. I'm afraid the whole mountain will become dangerous in such a heavy rainstorm.

"Goo Goo -"

A slight noise interrupted his meditation and turned to see that it was the little sister. The other party was embarrassed and whispered:

"Brother, it's okay. I'm not very hungry."

Chu Feng reacted that most of the whole day had passed since he climbed the mountain in the morning. He had hardly eaten anything except breakfast. At present, he must be hungry.

More than that, I'm afraid some other physiological activities also exist. However, several people are girls. Facing him as a big man, they can't solve it at all. They can only choose patience.

"I'll go out to find something to eat and won't come back in a short time." he leaned down and planned to go out of the cave.

"How about that? It's raining so hard outside. It's too dangerous." Ai Yu, not just her, said several other women.

"Don't worry, since I dare to go out, I must know." Chu Feng looked back and comforted. He didn't wait for a few people to persuade him again. Then he stepped out of the hole and gradually disappeared into the rain.