From this point, we can see that the master of array is powerful. Even the master of array in the main city can't match his attainments in array. But now, what the master of array needs is not the master, but some ordinary master of array who can ascend to the realm?

This makes the demon God a little strange. If he needs it, there will definitely be a bunch of people coming here. Even it's not difficult to find Tiangong Hedao realm. Except those famous array mages in immortal realm who won't come here, other array mages basically hope to help array mages. After all, this is an opportunity to flatter them.

It's also a very good opportunity to learn. After all, it's not unreasonable for the mage to become the first mage.

Master Chen said with a smile: "in fact, I just need some people who are willing to follow me. I started to cultivate them from the realm of ascension. Later, I will have my own group of forces and strength. This is to satisfy my selfishness."

"In addition, there is room for my lotus growth array to develop. If they really learn it and have enough realm and strength, it will be of great benefit to me. Our ares group will definitely be much stronger at that time!" When master Chen said this, the swordsmen around him also noticed it. It seems that because of the appearance of Jasper light, now the Ares group has changed a little.

He said: "it's true that our ares group is beginning to change. We have only ten of us all the time, and now we have only eleven with Jasper light. For a team, we are still too weak and need to strengthen; Our own strength may not be improved for a while, but the team strength of our ares group can be improved! "

As soon as this sentence came out, all the practitioners understood what it meant. They nodded and said, "I agree with this opinion, so now they are starting to look for the target according to the requirements of the master of array?"

Jasper said with a slight smile: "in fact, I don't think it's so troublesome. You can just search according to your mind. Sometimes the effect of random search is much better than your deliberate search, so I hope you can find what you want by yourself instead of using the same method."

Jasper light's words are very reasonable. Everyone nodded and agreed. The master of array doesn't need too many requirements in the aspect of array. He doesn't attach great importance to talent and other things, so he doesn't need to care about the method of finding people. As long as he works hard, he can do it. So his method of finding people is very suitable.

But if you want to be a mage, you can't do it. If you really want to cultivate a mage, you must have strong mental strength and high talent. This is very realistic and cruel. After all, the Ares group is a very high-level team, and not any dog or cat can enter.

So now people are also looking for their own ways. Different practitioners have different ways. Swordsmen and swordsmen are very simple. They plan to go directly back to their own villa to find people. After all, they are very familiar with the villa owner.

And the mages, who need talent, don't need to worry. They don't need to go around and look for them.

Jasper light is more simple. As long as you are a musician, you can find some practitioners with musical talent to cultivate. So it is invisible to expand the strength and influence of the Ares group.

All of a sudden, the whole main city and the second city knew that the Ares group had begun to recruit people, and this hundred year old closed team began to add fresh blood. Even some practitioners in the realm of longevity volunteered to join the Ares group themselves. After all, the strength and influence of the Ares group are not the same as they used to be, and they are getting higher and higher day by day.

Master Chen was the first one to recruit disciples, so he quickly found five master Chen.

These five mages are not the most powerful, and they are only at the middle or upper level in the realm of ascension. However, they work hard and have a solid foundation, which is why they like them.

He gently looked at the five children in front of him. He was more than 100 years old, so he was in his twenties. Even the 30-year-old mage was just a child in his eyes. He said softly, "now that you are my disciples, I will teach you what I know. As for how you use it, I don't care. After all, I don't intend to hide my knowledge. But now this place is the city of our Zhanshen regiment, so you also need to help me build the big formation here!"

In other words, the five mages are also very excited. You know, they are building a city with their own knowledge. This is an unprecedented challenge and training. It's basically a big happy event. No matter what they think, they make money.

And the most important thing is that they can communicate and learn face to face with the mages in front of them. They have even been recognized as members of the Ares group, not to mention how happy they are!

They immediately respectfully said: "thank you, teacher!"

After finding the center of this area, the array Master said, "this is the central area of this place, that is, the array is needed here. Now can you tell me about the basic theory of array construction?"

A 20-year-old woman respectfully said: "teacher, there are three steps to build an array. The first step is to conceive, the second is to outline, and the third is to absorb spirit. Then it starts to work."

The mage nodded and said, "yes, it is, but which part do you think is the most difficult?"

At one time, the five mages all gave different answers, but two mages chose the same answer, that is, the idea.

Everything is always difficult at the beginning. The idea of an array needs to be in accordance with the favorable time, place and people. It needs to satisfy all the things you have, your materials, your environment, your existence, and the problems you have to overcome. If all these can be solved, then the idea is complete.

However, there are too many aspects that Gou wants to involve. It's just like the city in front of him. It's so empty that they don't have any ideas and goals. What kind of array should they use, how to use it, and how to maximize the benefits of the array?

These all need to be carefully conceived and conceived, so many array mages are stuck in the conception. If the conception can succeed, then the next two steps are the problem of time and technology.