Chapter 1125

Standing on the head of the South demon king, the East demon king seems to be showing off. He slowly pulls his soul back. On one side, the East demon king turns his head slightly and glances coldly at the West demon king, who is leading the corpse army to fight with Cao Ke!

The West demon king didn't see the scene when the East demon king killed the South demon king just now because he was focused on fighting. But now, when the West demon king accidentally glimpses the East demon king and the South demon king, can he not know what happened between them just now?

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Then the West demon king yelled at the East demon king. The meaning was very obvious. He was questioning the East demon king: "boss, what are you doing?"?! Did you kill the third? Why do you want to kill your brother? "

In the face of the silent question of the West demon king, the East demon king is silent. He raises the sole of his shoe to wipe the remains of the South demon king on his soul. The East demon king directly turns around and strides to the direction of Nie Wuji, and simply leaves the angry West demon king alone! As if the West demon king is a transparent person!

The West demon king's hands and feet unconsciously appeared violent shaking symptoms, obviously, it is really don't understand his boss killed his third brother in the end is what more deep-seated plan To tell you the truth, if the West demon king is placed in the land of Lingtian, he is just a wild man. His mind is far less flexible than that of the East demon king and the South demon king, and he is willing to go to the top when he encounters something he can't figure out. To a certain extent, this is one of the main reasons why Nie Wuji finally chooses to use it as a stepping stone for his success and that of the East demon king!

Cao Ke, who was forced back by the West demon king, certainly saw what the East demon king had done! But what a cunning man is that, chuck? Almost in an instant, Cao Ke thought clearly about the real intention of the East demon king! Looking at Nie Wuji in the distance, Cao Ke's mouth turned, his six arms and three spears danced quickly, and soon he put down the first batch of corpses on the ground!

After clearing the obstacles, Cao Ke jumped to the side of the West demon king and said to the West demon king in a quiet voice: "ah, I say! Can't you figure out what the purpose of your boss is to kill your third brother? Hehe hehe, I said I know the reason, but I don't know if you are interested in listening to me, Lord West demon king? "

West demon king smell speech a Zheng, subconsciously turn around to stare at Cao Ke, waiting for Cao Ke to solve his doubts. Cao Ke continued in a low voice: "can't you see that? The East demon king and Nie Wuji have already discussed that they should give up you, the South demon king and the three brothers of the North demon king completely! This point, from the East demon king did not hesitate to kill the loss of resistance of the South demon king on this matter, you can see very clearly! Obviously, the East demon king and Nie Wuji just want to use the death of the South demon king to provoke you and make you fight with me desperately. Even if they can't fight me, they have to find a way to make me lose the ability to resist! In this way, when you die in my hand, the East demon king and Nie Wuji can rush forward and take me down! At that time, with such a hostage as me in hand, the war between the two worlds will not be fought casually? If the coalition forces are leaderless and fail, it will be a sure thing! "

After listening to Cao Ke's short and vague explanation, the West demon king could not help but move in his heart! Although it is a wild man, but it is absolutely not stupid! Subconsciously, even if he was extremely unwilling to believe Cao Ke, the Western demon king had to understand that Cao Ke's judgment was true at least 50% of the time!

This can make the West demon king some difficult! Is it because of the intention of the East demon king and Nie Wuji that they continue to fight with Cao Ke and do their best to hurt Cao Ke seriously, or do they turn around and take revenge for their third brother, the South demon king, to find Nie Wuji and the East demon king? The Western demon king couldn't make up his mind for a while! This led to the "strange" stop fighting between Cao Ke and the West demon king, and even those corpse armies stood in the same place as if they had lost their souls suddenly, without the next move.

This situation immediately attracted the attention of Nie Wuji! Just as the East demon king had just returned to Nie Wuji's side, before he had time to stand still, Nie Wuji was gloomy and said coldly to the East demon king: "the situation seems to have changed! The battle between the West demon king and Cao Ke didn't become more fierce as you and I expected, but stopped for a while

East demon king hears speech a startled, sneak an eye to inside to see for a while, can't help but frown a way: "shouldn't! On the second that hot temper, saw the third died in front of their own, not immediately away What's more, its two angry roars just now don't look fake? Why is it that we are now at peace? "

While touching his chin, Nie Wuji said thoughtfully: "if I'm not wrong, Cao Ke should have said something to the West demon king when he was near the West demon king, so the West demon king's attitude will turn 180 degrees......"

"You mean to say..." the East demon king said in disbelief: "do you mean that Cao Ke has understood all your plans at this time? And he also explained to the second one at the first time What can we do? If the second one is bewitched by him and goes against each other with him, what should he do if he comes to us to settle accounts

"Don't panic!" Nie Wuji said in a low voice: "the West demon king doesn't move now, which shows that it is tangled and hesitant! This is our chance Well, you go up immediately, tell the West demon king, let it take Cao Ke as soon as possible, what's the matter, wait for us to discuss after the victory of the dead world! After all, we haven't really torn our skin. You and I are still on the same front with the West demon king! Compared with the enemy of Cao Ke, it is easier to trust you emotionally! Do you understand? "

"This..." listening to Nie Wuji's arrangement, the East demon king couldn't think of any better way to come out. He only nodded his head, stepped forward two steps, and said to the West demon king: "second! What are you doing? Kill Cao Ke as soon as possible, and win this small-scale duel for the dead world and our brothers I know that you are wondering about my killing Lao San. I can tell you that Lao San has always been Cao Kean's spy in our dead world! As a big brother, I saw through the conspiracy between Laosan and Caoke, and then brought Laosan to justice! You must believe me!... "

After a pause, maybe he was afraid that the West demon king had doubts about his words. The East demon king deliberately put on a sudden appearance and continued to shout to the West demon king: "Oh, yes! I still have strong evidence of the third man's adultery with Cao Ke in the camp of zombie Legion. If you want to see it, I'll take you to see it after this small-scale duel! As for now, your main task and goal is to kill Zoke! Because only when Zoke is dead, can we get the living spirit we want smoothly! "

As soon as the voice of the East demon king came down, before the West demon king made a response, Cao Ke shook his head helplessly, slowly and carefully retreated! Cao Ke knew very well that he, an outsider, and the elder brother of the East demon king for a long time, had no equal weight and status in the eyes of the West demon king! Now the East demon king suddenly played the emotional card to the West demon king. Even if there were so many unreasonable parts in his words, the West demon king would definitely prefer to believe the East demon king! This kind of thing is not beneficial to anyone who is reasonable. The huge advantage of emotion can't be made up and crossed in many times!

Since it's useless to say more, Cao Ke naturally needs to be ready to fight again in advance Facts have proved that Cao Ke's judgment is not wrong! After listening to the emotional words of the East demon king, the doubt and confusion in the eyes of the West demon king gradually disappeared, and instead, it became a kind of determination and fierce!

"Hoo As soon as he turned around, the West demon king stared at Cao Ke with his eyes like a blade, and then with a gentle wave of his hands, the corpses standing around Cao Ke suddenly "came alive." snore He cried and rushed to Cao Ke!

Cao Ke secretly shook his head, the firetip gun danced three huge firecrackers, and the corpses would be stirred into a pile of meat and bone if they touched! There is no one who can get within three meters of Cao Ke's body and cause substantial damage to Cao Ke.

However, although these corpses are obviously not Cao Ke's opponents, one by one, but Cao Ke can't hold on to the number of corpses. There are too many corpses. Wave after wave, the corpses force Cao Ke to be in a hurry for a while, which makes him a bit overwhelmed!

The West demon king, who has rich combat experience, can't miss such a good chance to defeat Cao Ke. He hides behind the dead bodies one by one, shuttling back and forth in the dead group like a loach. In a short time, he comes to Cao Ke's back, that is, in the blind area that Cao Ke's eyes can't reach!

After a few seconds, the West demon king finally saw a moment when Cao Ke was distracted. He jumped to the left rear of Cao Ke, and his right hand was straight, like a long sword. He quickly handed it out and stabbed Cao Ke's back neck!

If the Western demon king successfully stabbed himself in the back of the neck, 99% of Cao Ke would die! West demon king of this blow, has poured into the boundless anger and strength! Even if Cao Ke has the two main protective devices, Qilin fire and jiuzhuan, he can't resist and resist them face to face