Chapter 1503

Although the words of fire dance are very indifferent, no matter she or Cao Ke, there is a kind of inexplicable sadness rising in her heart. After all, they have been together for such a long time. Even if there is no clear relationship, there must be a lot of feelings in it. What is to say that it is so easy to separate?

In Cao Ke's body, Qi Lin, the spirit of fire, who knows both Cao Ke and fire dance very well, claps his hands when he sees that everyone's atmosphere is a little dull, and says in a loud voice, "OK, OK! Things haven't developed to that point. No matter how much we worry about it, it's superfluous! Who says that after Huang Qiming's death, the spirit of fire dance will disappear? Now that Huowu can live in jiuzhuanlingshi safely, it's over to let her live there in the future! In this way, Cao Ke also has a lot of time to find an effective way to revive the spirit. Everyone is happy

Of course, Cao Ke and Huowu can hear the real meaning of Qilin's words about the spirit of fire! Yes, even if it's a thorny and difficult idea to revive the spirit body, it's better to have hope than no hope at all!

The situation of fire dance is much stronger than that of Linglong at the beginning! Because of the jiuzhuan spirit stone, the spirit body of fire dance is absolutely intact. Unlike the exquisite soul, it has been severely damaged. It is relatively easy to revive. In addition, the emperor Tianfu of the dead world has indeed made great efforts to create a flesh body that is very similar to the real person. Cao Ke knows all this very well, At the same time, it also provides convenient and effective conditions for him to revive Fire Dance smoothly in the future! In theory, there is no problem at all!

With this understanding, Cao Ke and Huowu's heart was slightly stable.

Qilin fire spirit saw that his consolation had an effect on Cao Ke and Huowu, so he quickly turned away from the sad topic and asked Huowu, "after you fell into the Hongjiang river? What happened? This nine turn spirit stone necklace won't grow its own feet. I'll take you to Cao Ke's face and offer myself to him, won't I

Cao Ke and Huowu couldn't help looking at each other and laughing. Then Huowu continued: "after I fell into the Hongjiang River, my dead body was rushed by the torrent of the Hongjiang River and floated down quickly! The experts sent by Huang Qiming to hunt me down saw that I could not survive any more, so they simply discussed it, gave up the idea of salvaging my body, and went back to recover my life with Huang Qiming. "

"In this way, I don't know how long it took. Anyway, I was in a daze. I had a few sleeps in the space of jiuzhuanlingshi, and then I felt that my cold body was lifted up by a pair of powerful arms, and came to the stable ground from the ups and downs of the surging Hongjiang river."

"Through jiuzhuan Lingshi, I saw that the man who saved me was actually an old friend of our Xuanyuan family, Mr. Sheng hufei, who was called" Sheng Lao "by my father! This surprised me, calling Sheng Lao at the top of my voice, hoping to attract his attention. "

"However, at that time, I obviously ignored the fact that I was just a spiritual body and lived in the closed space of the nine turn spirit stone. Even though I yelled through my throat, Sheng Lao still didn't realize it. He was still saving my body with concern and anxiety to see if there could be a miracle to revive me."

Cao Ke curled his lips and said, "Mr. Sheng is also a dead brain! Even if his cultivation is more powerful, this person has been dead for so long, he also has no way at all! What's the waste of that energy for? It's better to see if you leave any clues, such as finding your spiritual body hidden in the nine turn spirit stone! "

Fire Dance white Cao Ke one eye, way: "you don't look down on the old, his efforts to save me, is to express his concern for me that! Today, whenever I think of his appearance at that time, I feel very moved in my heart Besides, while saving me, he also found the nine turn spirit stone on my neck! What a well-informed man Sheng Lao is! Immediately through the shape and shape of the nine turn spirit stone, accurately guess its origin

"Soon, Sheng tried to communicate with jiuzhuan Lingshi with a little mental strength! Cao Ke, senior Qilin fire, you don't know how excited I was when I heard Sheng Lao's spiritual voice in the space of jiuzhuan spirit stone Finally, I got in touch with a person I can trust. Finally, I was able to talk about my experience in this period of time with others. I was almost suffocated! "

"After listening to my narration about Huang Qiming's killing Xuanyuan family, Sheng Lao looked heavy and pondered for a long time. Then he told me that as an outsider, he was not qualified and had no reason to seek revenge from Huang Qiming! If you want to get justice for the Xuanyuan family, you still need me, the only survivor of the Xuanyuan family, to do it by myself through my own strength or efforts! Only in this way can I fulfill my responsibilities and obligations as a member of the Xuanyuan family! "

When Cao Ke heard this, he nodded his head and said: "although Sheng Lao's words sound a little suspicious, what he said is not wrong at all! If you can't avenge your family, what's the point? You can't do nothing and wait for Huang Qiming to die. Then you run to the tombs of Xuanyuan's ancestors and lie that you avenged them, right? This kind of thing, still need to do personally

"Everyone knows the truth." Fire Dance sighed and said, "but I'm just a spiritual body. What can I do to fight with Huang Qiming? Huang Qiming is not only superior to me in his accomplishments, but also in his mental power. Once he discovers the existence of my spiritual body, he will launch a crazy spiritual attack on me in order to completely destroy me! "

"It's really a problem." Cao Ke felt his chin, thought about it, and said, "you really don't have a chance to win against Huang Qiming when you don't accept the help of external forces! If you do it reluctantly, it will only bring you disaster How about Sheng Lao? How does Sheng always solve this problem? Did he come up with some direct solutions for you to choose from? "

"It's not a choice..." Huowu recalled the scene and said: "Sheng Lao told me to stay in jiuzhuan Lingshi first. Then he took the necklace of jiuzhuan Lingshi and went to find a space manager named Xiao Yang."

"Xiao Yang?" Cao Ke's eyes brightened when he heard the words. He couldn't help making a finger ring and said excitedly: "I understand when you mention Xiao Yang! Everything is connected! Sheng Lao pointed out that the so-called way to help you kill Huang Qiming for revenge is to let you quietly stay in the jiuzhuan spirit stone, find a suitable opportunity to meet me who got the necklace, and try my best to help me through all kinds of difficulties. In this way, if I get your benefits, I will solve Huang Qiming for you and fulfill your long cherished wish for revenge, right? "

"... that's right!" Huowu didn't want to hide something from Cao Ke any more. After a moment's silence, he nodded his head firmly and said, "I clearly remember that Sheng had discussed with Xiao Yang, the space manager, for a long time. He thought that jiuzhuan spirit stone has the ability to take people to travel through time and space. It's very suitable to take you from the earth to Lingtian continent, a planet that pays more attention to cultivation, and, In the nine turn spirit stone, I can also play an important role in protecting and guiding you when your cultivation has not really grown up. Therefore, they use the nine turn spirit stone to design a good play of crossing... This is where you are now, Cao Ke! "

"It's all as if it was meant to be!" Cao Ke said with heartfelt emotion: "Mr. Sheng and brother Xiao are the most loyal friends of Zhou fan in my previous life. They have gone through so long and so many twists and turns to make me really grow up I'm grateful to them, and I'm also grateful to you, sister Huowu! Although you are good to me and have your own personal purpose, it doesn't matter! Because we have paid true feelings for each other! This alone is enough to make me willing to go through fire and water for you! "

Fire dance was touched by Cao Ke's affectionate words, and quickly reminded Cao Ke: "you don't have to do this at all! Compared with revenge for me, I hope you can live peacefully and happily I'm a spiritual body. I can't be like Mu Yao, Keren and Long'er. They can't really accompany you and share happiness and pain with you. This has made me feel sorry for you... "

"Sister Huowu, what do you mean?" Cao Ke frowned slightly and said, "don't you want to avenge the blood feud of your Xuanyuan family?"

"I want to..." the expression on Huowu's face was very complicated and contradictory, and faltered: "but how can I let Cao Ke take the risk for me! In the past, I had no feelings for you, and there was no psychological burden when I used to use you. But now, I regard you as my only relative. It's too late to protect you. How can I let you take risks for me! I know that Huang Qiming is so powerful. Even if your skills are greatly improved, you are still not his opponent! "

"What if it's not Huang Qiming's opponent?" Cao Ke snorted with disdain and said: "sister Huowu, you have been with me for so long. You should know that Cao Ke's killing is not just a brute force brute! Most of the time, the mind is the most important! If I really want to, it's not impossible for me to devise a strategy like exterminating the Xue family to deal with Huang Qiming! It's Huang Qiming who should be worried, not me, Cao Ke! "

It's like responding to Cao Ke. Just as Cao Ke's voice fell, a heartrending and frightening cry came out from the ruins of xuejiabao completely shrouded by the explosion smoke below: "Cao Ke! You son of a bitch! How dare you plot against me, against the Xue family, against Huang Qiming, against you! Ah