Chapter 21

Name:Alien agent Author:家中的老鼠
The phantom changed face again and became a boy with a pale face and a sick face.

The village head said, "my child, the name of Muyun can't be used any more. The people of Shenwu college already know your name. I'd better change it."

This is exactly what phantom means. He didn't like the name of Twilight cloud. Although he is used to being called Twilight cloud by others, he still thinks that the phantom is the most suitable for him, because only this name represents his identity and can prove that his phantom has not disappeared.

He said faintly, "well, I'll call it phantom in the future."

"The phantom? Well, it's good. It suits you very well. But is this name a bit overcast? Or sunshine? moonlight? Starlight? "Masculine?" The village head takes all kinds of masculine names for the phantom.

"Er..." The phantom looks at the village head in black. His skill of naming is not so weak. In order to avoid the village head's endless silence, the phantom quickly said, "it doesn't matter. Let's call it the phantom. I like the name very much!"

The shadow also stood on his shoulder and nodded in agreement with the name of the phantom, because only it knew that the phantom was always called this name. It once heard the boss talking to himself. At that time, the boss thought it could not understand what he was saying!

Finally, the three decided that the enrollment of Shenwu college in three days' time will be decided by phantom and gowardesh. However, they will not go out together, which will only arouse the suspicion of others. They will meet again after they are inside, so that they can muddle through.

Soon three days later, the phantom and Gowa came to the back of Shenwu mountain. Some of them have seen gowardesh come with the traitor who destroyed the crystal ball of Shenwu Academy. When they saw gowardesh, they paid special attention to his surroundings and found that they didn't see the traitor before they gave up.

As Fenghua XueYue and the two elders announced that it was time, all the children came to the entrance of the ten big formations, waiting for the examination. The phantom stood not far away from gowardesh, and they followed the big team into the big formation.

"Well, I said, why do you look so sick? So you want to come to Shenwu college? I think you'd better go home and raise your body bones, or else you're not tired to death in the battle? Don't blame me for not reminding you then! " One looks very strong child disdains to look at the phantom to say.

The phantom just grinned, did not answer, and continued to walk inside.

"Gee, it's true that everyone dares to come to Shenwu college to take an exam these days. I really don't know the superiority of heaven and earth!" The stout child saw that the phantom didn't pay any attention to himself. He muttered again and walked inside.

As soon as he went in, a gorgeous tiger as tall as a dozen battles, tens of feet long and as big as a hill appeared in front of everyone. All the children were frightened. The tiger in front of them was obviously not a wild animal, but a real Warcraft. It looked like the lowest level was two. Almost all of the children are first-class warriors. Suddenly, they are scared to face a second-class Warcraft.

"Roar!" Tiger looked at the many children roaring, bursts of fishy wind came, smoked all the children straight want to vomit. Some timid children peed in their pants, crying all over the place. The first level warrior was reduced to food in front of the second level Warcraft.

All the children ran back to get out of the entrance. All of a sudden, there was chaos here. Some children fell to the ground, while the children behind them ran directly to the children who fell to the ground. In an instant, a large number of people were injured. The phantom and gowardesh ran back with the crowd without hesitation. When they finally came to the entrance, everyone was shocked.

The original entrance is gone, there has become a vast sea, in the sea there are countless water magic fish are opening their mouths, eyeing the children.

Immediately, all the children were numb. It was really that there were pursuers in front of them and then there were interceptions. For a moment, the cry was loud. These are seven or eight year olds, some of them are only six years old. Where have you ever seen such scenes? Even the phantom's heart was trembling. She could not help muttering. No wonder the enrollment of Shenwu college is very strict. It seems that this is really the case.

But it shouldn't be like this. These are the accomplishments of first-class warriors. It's impossible for the academy to take the second-class Warcraft as the test standard. There must be something strange in this.

When the phantom is in a state of uncertainty, the tiger behind has come to the children's back. At this time gowarden is in front of tiger, tiger raised a big paw to gowarden. If this paw hits Gouwa, he will be broken to pieces immediately.

As the boss of gowardesh, phantom naturally can't see his little brother fall. But time was running out, and it was too late for him to remind Gouwa to stay away. And the phantom cherishes the brotherhood with Gouwa and touchstone village. As an agent in the previous life, he has no friends at all. Friends are just a noun in his heart.

Friends made in the process of carrying out the task will never meet again once the task is completed. And he did not dare to reveal his heart to anyone, because in the world of agents, only he is the most trusted person, and anyone except himself may stab you in the back.In his previous world, there was only one constant task. Apart from that, he has no relatives, no lovers, no friends, everything is just himself. In fact, he is very lonely in his heart. He is also a person and needs normal interpersonal relationship. However, he has no such qualification because his identity does not allow him.

But in fact, his heart is very eager to have pure friendship, so he especially cherish the friendship with these brothers. At the moment, seeing Gouwa about to be killed by the tiger, he had to save himself. He instantly turned around, jumped up, and jumped in the direction of Gouwa. At the same time, he yelled, "be careful!"

When gowardesh heard the reminder of the phantom, he turned around and saw the tiger behind him. It was too late to dodge. He felt numb from head to mouth Seeing the tiger's claws enlarging in front of him, he closed his eyes in despair, waiting for himself to be crushed by the tiger.

Between lightning and flint, the phantom has come to Gowa's back. He kicked the tiger's paw directly, and then pushed the Gowa out of the tiger's attack range. Put yourself under the tiger's claw, the body again a flexible rotation, the other leg kick to the tiger's right eye.

Bang, the phantom of a leg knot solid kick in the tiger's right eye, "roar!" The tiger roared up to the sky. The huge sound wave made all the children tremble. They could not help but bow down to worship. Some of the children with weak cultivation just knelt down on the ground.

The phantom takes advantage of the tiger's unbearable pain and raises one leg to kick its other eye again. Bang, the phantom's foot kicked into the tiger's left eye. Then the phantom's body whirled in the air again, with one leg, and the other foot directly kicked the tiger's forehead.

Bang, the tiger burst into pieces in an instant, and a large blood fog appeared in the air, which disappeared in the air in an instant. And the sea that originally appeared at the entrance is gone, and everything returns to its original appearance. At this point, the phantom knows that it's all illusions, not real. No wonder he just felt something wrong.

Gowardesh rushed to the phantom in an instant and said excitedly: "boss, thanks to you, otherwise I would be finished!"

The phantom waved and said, "let's go!" He continued to walk forward.

After learning that the tiger and the sea were just illusions, all the children behind them immediately patted their chest with lingering fear, and at the same time, they were grateful to see the direction of the phantom. If it wasn't for the sick child just now, they didn't know how long they would be confused in this dreamland?

For a moment, the phantom became the idol of all the children. Even the stout child who used to laugh at the phantom at the entrance of the battle came over with a red face. He lowered his head and said with embarrassment: "this brother really can't see how powerful he is. I was so stupid just now!"

"Nothing!" The phantom still doesn't care and smiles. At this time, all the children surround the phantom in the middle and inquire about the hero one after another What's the name? What's the origin?

"He's my boss. His name is mu The phantom Gowardesh almost said the name of Muyun. Fortunately, at the critical moment, he changed his words in time. Otherwise, God knows if these children who were just praising his boss would turn around and attack him in a flash? You know, as long as you catch the twilight cloud, you can directly enter the talent class of Shenwu college. What a big temptation and puzzle?

"Phantom, there are many difficulties here. Why don't we all go together?" Said one of the children aloud.

"Well, let's go together and break out together!" The phantom does not refuse. There are many people and great power. There is always no harm in it.

After the incident just now, all these children are the first to look forward to the phantom, and a team of 5000 people continue to walk forward. Suddenly, more than a dozen first-class Warcraft appeared in front again. There are blood wolf Unicorn dog, golden mastiff dog and so on. With the experience just now, all the children are not afraid this time. They rush to the Warcraft with a howl.

But this time is different from the last time, Warcraft in front of the group of children rushed to see, suddenly roaring also rushed to the group of children. Dozens of people who rushed in front of them were rushed into the air by Warcraft. Many children were directly pierced by the fangs of Warcraft. Blood was spilled all over the ground, and there were endless wails and screams.

In an instant, all the children retreated again. The phantom carefully watched the dozen Warcraft in front of him. He was sure that this time it was not an illusion, but a real Warcraft. All of a sudden, he cried out in the crowd: "don't panic, we have thousands of people. Are we afraid of these ten animals? They are also first-class Warcraft. As long as we work together, we can kill them! "

In this group of runaway children, the phantom of this sentence played a stabilizing role. All of a sudden, most of the children no longer run away, but stop to look at the phantom. Just now, he found that those were illusions before. Now all the children choose to believe in the phantom.

Standing in the crowd, the phantom, like a general with thousands of troops, yelled: "we are divided into dozens of small teams, with 50 people in each team. We are responsible for besieging a Warcraft. Each team only needs to attack for ten breaths, then withdraw immediately, and then another team will take over. In this way, we can quickly solve these ten Warcraft with minimum consumption. When the time comes, roast these Warcraft and eat them. They're all flesh and blood medicines. They can strengthen muscles and bones! "