Chapter 397

Name:All Heavens Return Author:逍尘子
Spirit castle, in the hall.

The snow elf queen has settled several people in Chu Feng, but she returns here again.

Unlike the previous Grand Council, the hall was empty at this time, and only a few Elves were listed below. Moreover, almost everyone has an old face and no youth.

Of course, there are exceptions. One of them wears a black crown and a strange black robe, which is embroidered with strange runes, which is very mysterious.

Her age looked small, her skin color was snow-white, her face was cold and beautiful, but her dark eyes were as cold as ice, flashing with endless vicissitudes of life.

"I've finished everything, high priest, several elders. What do you think?" the snow elf queen asked in a very gentle tone. Obviously, she respected the following people.

"Space passage, new world?" an elder murmured, and suddenly said,

"What is the relationship between the man and the new world, and how to prove that what he said is true or false?"

"In fact, it is well proved that as long as one of us enters the new world to explore, everything will be clear." another elder suggested and said,

"However, it must be us who enter. Her Majesty must not take risks."

Snow elf queen nodded with theout objection. For the whole snow elf family, her existence is obviously more important. This is the most rational suggestion without involving feelings.

"High priest, what's your opinion?" the snow elf queen asked respectfully, looking at the black robed woman.

In the whole ethnic group, each other's identity is not much weaker than her, and even far better than her in some aspects. For example, the method of prophecy has always been the most mysterious inheritance of priests.

The high priest slowly opened his eyes. A cold light flashed in his cold eyes and said faintly:

"More than 10000 years ago, when the previous generation of sacrifice was still alive, she burned her remaining life to predict the future, and finally saw two words faintly."

After a pause, looking at the curious look of the people, he slowly spit out, "the emperor of man".

"The emperor? What do you mean?"

"Isn't the emperor of man the emperor of mankind? What does it have to do with our snow elves?"

There was too little information, and several elders couldn't help talking.

"The secret of heaven is obscure. Can mortals predict that even the high priest of the previous generation paid the price of his life to get these two words? It is a fluke." the high priest looked at the people and said,

"The purpose of the last sacrifice and divination was for the future of our family. Since we got the word" emperor ", there is only one possibility, that is, if we want to really control our destiny and have the opportunity to revenge the sea demon family, we can only rely on the real emperor."

The snow elf queen sat on the throne, and her dark eyebrows frowned slightly.

She understood the high priest's meaning. Prophecy was the secret of heaven and could not be violated. Whether to go to the new world or not depended entirely on whether the Chu peak was the real emperor or not. If not, even the best conditions can not be agreed.

However, she has different ideas in her heart. Although the secret of heaven is important, it is only the fate of the outside world. Of course, this small world is also among them.

However, if you go to a new world, does it mean that you completely jump out of the shackles of fate and get real freedom from now on.

The priest has always been stubborn and paid the price of his life. Naturally, he will not give up easily. Following the real emperor means an incomparably brilliant future.

"Has the great sacrifice ever thought that the emperor must exist in the world outside the sky? In our current situation, let alone attachment, I'm afraid we can't see everything?"

The silence of the great priest ston was also her anxiety. Moreover, not only today, I have been anxious for many years since I took office.

Every time the space crack opens, she will ask for information about the world outside the sky as much as possible. Fortunately, she has never heard of any emperor, which is why she often suffers, but she can always survive.

However, even so, tens of thousands of years later, the pressure in her heart did not reduce at all. On the contrary, it became more and more heavy due to the death of generations of snow elf people.

Yes, she is not young, but her face has been fixed forever because of the special skill of the priest.

"Everyone should know that our snow elves have a long life span, which is almost comparable to that of the ancient dragon family. Coupled with their own cultivation, tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of years are not uncommon. However, over the endless years, why are our people not increasing, but decreasing a lot?"

The snow elf queen looked sad. The meaning in her words was self-evident. I believe everyone could hear it.

After a pause, his eyes suddenly burst into a strong hatred, and he said in a cold voice,

"Because of them, the sea demon family brutally forced our family to go to the battlefield and participate in their so-called jihad. Its purpose is obvious. Isn't it to regularly clean up the power of the three races and don't give us any chance to grow?"

The hall was quiet. All the people present are the elders of the snow elf family. They have seen too many sacrifices of their descendants. Why would they feel any better.

After a long time, an elder finally said:

"Your Majesty is right. We can't sacrifice those children for an illusory future. Even if we really achieve the so-called brilliant achievements in the future, what's the significance of facing so many sacrificing people? Should we be like humans and demons?

However, we are not them. We are elves. Peace and beauty are what we should really pursue. There was no such possibility before. Now it is different. The opportunity is in front of us. Are you really going to give up? "

Such words were very negative, but they deeply touched the hearts of almost every elf present.

"High priest, do you still insist?" the snow elf queen looked at each other and asked again.

"Maybe you are right." the high priest was in a trance and seemed to struggle. After a long time, he sighed and looked a little bleak and said,

"However, the sacrifice of the previous generation, my mother, and the people who have sacrificed for thousands of years, they..."

She suddenly couldn't go on. Every life is worthy of respect. How can she ask for more because of these dead lives?

"The high priest was wrong. They didn't sacrifice in vain. How could the snow elf family remain until now without their pay?" the snow elf queen replied sincerely.

"Well, I agree with the proposal to move to the new world, but things can't be urgent. Whether the human boy's words are worth trusting or not is still two things to say. Moreover, even if what he said is true, once he moves to the other side, he will completely hand over the fate of the ethnic group to the other side. At that time, if the other side turns his face, it will be too late to regret."

The high priest suddenly stopped, looked at the queen for a moment, then looked at each other with several elders again, as if he had discussed something,

"Therefore, we must find the safest way to ensure that our family can get real asylum after migration."

The snow elf queen was slightly stunned. For some reason, she always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't understand for a moment.