After listening to the Dragon Girl's idea, meteorite thunder directly waved his fist, patted his chest and said in a loud voice: "boss, don't worry! No matter whether you call me to go to daoshan or the oil pot, my eyebrows will never wrinkle! What's the point of hating just a few people? "

When meteorite thunder finished saying these words, none of the people at the scene actually stood up and agreed, which made meteorite thunder a little embarrassed. He turned his head to push Ramsey's shoulder, who was silent, and said: "what's the matter, Lao Sai? He always yells one by one. Now the boss really has something to do with you, so you don't dare to answer it? Scared to death? "

"Fear of death, you big head!" Ramsay took a big look at the thunder and said to the Dragon Girl, "boss, you should see the current situation. If the four of us jump down from the city wall to attack those hateful people rashly, I'm afraid it's very difficult even to get close to them, not to say whether we can kill them as we wish."

At this point, Ramsay bent his bow and took an arrow to blow the head of a zombie who was going to climb the city wall. Then he waved his hand to signal everyone to follow him to the crenel of the city wall and look out of the city. I saw countless zombies outside the city, some of them holding their hands dementia, flocking to the city gate. Even the wall of tongchui pass has been covered with zombies lying on the ladder!

Although the defensive measures on the city wall, such as giant scissors, hidden guns, rolling wood and stone, are still harvesting the lives of zombies, but the number of zombies is too many! For example, a giant scissors cut off several zombies' bodies, and instantly more zombies jumped through the defense range of the giant scissors with the help of the giant scissors! Continue to attack the city wall. What's more, some zombies do not hesitate to sacrifice themselves, but jump on the giant scissors, which not only slows down the action of the giant scissors, but also sharpens the blade of the giant scissors! Although he was cut into pieces by the giant scissors, the giant scissors will soon lose their edge, and even the blade will lose its defense

"I know!" Meteorite thunder took back his eyes, still very disdainful waved his hand, and said: "I know what you mean, don't you just want to say that there are too many zombies, we can't finish the task of killing hate? Hum! Why didn't I see you were a coward before? I'm scared by these zombies who don't even have a brain! "

Ramsay shook his head angrily and said, "brain brain, how do you mean to say that other people's zombies don't have brains? I think the most brainless person is you! What I want you to see is just the number of zombies? I'm showing you a result! "

"The result?" Meteorite thunder slightly stunned, scratched his head, obviously did not understand the true meaning of Ramsay.

The Dragon Girl hugged her arms and continued to explain for Ramsay: "as a general, it's really a bad policy to break down the moves when you see the moves. Only when you anticipate the enemy everywhere, consider the results of all things clearly, and then choose a corresponding plan that is most beneficial to you, can you be responsible for your identity and your troops, The performance of being responsible for one's own power! "

"To be simple, let's take the situation in front of us! I just heard about the specific functions of hatred. Under this premise, if we rush out of the city and take the risk to kill hatred, it will not be the best strategy for the coalition forces! Because the zombie Legion is powerful and numerous. If we go there, we will have to account for the enemy's battle. In this way, the copper hammer pass will be leaderless and give the enemy an opportunity to break it! "

"Compared with the honest defense with the help of the natural danger of tongchui pass, this strategy and tactics is obviously very risky. At least in the current situation, although we are defending very hard, we can still stick to it!" Comprehensive analysis of the above results, stick to the city is obviously more conducive to us than risk

Hearing the analysis of the Dragon Girl, meteorite thunder suddenly realized that he patted Ramsey on the shoulder with a smile and said: "you are still a little bit of a playboy! Think about the problem and see accurately and far! It's not like I'm the old man who only cares about the present! "

"You can't say that." Dragon girl suddenly changed the subject and said firmly: "the results of these strategies I mentioned are all based on one premise, that is, the person who told me all about hatred lied to me! Abhorrence does not have the strength and ability to attack the city wall! In this way, it's safer to stick to it than to take risks, because we don't have to worry about whether we can get close to our wall or not

"But did the man who told me that he hated knowledge really lie to me? Or he didn't cheat me, just took some unconfirmed news to amuse me? no It can't be like that, because I've told you that person is the one I trust most in the world! My fiance, Chuck

"Cao Ke won't cheat me, nor will he cheat you brothers who lived and died with him! In this case, the statement that "hatred has extremely terrible destructive power on the city wall" is absolutely true! From this continue to push down, stick to the advantage of the attack compared to the risk of nothing! As long as the hatred reaches the bottom of tongchui pass, it can bring its nature into full play. Once the city wall is destroyed by the hatred, do you still think it is possible for the Allied forces with their backs to the dwarf basin to continue to resist the zombie army? "

"Instead of waiting to die, it's better to fight hard first! If we fight to death, we may still have hope. If we stick to waiting for death, we will really become waiting for death! "

"So, my idea has not changed! Get out of the city and try to kill all the haters! This is the best policy now! Now, it's up to you to make the final choice! "

This time, the Dragon girl finally explained the advantages and disadvantages to everyone. In this way, Ramsay and bell naturally had nothing to hesitate about. They stepped forward in order, stood straight, put their right hand on their heart, and said in a deep voice: "we are willing to follow the eldest brother, and we will obey the eldest general's order, and we will never die!"

This kind of action, but the most solemn military salute of Cao Ke's self-made killing Star Army oath! Now meteorite thunder three people with such etiquette to answer the Dragon Girl, it is the Dragon girl to express their determination to die!

Seeing this, Longnu nodded with satisfaction and said to Ramsay, "it's not the best time for us to attack. Go and call Linghan and Lingfei."

Ramsay and meteorite thunder looked at each other, and then answered: "yes!" Turn around and go down.

Not long after that, Linghan and Lingfei came here under the leadership of Ramsey. The Dragon girl looked at her two most proud staff members and said with a smile: "later, I, Ramsay, meteorite thunder and bell will rush out of the city and try to kill the dozen haters! This task is very dangerous. In order to prevent the situation that there are no leaders in tongchui pass caused by any accident, I specially announce the general to your sisters. If I'm not here, you will take my place immediately and continue to command the Allied forces to defend tongchui pass! At the very least, we should stick to it until Krone comes back! Do you understand? "

As soon as the two sisters heard this, they immediately scrambled to say, "boss, let's go out of the city instead of you to deal with those abominations! Marshal Cao is not here, boss, you are the real backbone of us! You must not have any more accidents! "

"No noise, no noise!" The Dragon Girl shook her head and said: "looking at the whole copper hammer pass, my cultivation is the most powerful now. It's just right for me to come forward to deal with the disgust with amazing defense! In terms of strategic command, your two sisters are no less than me. Therefore, my arrangement is the most reasonable! I hope you two can understand that I'm calling you here to assign tasks to you, not to listen to your opinions! "

At this point, the Dragon Girl simply turned her back and said, "I know that you two sisters are friends with Ramsay and meteorite thunder. They are determined to die this time when they come out of the city with me!" In ten minutes, if there is anything you should say or explain, it may be the last thing I can do for you... "

Yu Lei and Ling Han, Ramsay and Ling Fei can't help holding each other's hands and looking at each other's faces for a long time without saying a word. The whole scene suddenly presents a quiet scene completely different from that of other places

Ten minutes later, the dozens of haters under the city have climbed up the slope and are about to come to the gate of tongchui pass! The Dragon girl just straightened her snow-white armor, threw her snow-white cloak which is still spotless, "miso!" He jumped to the crenel of the city wall with a loud voice, raised the sky covering blade in his hand, and said: "time is up, the enemy is facing us, brothers, follow me, rush!"

As soon as the words fell, the Dragon girl turned into a white lightning and jumped down from the city wall. The target was the hateful one at the front of the whole hateful team!

Seeing that the Dragon girl has jumped out, how can they neglect meteorite thunder? Just a simple way to Ling's two sisters: "take care!" Meteorite thunder and Ramsay, together with bell, who has been silent, follow the Dragon Girl and jump out of the city wall, and plunge into the team of disgust!

Every move on their side can't escape the eyes of Nie Wuji, who is in charge of the rear command“ Want to raid my loathsome army? Hum, I really want to blind you With the waving of the flag, the stone ghost fighting with the dragon knight and the spirit Griffin army in the sky suddenly separated several of them. They didn't know where they took out a bomb the size of a car tire and dived in the direction of the detestable army