Chapter 1391

Bingfeng college was dragged into extra time by Barbie college. In order to be on the safe side, Bingfeng college will send out the strongest pelson to make sure that he can beat the opponent and advance into the final eight.

However, Bingfeng college has ignored a huge problem, that is, Persson, who has played in the previous individual war, although he has won the victory, his physical strength has been consumed by his opponent. This time, he met feigu, the captain of the Barbie team in extra time. Even if his strength occupied a certain advantage, he could not make a quick decision. Finally, he won the match, At the same time, it also ruined the future of ice college in this competition and the reputation it has accumulated for a long time. It can be said that it has suffered a heavy loss

The director of icebound college, who had been sitting in box 3 of Yuanshou arena, saw the whole process of his college being eliminated. His face was so blue that he didn't even have the mood to say hello to the team members. He left jilen city in a hurry and went back to North ice state first.

I can't help it. The instructor is not in a hurry! Big than the top 16, it means that the real "winter" of ice college is coming! The result of being excluded from the five colleges is foreseeable, so he must go back to the college quickly and inform the dean of the situation, so that the Dean can make early preparations, engage in crisis public relations, and strive to minimize the loss.

Of course, ice failure, some people despair, some people happy! This is not, watching the ice team members one by one droop their heads, gray run off the field, in the audience to watch the Murat college players, suddenly issued a burst of jubilant voice!

Everyone can see that the main reason why Bingfeng can lose to Barbie is not in strength, but in tactics! If the two sides fight again in the normal order and state, then it's not necessary to ask, those guys who are beaten so much that their parents don't recognize them must be Barbie! So, in the final eight, Murat college, which is the winner of the ice bound and Barbie competition, naturally hopes to fight with Barbie! After all, in the eyes of murats, they will never make the same mistakes as Bingfeng, so that a second rate college like Barbie can also find opportunities on their own.

Anyway, after a whole day of fierce fighting, four teams have been selected to enter the final eight in the first half of the big game. The matches between them are: oakledore college vs Qiongyun college, murats college vs Barbie college.

If we only analyze from the superficial situation, Qiongyun college has shown enough strength to challenge the five colleges, which should be able to form a certain threat to oakledore college, which has a smooth journey and has not suffered any substantial obstacles. Murats, who has lost the great enemy of the frozen college and ranks among the top five colleges, basically has no problem if he wants to defeat the unknown Babil. Even the odds of the two top eight wars given by the gambling company also prove the correctness of this analysis. Oakledore College 2: Qiongyun college 3.5, murats College 1.1: Babil college 7.7!

After seeing such odds, FA Wuchen, who has been unhappy, finally laughs! He first borrowed a million gold coins from Cao Ke, Sheng Keren and Gong Xiaoyu. Then he begged Hongdou to save money and let Hongdou take out the tens of thousands of gold coins she had saved. Finally, with the 100000 gold coins he had saved, he bet that oakledore college would defeat Qiongyun college!

Seeing the behavior of FA Wuchen, Cao Ke couldn't help but smile bitterly and said, "old fa, can't you have a bigger pattern? If you bet our college to win, you can get back two million gold coins at most. One for two is a negligible odds. What's the point of playing? Ah, look at the Barbie college. It's 7.7! I say, why don't you think about them? Maybe they can create a miracle again and knock out murats as well! "

"Get out of the way!" FA Wuchen didn't even look at Cao Ke. He said angrily: "only a fool can win the babley college! As they eliminated the kind of ice college subtotal two, so that once OK, again, it will not work! The chance that they can beat murats is infinitely close to zero. I'll take them? Don't you want to see me go bankrupt, you fellow? "

As soon as FA Wuhen's words came out, before Cao Ke made a response, those supporters of Barbie college crowded in the betting station threw angry eyes at him one after another! FA Wuhen's words not only humiliate their idols, but also ridicule those who bet on Barbie college. This kind of behavior is taboo in gambling. If it wasn't for the introverted and expert demeanor of FA Wuhen, maybe everyone would have been in a crowd and beat FA Wuhen first!

In order not to let the situation further expand, Cao Ke can only pull the law no trace left the betting station. Not far away, FA Wuhen threw away Cao Ke's hand and said in a deep voice, "are those things I just said not true? Why are those people so angry? Are they all from Barbie college? "

Caoke smelled the words and said, "how could they all be from babley college? They, ah, are holding the psychology of gambling, and are in custody at Barbie college, where the odds are the largest! Once Barbie college really creates a miracle and breaks into the top four, they will make a lot of money and make a windfall! As I told you before... And your words obviously touched their bad luck. How can they give up with you? It's very rational and restrained of them not to eat you alive on the spot! "

"I really don't understand what these opportunists think FA Wuhen frowned and said in surprise: "I bet on gambling because I am sure that I can lead oakledore college to defeat Qiongyun college! They put all their wealth on the body of Barbie college. Once they lose, they can't even take care of themselves and their families. What should they do then? "

Cao Ke shrugged, spread his hands and said: "obviously, I can't answer this question clearly, because I'm also the kind of person who doesn't like gambling. I really can't guess what the gamblers think. Maybe what they pursue is just the exciting feeling when they make a bet Oh, by the way, let's not talk about them. Lao FA, since you came to Wuxiang City, you are very interested in Dabie's bet. Do you like this way too? "

FA Wuhen shook his head and said, "I also understand the simple principle of" ten bets and nine losses ", so I always try to keep myself away from gambling and not get into it... As for the question of" why am I so keen on betting this time? "In fact, the most important reason is Hongdou!"

"You know, I've always been fond of red bean. This time, red bean was plotted and lost her virginity. I need to stand up and give her a full sense of happiness and security! However, unlike you, I'm from a poor family. If I want to promise something to a woman, I'm always weak, because I can't give red beans no matter it's a house or gold! I don't even have the money to marry her! "

"No way, I can only focus on Dabie's gambling. I know, I only have one chance, if I win the bet, I will be able to set up a home for Hongdou next to our college! From then on, we can live the kind of life we want! In order to achieve this goal, I am very careful, trying to study the advantages and disadvantages of each team, and prepare to judge the result of each game

"But I soon found out that the performance of other teams depends on many factors, such as ice college. Who would have thought they would be eliminated? If I bet my future on them, I don't even know how I died! "

"In all desperation, I can only put my last hope on our own team. As long as we can win, that will guarantee my bet. I'm sure I can make a steady profit!"

"I see." Cao Ke nodded and said: "it's just because you want to bet on us, so you've been waiting for us to raise the odds before you bet... However, now the odds of our game with Qiongyun college are only 2. Are you sure this is enough to fulfill your dream?"

"Enough!" FA Wuhen, with a smile, said: "thanks to the help of Lao Cao, Keren and Xiaoyu, the capital of more than one million gold coins! As long as we defeat Qiongyun college in the final eight, I will get a net profit of more than one million gold coins! Apart from the interest I have to pay you, I have at least one million gold coins left Oh, of course, a rich man like you won't understand the real value of a million gold coins! To buy a luxury commercial house of more than 100 square meters near our college, you need 40 or 50 gold coins at most! It's no problem to realize the promise of giving Hongdou a home! "

After hearing these words, Cao Ke immediately felt mixed feelings. He raised his hand and patted FA Wuhen on the shoulder and said, "I never thought that the grand leader of oakledore college had such a small goal and desire as" to give a stable home to the woman he loves. ". However, I believe that this is what Miss Hongdou wants you to do. I won't say much about anything else. Here, I wish you happiness in the future At the same time, Lao FA, you can rest assured that I will help you win this gamble! Take the million you desperately need! "