"Black... The source of black?" Seeing the unexpected change of Cao Ke, Tianfu Jun and Yang muyao, who are also well-informed, are slightly stunned! Tianfu Jun's dark eyes narrowed into two gaps in an instant, in order to hide the frightening killing opportunity under his eyes! Different from Tianfu Jun, what Yang muyao shows is a kind of ecstasy from her heart. The stronger the man she loves, the more glorious and proud she will feel. Even if she is an extraordinary angel, she can't be an exception!

"Cao Ke!" Yang muyao continued to wave the long sky sword, attacking the faceless with one move, creating continuous pressure on the faceless, and said to Cao Ke in a loud voice: "are you the black source force, but the spatial attribute? How come I haven't heard you mention that I have mastered the space attribute besides the fire attribute before? "

Cao Ke glanced at the direction of Tianfu Jun, did not answer Yang muyao's question directly, but with a deep smile, said: "I've surprised you a lot. You'll know a little bit in the future! Don't stare at your beautiful big eyes at that time! I'll be very distressed then! "

Yang muyao, of course, understood that Cao Ke's answer was to keep the emperor of Tianfu from knowing his own details, so she stopped pestering with Cao Ke on this question and said, "in that case, what are you still doing? Why don't you come up and help me deal with this faceless man? "

"Here we go!" Cao Ke crossed his hands in front of his chest, and then waved in the direction of the faceless! Just see a strong wind blowing fiercely with Cao Ke as the center, and a series of pure black space cracks, like crescent blade, are constantly generated from the front of Cao Ke, with a faint sound of thunder, whistling like a faceless person to cut off!

In terms of power, space fissure can be said to be the strongest of all element attributes! With such a large number of space cracks appearing together, even Yang muyao could not help but tremble. He made every effort to cut a sword. He also took advantage of the opportunity to get out of the battle circle and jump to the seven or eight meters away from the faceless one!

The Faceless Man, of course, deeply felt the threat from Cao Ke and the cracks in the space. He took a step forward and faced Cao Ke with his body. His arms, like tentacles, were constantly dancing, which actually built an illusory barrier in front of him!

The first space crack hit the Faceless Man's arm barrier! It's like a metal collision The sound of the sound, this space crack was smashed into pieces, in the twinkling of an eye dissipated in the air... Of course, this is not over! Next, "Ding Ding Ding!" The sound of a ring, faceless people around, but also continue to explode a black source of force "fireworks"! Such a scene, looking straight at the side of Yang muyao gaping! This is the first time that she saw that someone could fight against so many cracks in space in a positive way

Soon, the dense spacial crack attack of Caoke came to an end! I'm kidding. It's a huge consumption of source force to throw out space cracks at such a speed! Cao Ke's accomplishments alone can't last long! However, Cao Ke had obviously expected that his space fragmentation could not really hurt the faceless, so when the last space fragmentation was sent out, Cao Ke had quietly bullied himself. Almost at the moment when the space fragmentation was defeated by the faceless, he came to the side of the faceless!

The faceless man is very tall, even the 1.85 meter Cao Ke is so small! But the battle between masters, height does not play any role, in Cao Ke's view, surprise, can give their own enemies a fatal blow!

He was short and avoided the terrible arm defense net of the faceless man. Cao Ke had one hand to store his strength. First, a unicorn fireball appeared around his big hand, and then the unicorn fireball turned his color from red to black in an instant! Soon, the dark Unicorn fireball turned into a huge space crack about one meter long with electric light shining from time to time. From a distance, it seemed as if the whole space had split!

"Will you return to my place?" Ready for everything, Cao Ke roared and pushed his palms forward, pushing the huge space crack to the seemingly soft thigh root of the faceless! In fact, this is Cao Ke's real battle plan in his mind at the beginning! First of all, relying on those "painless" small space cracks, the faceless person can't see clearly, and can't know his direction and purpose at the first time. Then, he can make use of the opportunity that the faceless person concentrates on dealing with the small space cracks, get close to the faceless person, and kill the weakness of the faceless person! So as to solve the battle at one stroke!

It can be said that Cao Ke's strategy and tactics are quite successful! When his huge space crack is pushed out, the faceless one really hasn't noticed his action! With a "zizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizizi For example, the sound of electric current cutting metal and making people feel numb is exploding. The huge faceless people are hit by the huge space cracks, and they retreat three or four steps in succession, "bang" hit the wall behind them!

This time, even as the enemy of Tianfu Jun, looking at Cao Ke's eyes are full of surprise! You should know that before Cao Ke arrived at this room, Tianfu Jun and Yang muyao had fought with the faceless for hundreds of rounds. As a result, they didn't get any advantage in front of the faceless. They had to rely on the ultimate means of retreating to the watchful range of the faceless, which was very difficult to stick to.

Today, Cao Ke is able to repel the faceless at least eight levels of the way of heaven by virtue of his cultivation that has not yet reached the way of heaven. Although there are the magic power of Qilin fire and the contempt factor of the faceless, Cao Ke has reached a height that neither the king of Heaven nor Yang muyao has ever reached! This had to make the emperor of Tianfu feel a little scared. Along with the estimation of Cao Ke's strength, he was forced to raise several ranks

Of course, how the emperor of Tianfu feels about himself is not what Cao Ke should consider now! Looking at the legs of the Faceless Man, under the attack of his huge space crack, he was still intact. Cao Ke had to temporarily give up the idea of continuing to pursue and beat the drowning dog. He stepped to Yang muyao's side and carefully watched the reaction of the Faceless Man side by side with Yang muyao! Anyway, Tianfu Jun's request to them is to block the faceless and fight for more time, so as long as the faceless don't take the initiative to attack them, it can be regarded as Cao Ke's alternative victory!

The faceless man leaning against the wall emitted a burst of light black smoke all over his body. He lifted his arms to his face without anything and looked again. He found that dozens of holes had been cut by space cracks, although these holes had not cut his hard skin and really hurt his skin and flesh, But in the hundreds of millions of years that it guarded the secret room, it was the first time that an opponent who could bring harm to himself appeared, which made this faceless man's heart unconsciously ignite a raging fire of fighting!

Compared with the Faceless Man's care about the injury on his arm, he didn't even look at his soft thighs, which were cut and hit by the huge space! I don't know where a low roar came from. The faceless one immediately stepped forward and took the lead in launching a new round of charge towards Cao Ke!

"Look out!" Yang muyao is afraid that Cao Ke's cultivation will not be able to stop the fierce faceless people. She quickly holds up the long Sky Sword and strides in front of Cao Ke. A powerful source flame with a full height of nearly 10 meters bursts out of Yang muyao's body in an instant! Obviously, for the sake of her lover, the little girl is ready to show her true ability!

For the outbreak of Yang muyao, those who have no face see as if they have not seen it! After entering his own attack area, the faceless one just stabbed his sharp arm gently towards Yang muyao. Yang muyao, who was also very powerful before, was shocked. He raised the sky sword and blocked the random attack of the faceless one with the broad body of the sky sword!

This kind of face-to-face confrontation can best reflect the strength of the warring parties! The huge gap between the eighth and fifth orders of the heavenly way is obvious at this moment! Yang muyao's whole body soared under the thorn of the faceless one! And she flies out of the direction, just behind will call to the key moment of Tianfu Jun!

"No!" Cao Ke sees all this clearly, almost subconsciously. When Yang muyao flies by, Cao Ke reaches out with a hand and holds Yang muyao's waist. Then Cao Ke turns his feet with Yang muyao's momentum, and throws Yang muyao out. In this way, Yang muyao hits the target, It's replaced by the wall, not the Tianfu king who can't be disturbed!

But when Cao Ke finished all this, the faceless man had come to him successfully! Flying up a foot, faceless is almost without the slightest mercy, with his thick boots, kick to Cao Ke's belly!

It's impossible for Cao Ke to evade again! At this time, Cao Ke, for this faceless man in his heart, was quite admired! The strategies and tactics that I used to use against the faceless are now returned to me by the faceless

First, use Yang muyao to distract Cao Ke's attention, and then use Cao Ke's oversight to get close to Cao Ke and launch a fatal attack on him. This faceless person's strong learning ability shows that he is not a fool with developed limbs and simple mind!

With that way, return to the other... When the killing move comes, will Cao Ke really have to die this time